System.out.println(ConfigFile.getKey("MSG_SOURCE") + inputPath);
System.out.println(ConfigFile.getKey("MSG_DESTINATION") + outputPath);
DOMDocument doc = new DOMDocument(PROC_PATH + PROCESS_FILENAME);
String processId = doc.getAttributeValue(ELEM_PROCESS, ELEM_ID);
String processName = doc.getAttributeValue(ELEM_PROCESS, ELEM_NAME);
String processVersion = doc.getAttributeValue(ELEM_PROCESS, ELEM_VERSION);
// Starts the creation of a Unique
StringBuffer process = new StringBuffer();
process.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + ConfigFile.getProperty("CHARSET_ENCODING") + "\"?>\n");
process.append("<" + ELEM_PROCESS + " " + ELEM_ID + "=\"" + processId + "\" " +
ELEM_NAME + "=\"" + processName + "\" " + ELEM_VERSION + "=\"" + processVersion + "\">\n");
NodeList nodeList = doc.selectNodes("*");
for (int i=0; i<nodeList.getLength(); i++) {
Element e = (Element) nodeList.item(i);
String id = e.getAttribute(ELEM_ID);
String name = e.getAttribute(ELEM_NAME);
String folder = e.getAttribute(ELEM_FOLDER);
String type = e.getAttribute(ELEM_TYPE);
String xml = FileUtil.addExt(e.getAttribute(ELEM_XML), XML_EXT);
String xsl = FileUtil.addExt(e.getAttribute(ELEM_XSL), XSL_EXT);
String xsl2 = FileUtil.addExt(e.getAttribute(ELEM_XSL2), XSL_EXT);
String html = FileUtil.addExt(e.getAttribute(ELEM_HTML), HTML_EXT);
String obs = e.getAttribute(ELEM_OBS);
String append = e.getAttribute(ELEM_APPEND);
System.out.print(" " + name);
if (type.equals("xml")) {
String folderName = folder;
if (folderName.equals("") || folderName.equals("."))
folderName = doc.getRoot().getNodeName();
String xmlFileName = (xml.equals("")) ? folderName : xml;
String xslFileName = (xsl.equals("")) ? xmlFileName : xsl;
String htmlFileName = (html.equals("")) ? xslFileName : html;
String xmlFile = (i==0?PROC_PATH:XML_PATH) + xmlFileName;
xmlFile = FileUtil.addExt(xmlFile, XML_EXT);
String xslFile = XSL_PATH + xslFileName;
String optionalFolder = "";
if (!folder.equals("."))
optionalFolder = folderName + FILE_SEP;
String htmlFile = outputPath + optionalFolder + htmlFileName;
FileUtil.createDir(outputPath + folder);
System.out.println(" (" + xml + " -> " + optionalFolder + htmlFileName + ")...");
// Second Transformation
if (xsl2.equals("")) {
if (xmlFile.indexOf("*") > -1) { // It's a wildcard
File[] f = FileUtil.listDir(xmlFile);
boolean useFileNameAsOutputFolder = false;
if (optionalFolder.indexOf("*") > -1) { // Optional Folder is also a wildcard
useFileNameAsOutputFolder = true;
for (int index=0; index<f.length; index++) {
String filename = f[index].getName();
String xmlfile = f[index].getPath().toString();
String prefix = "";
if (html.indexOf("*") != -1) {
prefix = html.substring(0, html.indexOf("*"));
if (useFileNameAsOutputFolder)
optionalFolder = filename + FILE_SEP;
String htmlfile = outputPath + optionalFolder + prefix + FileUtil.removeExt(filename) + HTML_EXT;
System.out.println(" " + filename + " -> " + optionalFolder + prefix + FileUtil.removeExt(filename) + HTML_EXT + "...");
XMLUtil.transform(DTD_PATH, xmlfile, xslFile, htmlfile);
if (i>0) {
if (!append.toLowerCase().equals("false")) {
DOMDocument xmlDoc = new DOMDocument(xmlfile);
if (xmlDoc.isLoaded())
} else {
XMLUtil.transform(DTD_PATH, xmlFile, xslFile, htmlFile);
if (i>0) {
if (!append.toLowerCase().equals("false")) {
DOMDocument xmlDoc = new DOMDocument(xmlFile);
if (xmlDoc.isLoaded())
} else {
String tempFile = XSL_PATH + xsl2+ TEMP_EXT;