Package org.bouncycastle.crypto

Examples of org.bouncycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException

        int count = in[in.length - 1] & 0xff;

        if (count > in.length)
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("pad block corrupted");

        return count;
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            block = data;

        if (block.length < (2 * defHash.length) + 1)
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("data too short");

        // unmask the seed.
        byte[] mask = maskGeneratorFunction1(
                    block, defHash.length, block.length - defHash.length, defHash.length);

        for (int i = 0; i != defHash.length; i++)
            block[i] ^= mask[i];

        // unmask the message block.
        mask = maskGeneratorFunction1(block, 0, defHash.length, block.length - defHash.length);

        for (int i = defHash.length; i != block.length; i++)
            block[i] ^= mask[i - defHash.length];

        // check the hash of the encoding params.
        for (int i = 0; i != defHash.length; i++)
            if (defHash[i] != block[defHash.length + i])
                throw new InvalidCipherTextException("data hash wrong");

        // find the data block
        int start;

        for (start = 2 * defHash.length; start != block.length; start++)
            if (block[start] == 1 || block[start] != 0)

        if (start >= (block.length - 1) || block[start] != 1)
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("data start wrong " + start);


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      if (forWrapping) {
         throw new IllegalStateException("Not set for unwrapping");

      if (in == null) {
         throw new InvalidCipherTextException("Null pointer as ciphertext");

      if (inLen % engine.getBlockSize() != 0) {
         throw new InvalidCipherTextException("Ciphertext not multiple of "
                                              + engine.getBlockSize());

      // Check if the length of the cipher text is reasonable given the key
      // type. It must be 40 bytes for a 168 bit key and either 32, 40, or
      // 48 bytes for a 128, 192, or 256 bit key. If the length is not supported
      // or inconsistent with the algorithm for which the key is intended,
      // return error.
      // we do not accept 168 bit keys. it has to be 192 bit.
      int lengthA = (estimatedKeyLengthInBit / 8) + 16;
      int lengthB = estimatedKeyLengthInBit % 8;

      if ((lengthA != keyToBeUnwrapped.length) || (lengthB != 0)) {
         throw new XMLSecurityException("empty");

      // Decrypt the cipher text with TRIPLedeS in CBC mode using the KEK
      // and an initialization vector (IV) of 0x4adda22c79e82105. Call the output TEMP3.
      ParametersWithIV param2 = new ParametersWithIV(this.param, IV2);

      this.engine.init(false, param2);

      byte TEMP3[] = new byte[inLen];

      System.arraycopy(in, inOff, TEMP3, 0, inLen);

      for (int i = 0; i < (TEMP3.length / engine.getBlockSize()); i++) {
         int currentBytePos = i * engine.getBlockSize();

         engine.processBlock(TEMP3, currentBytePos, TEMP3, currentBytePos);

      // Reverse the order of the octets in TEMP3 and call the result TEMP2.
      byte[] TEMP2 = new byte[TEMP3.length];

      for (int i = 0; i < TEMP3.length; i++) {
         TEMP2[i] = TEMP3[TEMP3.length - (i + 1)];

      // Decompose TEMP2 into IV, the first 8 octets, and TEMP1, the remaining octets.
      this.iv = new byte[8];

      byte[] TEMP1 = new byte[TEMP2.length - 8];

      System.arraycopy(TEMP2, 0, this.iv, 0, 8);
      System.arraycopy(TEMP2, 8, TEMP1, 0, TEMP2.length - 8);

      // Decrypt TEMP1 using TRIPLedeS in CBC mode using the KEK and the IV
      // found in the previous step. Call the result WKCKS.
      this.paramPlusIV = new ParametersWithIV(this.param, this.iv);

      this.engine.init(false, this.paramPlusIV);

      byte[] LCEKPADICV = new byte[TEMP1.length];

      System.arraycopy(TEMP1, 0, LCEKPADICV, 0, TEMP1.length);

      for (int i = 0; i < (LCEKPADICV.length / engine.getBlockSize()); i++) {
         int currentBytePos = i * engine.getBlockSize();

         engine.processBlock(LCEKPADICV, currentBytePos, LCEKPADICV, currentBytePos);

      // Decompose LCEKPADICV. CKS is the last 8 octets and WK, the wrapped key, are
      // those octets before the CKS.
      byte[] result = new byte[LCEKPADICV.length - 8];
      byte[] CKStoBeVerified = new byte[8];

      System.arraycopy(LCEKPADICV, 0, result, 0, LCEKPADICV.length - 8);
      System.arraycopy(LCEKPADICV, LCEKPADICV.length - 8, CKStoBeVerified, 0, 8);

      // Calculate a CMS Key Checksum, (section 5.6.1), over the WK and compare
      // with the CKS extracted in the above step. If they are not equal, return error.
      if (!checkCMSKeyChecksum(result, CKStoBeVerified))
         throw new InvalidCipherTextException(
            "Checksum inside ciphertext is corrupted");

      if ((result.length - ((result[0] & 0xff) + 1)) > 7)
         throw new InvalidCipherTextException(
            "too many pad bytes (" + (result.length - ((result[0] & 0xff) + 1)) + ")");

