* @throws Exception
public void testNullsForCreateIntegration() throws Exception {
Integration integration = createIntegration();
Map<String, Object> attributes = Maps.newHashMap();
attributes.put("label", "Click Me");
Appendable out = new StringBuffer();
// No component tag
assertException(integration, null, attributes, "", "", out);
// No attributes. TODO: Should be okay?
assertException(integration, simpleComponentTag, null, "", "", out);
// No locatorDomId
assertException(integration, simpleComponentTag, attributes, "", null, out);
// No stream to write output to
assertException(integration, simpleComponentTag, attributes, "", "", null);
// No local ID should be fine
try {
integration.injectComponent(simpleComponentTag, attributes, "", "", out);
} catch (Exception unexpected) {
fail("Not specifying a localId to injected component should be tolerated.");