Package org.apache.zookeeper

Examples of org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper$ChildWatchRegistration

        sb.append("version=200000000\n"); // version of current config is 100000000
        nextQuorumCfgSection = sb.toString();

        MainThread mt[] = new MainThread[SERVER_COUNT];
        ZooKeeper zk[] = new ZooKeeper[SERVER_COUNT];

        // Both servers 0 and 1 will have the .next config file, which means
        // for them that a reconfiguration was in progress when they failed
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            mt[i] = new MainThread(i, clientPorts[i], currentQuorumCfgSection);
            // note that we should run the server, shut it down and only then
            // simulate a reconfig in progress by writing the temp file, but here no
            // other server is competing with them in FLE, so we can skip this step
            zk[i] = new ZooKeeper("" + clientPorts[i],
                    ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this);

        Thread.sleep(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT * 2);

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        sb.append("version=200000000\n"); // version of current config is 100000000
        nextQuorumCfgSection = sb.toString();

        // lets start servers 2, 3, 4 with the new config
        MainThread mt[] = new MainThread[SERVER_COUNT];
        ZooKeeper zk[] = new ZooKeeper[SERVER_COUNT];
        for (int i = 2; i < SERVER_COUNT; i++) {
            mt[i] = new MainThread(i, clientPorts[i], nextQuorumCfgSection);
            zk[i] = new ZooKeeper("" + clientPorts[i],
                    ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this);
        for (int i = 2; i < SERVER_COUNT; i++) {
            Assert.assertTrue("waiting for server " + i + " being up",
                    ClientBase.waitForServerUp("" + clientPorts[i],

        ReconfigTest.testNormalOperation(zk[2], zk[3]);

        long epoch = mt[2].main.quorumPeer.getAcceptedEpoch();

        // Both servers 0 and 1 will have the .next config file, which means
        // for them that a reconfiguration was in progress when they failed
        // and the leader will complete it.
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            mt[i] = new MainThread(i, clientPorts[i], currentQuorumCfgSection);
            zk[i] = new ZooKeeper("" + clientPorts[i],
                    ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this);

        // servers 0 and 1 should connect to all servers, including the one in
        // their .next file during startup, and will find the next config and join it
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        sb.append("version=200000000"); // version of current config is 100000000
        nextQuorumCfgSection = sb.toString();

        MainThread mt[] = new MainThread[SERVER_COUNT];
        ZooKeeper zk[] = new ZooKeeper[SERVER_COUNT];

        // start server 2 with old config, where it is an observer
        mt[2] = new MainThread(2, ports[2][2], currentQuorumCfgSection);
        zk[2] = new ZooKeeper("" + ports[2][2],
                ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this);

        // start server 3 with new config
        mt[3] = new MainThread(3, ports[3][2], nextQuorumCfgSection);
        zk[3] = new ZooKeeper("" + ports[3][2],
                ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this);

        for (int i = 2; i < SERVER_COUNT; i++) {
            Assert.assertTrue("waiting for server " + i + " being up",
                    ClientBase.waitForServerUp("" + ports[i][2],
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        currentQuorumCfgSection = sb.toString();

        // Run servers 0..2 for a while
        MainThread mt[] = new MainThread[SERVER_COUNT];
        ZooKeeper zk[] = new ZooKeeper[SERVER_COUNT];
        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
            mt[i] = new MainThread(i, ports[i][2], currentQuorumCfgSection);
            zk[i] = new ZooKeeper("" + ports[i][2],
                    ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this);

        ReconfigTest.testNormalOperation(zk[0], zk[2]);

        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
            Assert.assertTrue("waiting for server " + i + " being up",
                    ClientBase.waitForServerUp("" + ports[i][2],
                            CONNECTION_TIMEOUT * 2));

        // shut servers 0..2 down
        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {

        // generate new config string
        ArrayList<String> allServersNext = new ArrayList<String>();
        sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 2; i < SERVER_COUNT; i++) {
            String server = "server." + i + "=localhost:" + ports[i][0] + ":"
                    + ports[i][1] + ":participant;localhost:" + ports[i][2];
            sb.append(server + "\n");
        sb.append("version=200000000"); // version of current config is 100000000
        nextQuorumCfgSection = sb.toString();

        // simulate reconfig in progress - servers 0..2 have a temp reconfig
        // file when they boot
        for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
            zk[i] = new ZooKeeper("" + ports[i][2],
                    ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this);
        // new server 3 has still its invalid joiner config - everyone in old
        // config + itself
        mt[3] = new MainThread(3, ports[3][2], currentQuorumCfg
                + allServersNext.get(1));
        zk[3] = new ZooKeeper("" + ports[3][2],
                ClientBase.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this);

        for (int i = 2; i < SERVER_COUNT; i++) {
            Assert.assertTrue("waiting for server " + i + " being up",
                    ClientBase.waitForServerUp("" + ports[i][2],
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     * initializes its client, and waits for it
     * to be connected.
    private void startServer(int id, String config) throws Exception {
        peers[id] = new MainThread(id, clientPorts[id], config);
        zkHandles[id] = new ZooKeeper("" + clientPorts[id],
                                                CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, this);
        Assert.assertTrue("Server " + id + " is not up",
                          ClientBase.waitForServerUp("" + clientPorts[id], CONNECTION_TIMEOUT));
        Assert.assertTrue("Error- Server started in Standalone Mode!",
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  protected void simulateSessionExpiry(ZkConnection zkConnection) throws IOException,
      InterruptedException {
    ZooKeeper oldZookeeper = zkConnection.getZookeeper();"Old sessionId = " + oldZookeeper.getSessionId());

    Watcher watcher = new Watcher() {
      public void process(WatchedEvent event) {"In New connection, process event:" + event);

    ZooKeeper newZookeeper =
        new ZooKeeper(zkConnection.getServers(), oldZookeeper.getSessionTimeout(), watcher,
            oldZookeeper.getSessionId(), oldZookeeper.getSessionPasswd());"New sessionId = " + newZookeeper.getSessionId());
    // Thread.sleep(3000);
    oldZookeeper = zkConnection.getZookeeper();"After session expiry sessionId = " + oldZookeeper.getSessionId());
View Full Code Here"In Old connection, new session");
    ZkConnection connection = ((ZkConnection) zkClient.getConnection());
    ZooKeeper oldZookeeper = connection.getZookeeper();"Old sessionId = " + oldZookeeper.getSessionId());

    Watcher watcher = new Watcher() {
      public void process(WatchedEvent event) {"In New connection, process event:" + event);

    ZooKeeper newZookeeper =
        new ZooKeeper(connection.getServers(), oldZookeeper.getSessionTimeout(), watcher,
            oldZookeeper.getSessionId(), oldZookeeper.getSessionPasswd());"New sessionId = " + newZookeeper.getSessionId());
    // Thread.sleep(3000);
    connection = (ZkConnection) zkClient.getConnection();
    oldZookeeper = connection.getZookeeper();"After session expiry sessionId = " + oldZookeeper.getSessionId());
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  public void expireSession(ZooKeeperWatcher nodeZK, boolean checkStatus)
    throws Exception {
    Configuration c = new Configuration(this.conf);
    String quorumServers = ZKConfig.getZKQuorumServersString(c);
    ZooKeeper zk = nodeZK.getRecoverableZooKeeper().getZooKeeper();
    byte[] password = zk.getSessionPasswd();
    long sessionID = zk.getSessionId();

    // Expiry seems to be asynchronous (see comment from P. Hunt in [1]),
    //  so we create a first watcher to be sure that the
    //  event was sent. We expect that if our watcher receives the event
    //  other watchers on the same machine will get is as well.
    // When we ask to close the connection, ZK does not close it before
    //  we receive all the events, so don't have to capture the event, just
    //  closing the connection should be enough.
    ZooKeeper monitor = new ZooKeeper(quorumServers,
      1000, new org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher(){
      public void process(WatchedEvent watchedEvent) {"Monitor ZKW received event="+watchedEvent);
    } , sessionID, password);

    // Making it expire
    ZooKeeper newZK = new ZooKeeper(quorumServers,
        1000, EmptyWatcher.instance, sessionID, password);

    //ensure that we have connection to the server before closing down, otherwise
    //the close session event will be eaten out before we start CONNECTING state
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    while (newZK.getState() != States.CONNECTED
         && System.currentTimeMillis() - start < 1000) {
    newZK.close();"ZK Closed Session 0x" + Long.toHexString(sessionID));

    // Now closing & waiting to be sure that the clients get it.

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  public static void waitForBaseZNode(Configuration conf) throws IOException {"Waiting until the base znode is available");
    String parentZNode = conf.get(HConstants.ZOOKEEPER_ZNODE_PARENT,
    ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper(ZKConfig.getZKQuorumServersString(conf),
        HConstants.DEFAULT_ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT), EmptyWatcher.instance);

    final int maxTimeMs = 10000;
    final int maxNumAttempts = maxTimeMs / HConstants.SOCKET_RETRY_WAIT_MS;

    KeeperException keeperEx = null;
    try {
      try {
        for (int attempt = 0; attempt < maxNumAttempts; ++attempt) {
          try {
            if (zk.exists(parentZNode, false) != null) {
    "Parent znode exists: " + parentZNode);
              keeperEx = null;
          } catch (KeeperException e) {
            keeperEx = e;
      } finally {
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {

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public class TestEnsurePath
    public void    testBasic() throws Exception
        ZooKeeper               client = mock(ZooKeeper.class, Mockito.RETURNS_MOCKS);
        CuratorZookeeperClient  curator = mock(CuratorZookeeperClient.class);
        RetryPolicy             retryPolicy = new RetryOneTime(1);
        RetryLoop               retryLoop = new RetryLoop(retryPolicy, null);

        Stat                    fakeStat = mock(Stat.class);
        when(client.exists(Mockito.<String>any(), anyBoolean())).thenReturn(fakeStat);
        EnsurePath      ensurePath = new EnsurePath("/one/two/three");

        verify(client, times(3)).exists(Mockito.<String>any(), anyBoolean());
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Related Classes of org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper$ChildWatchRegistration

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