// if not, review the getResource so that we track which resource is defined by which CL
//iterate aspectClassNames
//exclude if in any of the exclude list
for (Iterator iterator = definitions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Definition definition = (Definition) iterator.next();
for (Iterator aspects = definition.getAspectClassNames().iterator(); aspects.hasNext();) {
String aspectClassName = (String) aspects.next();
if (acceptAspect(aspectClassName)) {
info("register aspect " + aspectClassName);
/*ResolvedType aspect = */weaver.addLibraryAspect(aspectClassName);
//generate key for SC
namespace=new StringBuffer(aspectClassName);
namespace = namespace.append(";"+aspectClassName);
else {
// warn("aspect excluded: " + aspectClassName);
lint("aspectExcludedByConfiguration", new String[] { aspectClassName, getClassLoaderName(loader) });
//iterate concreteAspects
//exclude if in any of the exclude list - note that the user defined name matters for that to happen
for (Iterator iterator = definitions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Definition definition = (Definition) iterator.next();
for (Iterator aspects = definition.getConcreteAspects().iterator(); aspects.hasNext();) {
Definition.ConcreteAspect concreteAspect = (Definition.ConcreteAspect) aspects.next();
if (acceptAspect(concreteAspect.name)) {
ConcreteAspectCodeGen gen = new ConcreteAspectCodeGen(concreteAspect, weaver.getWorld());
if (!gen.validate()) {
error("Concrete-aspect '"+concreteAspect.name+"' could not be registered");