volatile boolean finished = false;
public void run() {
try {
Request nextPending = null;
ArrayList<Request> toProcess = new ArrayList<Request>();
while (!finished) {
int len = toProcess.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
synchronized (this) {
if ((queuedRequests.size() == 0 || nextPending != null)
&& committedRequests.size() == 0) {
// First check and see if the commit came in for the pending
// request
if ((queuedRequests.size() == 0 || nextPending != null)
&& committedRequests.size() > 0) {
Request r = committedRequests.remove();
* We match with nextPending so that we can move to the
* next request when it is committed. We also want to
* use nextPending because it has the cnxn member set
* properly.
if (nextPending != null
&& nextPending.sessionId == r.sessionId
&& nextPending.cxid == r.cxid) {
// we want to send our version of the request.
// the pointer to the connection in the request
nextPending.hdr = r.hdr;
nextPending.txn = r.txn;
nextPending.zxid = r.zxid;
nextPending = null;
} else {
// this request came from someone else so just
// send the commit packet
// We haven't matched the pending requests, so go back to
// waiting
if (nextPending != null) {
synchronized (this) {
// Process the next requests in the queuedRequests
while (nextPending == null && queuedRequests.size() > 0) {
Request request = queuedRequests.remove();
switch (request.type) {
case OpCode.create:
case OpCode.delete:
case OpCode.setData:
case OpCode.setACL: