return null;
// probe 1: ns+url - perfect match
if (absoluteURL != null && targetNamespace != null)
Schema result = (Schema)schemaByNsLocPair.get(new NsLocPair(targetNamespace, absoluteURL));
if (result != null)
return result;
// probe 2: we have preexisting knowledge of this namespace,
// either from another schema file or from the linker.
// If we're not downloading the given URL, skip it silently if the
// namespace is already represented by a file we have.
// Also, suppress downloads of URLs to namespaces that are already
// known by the linker.
// (We never assume preexisting knowledge of the no-namespace,
// even if we have some definitions, since it's likely that
// more than one person is playing in the no-namespace at once.)
if (targetNamespace != null && !targetNamespace.equals(""))
// the URL is not one to download; should we assume we know about the namespace?
if (!state.shouldDownloadURI(absoluteURL))
// If we already have a schema representing this namespace,
// then skip this URL silently without producing an error.
Schema result = (Schema)schemaByNsLocPair.get(new NsLocPair(targetNamespace, null));
if (result != null)
return result;
// If the linker already knows about this namespace, skip
// this URL.
if (state.linkerDefinesNamespace(targetNamespace))
return null;
// probe 3: url only
if (absoluteURL != null)
Schema result = (Schema)schemaByNsLocPair.get(new NsLocPair(null, absoluteURL));
if (result != null)
return result;
// no match: error if we can't or won't download.
if (absoluteURL == null)
state.error("Could not find resource - no valid location URL.", XmlErrorCodes.CANNOT_FIND_RESOURCE, referencedBy);
return null;
if (previouslyFailedToDownload(absoluteURL))
// an error message has already been produced.
return null;
if (!state.shouldDownloadURI(absoluteURL))
state.error("Could not load resource \"" + absoluteURL + "\" (network downloads disabled).", XmlErrorCodes.CANNOT_FIND_RESOURCE, referencedBy);
return null;
// try to download
download: try
XmlObject xdoc = downloadDocument(state.getS4SLoader(), targetNamespace, absoluteURL);
Schema result = findMatchByDigest(xdoc);
String shortname = state.relativize(absoluteURL);
if (result != null)
// if an exactly-the-same document has already been loaded, use the original and spew
String dupname = state.relativize(result.documentProperties().getSourceName());
if (dupname != null) + " is the same as " + dupname + " (ignoring the duplicate file)");
else + " is the same as another schema");
// otherwise, it's a new document: validate it and grab the contents
XmlOptions voptions = new XmlOptions();
if (!(xdoc instanceof SchemaDocument) || !xdoc.validate(voptions))
state.error("Referenced document is not a valid schema", XmlErrorCodes.CANNOT_FIND_RESOURCE, referencedBy);
break download;
SchemaDocument sDoc = (SchemaDocument)xdoc;
result = sDoc.getSchema();"Loading referenced file " + shortname);
NsLocPair key = new NsLocPair(emptyStringIfNull(result.getTargetNamespace()), absoluteURL);
addSuccessfulDownload(key, result);
return result;
catch (MalformedURLException malformed)