"java://org.auraframework.impl.java.model.TestModel", ModelDef.class);
ModelDef mDef = javaModelDefDesc.getDef();
Model model = mDef.newInstance();
try {
model.getValue(new PropertyReferenceImpl("fooBar", new Location("test", 0)));
fail("Model should not be able to getValue of a non existing property.");
} catch (Exception e) {
checkExceptionStart(e, AuraExecutionException.class, "TestModel: no such property: fooBar",
try {
model.getValue(new PropertyReferenceImpl("firstThi", new Location("test", 0)));
fail("Model.getValue() on partial matches of property names should not be successful.");
} catch (Exception e) {
checkExceptionStart(e, AuraExecutionException.class, "TestModel: no such property: firstThi",