      // CEK is the wrapped key, now extracted for use in data decryption.
      byte[] CEK = new byte[result[0]];
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            throw new IllegalStateException("Not set for unwrapping");

        if (in == null)
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("Null pointer as ciphertext");

        if (inLen % engine.getBlockSize() != 0)
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("Ciphertext not multiple of "
                    + engine.getBlockSize());

         * // Check if the length of the cipher text is reasonable given the key //
         * type. It must be 40 bytes for a 168 bit key and either 32, 40, or //
         * 48 bytes for a 128, 192, or 256 bit key. If the length is not
         * supported // or inconsistent with the algorithm for which the key is
         * intended, // return error. // // we do not accept 168 bit keys. it
         * has to be 192 bit. int lengthA = (estimatedKeyLengthInBit / 8) + 16;
         * int lengthB = estimatedKeyLengthInBit % 8;
         * if ((lengthA != keyToBeUnwrapped.length) || (lengthB != 0)) { throw
         * new XMLSecurityException("empty"); }

        // Decrypt the cipher text with TRIPLedeS in CBC mode using the KEK
        // and an initialization vector (IV) of 0x4adda22c79e82105. Call the
        // output TEMP3.
        ParametersWithIV param2 = new ParametersWithIV(this.param, IV2);

        this.engine.init(false, param2);

        byte TEMP3[] = new byte[inLen];

        System.arraycopy(in, inOff, TEMP3, 0, inLen);

        for (int i = 0; i < (TEMP3.length / engine.getBlockSize()); i++)
            int currentBytePos = i * engine.getBlockSize();

            engine.processBlock(TEMP3, currentBytePos, TEMP3, currentBytePos);

        // Reverse the order of the octets in TEMP3 and call the result TEMP2.
        byte[] TEMP2 = new byte[TEMP3.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < TEMP3.length; i++)
            TEMP2[i] = TEMP3[TEMP3.length - (i + 1)];

        // Decompose TEMP2 into IV, the first 8 octets, and TEMP1, the remaining
        // octets.
        this.iv = new byte[8];

        byte[] TEMP1 = new byte[TEMP2.length - 8];

        System.arraycopy(TEMP2, 0, this.iv, 0, 8);
        System.arraycopy(TEMP2, 8, TEMP1, 0, TEMP2.length - 8);

        // Decrypt TEMP1 using TRIPLedeS in CBC mode using the KEK and the IV
        // found in the previous step. Call the result WKCKS.
        this.paramPlusIV = new ParametersWithIV(this.param, this.iv);

        this.engine.init(false, this.paramPlusIV);

        byte[] LCEKPADICV = new byte[TEMP1.length];

        System.arraycopy(TEMP1, 0, LCEKPADICV, 0, TEMP1.length);

        for (int i = 0; i < (LCEKPADICV.length / engine.getBlockSize()); i++)
            int currentBytePos = i * engine.getBlockSize();

            engine.processBlock(LCEKPADICV, currentBytePos, LCEKPADICV,

        // Decompose LCEKPADICV. CKS is the last 8 octets and WK, the wrapped
        // key, are
        // those octets before the CKS.
        byte[] result = new byte[LCEKPADICV.length - 8];
        byte[] CKStoBeVerified = new byte[8];

        System.arraycopy(LCEKPADICV, 0, result, 0, LCEKPADICV.length - 8);
        System.arraycopy(LCEKPADICV, LCEKPADICV.length - 8, CKStoBeVerified, 0,

        // Calculate a CMS Key Checksum, (section 5.6.1), over the WK and
        // compare
        // with the CKS extracted in the above step. If they are not equal,
        // return error.
        if (!checkCMSKeyChecksum(result, CKStoBeVerified))
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException(
                    "Checksum inside ciphertext is corrupted");

        if ((result.length - ((result[0] & 0xff) + 1)) > 7)
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("too many pad bytes ("
                    + (result.length - ((result[0] & 0xff) + 1)) + ")");

        // CEK is the wrapped key, now extracted for use in data decryption.
        byte[] CEK = new byte[result[0]];
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        byte[]  block = engine.processBlock(in, inOff, inLen);

        if (block.length < getOutputBlockSize())
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("block truncated");

        if (block[0] != 1 && block[0] != 2)
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("unknown block type");

        // find and extract the message block.
        int start;

        for (start = 1; start != block.length; start++)
            if (block[start] == 0)

        start++;           // data should start at the next byte

        if (start >= block.length || start < HEADER_LENGTH)
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("no data in block");

        byte[]  result = new byte[block.length - start];

        System.arraycopy(block, start, result, 0, result.length);
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            block = data;

        if (block.length < (2 * defHash.length) + 1)
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("data too short");

