for (Iterator i = buildConfig.getAspectpath().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
File f = (File) i.next();
if (!f.exists()) {
IMessage message = new Message("invalid aspectpath entry: " + f.getName(), null, true);
} else {
// String lintMode = buildConfig.getLintMode();
File outputDir = buildConfig.getOutputDir();
if (outputDir == null && buildConfig.getCompilationResultDestinationManager() != null) {
// send all output from injars and inpath to the default output location
// (will also later send the manifest there too)
outputDir = buildConfig.getCompilationResultDestinationManager().getDefaultOutputLocation();
// ??? incremental issues
for (File inJar : buildConfig.getInJars()) {
List<UnwovenClassFile> unwovenClasses = bcelWeaver.addJarFile(inJar, outputDir, false);
state.recordBinarySource(inJar.getPath(), unwovenClasses);
for (File inPathElement : buildConfig.getInpath()) {
if (!inPathElement.isDirectory()) {
// its a jar file on the inpath
// the weaver method can actually handle dirs, but we don't call it, see next block
List<UnwovenClassFile> unwovenClasses = bcelWeaver.addJarFile(inPathElement, outputDir, true);
state.recordBinarySource(inPathElement.getPath(), unwovenClasses);
} else {
// add each class file in an in-dir individually, this gives us the best error reporting
// (they are like 'source' files then), and enables a cleaner incremental treatment of
// class file changes in indirs.
File[] binSrcs = FileUtil.listFiles(inPathElement, binarySourceFilter);
for (int j = 0; j < binSrcs.length; j++) {
UnwovenClassFile ucf = bcelWeaver.addClassFile(binSrcs[j], inPathElement, outputDir);
List<UnwovenClassFile> ucfl = new ArrayList<UnwovenClassFile>();
state.recordBinarySource(binSrcs[j].getPath(), ucfl);
// check for org.aspectj.runtime.JoinPoint
ResolvedType joinPoint = bcelWorld.resolve("org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint");
if (joinPoint.isMissing()) {
IMessage message = new Message(
"classpath error: unable to find org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint (check that aspectjrt.jar is in your classpath)",
null, true);