public void testDefinitionsFetchingInTestMode() throws Exception {
Aura.getContextService().startContext(Mode.PROD, null, Format.JSON, Authentication.AUTHENTICATED);
// Obtain the definition of an application without layout and make sure the layoutsDefDescriptor is null
ApplicationDef appWithNoLayout = addSourceAutoCleanup(ApplicationDef.class,
"<aura:application access=\"public\"></aura:application>").getDef();
DefDescriptor<ApplicationDef> appDesc = appWithNoLayout.getDescriptor();
assertNotNull("Test failed to retrieve definition of an application.", appWithNoLayout);
assertNull("Application should not have had any layouts associted with it.",
// Add a new layouts file to the application.
DefDescriptor<LayoutsDef> layoutDesc = DefDescriptorImpl.getInstance(appDesc.getDescriptorName(),
String layoutData = "<aura:layouts catchall='home' default='home'>" + "<aura:layout name='home' title='Home'>"
+ "<aura:layoutItem container='content'>" + "Home" + "</aura:layoutItem>" + "</aura:layout>"
+ "</aura:layouts>";
addSourceAutoCleanup(layoutDesc, layoutData);
// We are still fetching definition in PROD mode, so it should fetch the definition from cache. So no layout def
// yet.
appWithNoLayout = definitionService.getDefinition(appDesc);
assertNotNull("Test failed to retrieve definition of an application.", appWithNoLayout);
assertNull("In PROD mode, new layout file should not have been fetched.",
// Fetch definition in TEST mode
Aura.getContextService().startContext(Mode.UTEST, null, Format.JSON, Authentication.AUTHENTICATED);
appWithNoLayout = definitionService.getDefinition(appDesc);
DefDescriptor<LayoutsDef> layoutDefDesc = appWithNoLayout.getLayoutsDefDescriptor();
assertNotNull("Test failed to retrieve definition of an application.", appWithNoLayout);
assertNotNull("Fetching definition is TEST mode should have noticed the new layout file.", layoutDefDesc);
assertNotNull("Failed to read definition from new layout file.", layoutDefDesc.getDef());