        // unmask the seed.
        byte[] mask = maskGeneratorFunction1(
                    block, defHash.length, block.length - defHash.length, defHash.length);

        for (int i = 0; i != defHash.length; i++)
            block[i] ^= mask[i];

        // unmask the message block.
        mask = maskGeneratorFunction1(block, 0, defHash.length, block.length - defHash.length);

        for (int i = defHash.length; i != block.length; i++)
            block[i] ^= mask[i - defHash.length];

        // check the hash of the encoding params.
        for (int i = 0; i != defHash.length; i++)
            if (defHash[i] != block[defHash.length + i])
                throw new InvalidCipherTextException("data hash wrong");

        // find the data block
        int start;

        for (start = 2 * defHash.length; start != block.length; start++)
            if (block[start] == 1 || block[start] != 0)

        if (start >= (block.length - 1) || block[start] != 1)
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("data start wrong " + start);


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        int     r = 1;
        int     t = (bitSize + 13) / 16;

        if ((block[block.length - 1] & 0x0f) != 0x6)
            throw new InvalidCipherTextException("invalid forcing byte in block");

        block[block.length - 1] = (byte)(((block[block.length - 1] & 0xff) >>> 4) | ((inverse[(block[block.length - 2] & 0xff) >> 4]) << 4));
        block[0] = (byte)((shadows[(block[1] & 0xff) >>> 4] << 4)
                                                | shadows[block[1] & 0x0f]);

        boolean boundaryFound = false;
        int     boundary = 0;
        for (int i = block.length - 1; i >= block.length - 2 * t; i -= 2)
            int val = ((shadows[(block[i] & 0xff) >>> 4] << 4)
                                        | shadows[block[i] & 0x0f]);
            if (((block[i - 1] ^ val) & 0xff) != 0)
                if (!boundaryFound)
                    boundaryFound = true;
                    r = (block[i - 1] ^ val) & 0xff;
                    boundary = i - 1;
                    throw new InvalidCipherTextException("invalid tsums in block");

        block[boundary] = 0;
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        int extra = bufOff;
        if (!forEncryption)
            if (extra < macSize)
                throw new InvalidCipherTextException("data too short");
            extra -= macSize;

        if (extra > 0)
            gCTRPartial(bufBlock, 0, extra, out, outOff);

        atLength += atBlockPos;

        if (atLength > atLengthPre)
             *  Some AAD was sent after the cipher started. We determine the difference b/w the hash value
             *  we actually used when the cipher started (S_atPre) and the final hash value calculated (S_at).
             *  Then we carry this difference forward by multiplying by H^c, where c is the number of (full or
             *  partial) cipher-text blocks produced, and adjust the current hash.

            // Finish hash for partial AAD block
            if (atBlockPos > 0)
                gHASHPartial(S_at, atBlock, 0, atBlockPos);

            // Find the difference between the AAD hashes
            if (atLengthPre > 0)
                xor(S_at, S_atPre);

            // Number of cipher-text blocks produced
            long c = ((totalLength * 8) + 127) >>> 7;

            // Calculate the adjustment factor
            byte[] H_c = new byte[16];
            if (exp == null)
                exp = new Tables1kGCMExponentiator();
            exp.exponentiateX(c, H_c);

            // Carry the difference forward
            multiply(S_at, H_c);

            // Adjust the current hash
            xor(S, S_at);

        // Final gHASH
        byte[] X = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];
        Pack.longToBigEndian(atLength * 8, X, 0);
        Pack.longToBigEndian(totalLength * 8, X, 8);

        gHASHBlock(S, X);

        // TODO Fix this if tagLength becomes configurable
        // T = MSBt(GCTRk(J0,S))
        byte[] tag = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE];
        cipher.processBlock(J0, 0, tag, 0);
        xor(tag, S);

        int resultLen = extra;

        // We place into macBlock our calculated value for T
        this.macBlock = new byte[macSize];
        System.arraycopy(tag, 0, macBlock, 0, macSize);

        if (forEncryption)
            // Append T to the message
            System.arraycopy(macBlock, 0, out, outOff + bufOff, macSize);
            resultLen += macSize;
            // Retrieve the T value from the message and compare to calculated one
            byte[] msgMac = new byte[macSize];
            System.arraycopy(bufBlock, extra, msgMac, 0, macSize);
            if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(this.macBlock, msgMac))
                throw new InvalidCipherTextException("mac check in GCM failed");


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            calculateMac(output, 0, output.length, calculatedMacBlock);

            if (!Arrays.constantTimeAreEqual(macBlock, calculatedMacBlock))
                throw new InvalidCipherTextException("mac check in CCM failed");

        return output;
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            if (!verifyMac(bufBlock, extra - macSize))
                throw new InvalidCipherTextException("mac check in EAX failed");


            return extra - macSize;
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Related Classes of org.bouncycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException

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