Package org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument

Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument.Schema

                return null;

            // probe 1: ns+url - perfect match
            if (absoluteURL != null && targetNamespace != null)
                Schema result = (Schema)schemaByNsLocPair.get(new NsLocPair(targetNamespace, absoluteURL));
                if (result != null)
                    return result;

            // probe 2: we have preexisting knowledge of this namespace,
            // either from another schema file or from the linker.
            // If we're not downloading the given URL, skip it silently if the
            // namespace is already represented by a file we have.
            // Also, suppress downloads of URLs to namespaces that are already
            // known by the linker.
            // (We never assume preexisting knowledge of the no-namespace,
            // even if we have some definitions, since it's likely that
            // more than one person is playing in the no-namespace at once.)
            if (targetNamespace != null && !targetNamespace.equals(""))
                // the URL is not one to download; should we assume we know about the namespace?
                if (!state.shouldDownloadURI(absoluteURL))
                    // If we already have a schema representing this namespace,
                    // then skip this URL silently without producing an error.
                    Schema result = (Schema)schemaByNsLocPair.get(new NsLocPair(targetNamespace, null));
                    if (result != null)
                        return result;

                // If the linker already knows about this namespace, skip
                // this URL.
                if (state.linkerDefinesNamespace(targetNamespace))
                    return null;

            // probe 3: url only
            if (absoluteURL != null)
                Schema result = (Schema)schemaByNsLocPair.get(new NsLocPair(null, absoluteURL));
                if (result != null)
                    return result;

            // no match: error if we can't or won't download.
            if (absoluteURL == null)
                state.error("Could not find resource - no valid location URL.", XmlErrorCodes.CANNOT_FIND_RESOURCE, referencedBy);
                return null;

            if (previouslyFailedToDownload(absoluteURL))
                // an error message has already been produced.
                return null;

            if (!state.shouldDownloadURI(absoluteURL))
                state.error("Could not load resource \"" + absoluteURL + "\" (network downloads disabled).", XmlErrorCodes.CANNOT_FIND_RESOURCE, referencedBy);
                return null;

            // try to download
            download: try
                XmlObject xdoc = downloadDocument(state.getS4SLoader(), targetNamespace, absoluteURL);

                Schema result = findMatchByDigest(xdoc);
                String shortname = state.relativize(absoluteURL);
                if (result != null)
                    // if an exactly-the-same document has already been loaded, use the original and spew
                    String dupname = state.relativize(result.documentProperties().getSourceName());
                    if (dupname != null)
               + " is the same as " + dupname + " (ignoring the duplicate file)");
               + " is the same as another schema");
                    // otherwise, it's a new document: validate it and grab the contents
                    XmlOptions voptions = new XmlOptions();
                    if (!(xdoc instanceof SchemaDocument) || !xdoc.validate(voptions))
                        state.error("Referenced document is not a valid schema", XmlErrorCodes.CANNOT_FIND_RESOURCE, referencedBy);
                        break download;

                    SchemaDocument sDoc = (SchemaDocument)xdoc;

                    result = sDoc.getSchema();
          "Loading referenced file " + shortname);
                NsLocPair key = new NsLocPair(emptyStringIfNull(result.getTargetNamespace()), absoluteURL);
                addSuccessfulDownload(key, result);
                return result;
            catch (MalformedURLException malformed)
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            if (emptyNamespaceSchemas.isEmpty())
                return false;

            for (Iterator i = emptyNamespaceSchemas.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
                Schema schema = (Schema);
                addScanNeeded(new SchemaToProcess(schema, null, null));

            return true;
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                        // handle imports
                        Import[] imports = stp.getSchema().getImportArray();
                        for (int i = 0; i < imports.length; i++)
                            Schema imported = downloadSchema(imports[i], emptyStringIfNull(imports[i].getNamespace()), imports[i].getSchemaLocation());

                            // if download fails, an error has already been reported.
                            if (imported == null)
                            if (!nullableStringsMatch(imported.getTargetNamespace(), imports[i].getNamespace()))
                                StscState.get().error("Imported schema has a target namespace \"" + imported.getTargetNamespace() + "\" that does not match the specified \"" + imports[i].getNamespace() + "\"", XmlErrorCodes.MISMATCHED_TARGET_NAMESPACE, imports[i]);
                                addScanNeeded(new SchemaToProcess(imported, null, null));
                        // handle includes
                        Include[] includes = stp.getSchema().getIncludeArray();
                        String sourceNamespace = stp.getChameleonNamespace();
                        if (sourceNamespace == null)
                            sourceNamespace = emptyStringIfNull(stp.getSchema().getTargetNamespace());
                        for (int i = 0; i < includes.length; i++)
                            Schema included = downloadSchema(includes[i], null, includes[i].getSchemaLocation());
                            // if download fails, an error has already been reported.
                            if (included == null)
                            if (emptyStringIfNull(included.getTargetNamespace()).equals(sourceNamespace))
                                // non-chameleon case - just like an import
                                addScanNeeded(new SchemaToProcess(included, null, null));
                            else if (included.getTargetNamespace() != null)
                                // illegal include: included schema in wrong namespace.
                                StscState.get().error("Included schema has a target namespace \"" + included.getTargetNamespace() + "\" that does not match the source namespace \"" + sourceNamespace + "\"", XmlErrorCodes.MISMATCHED_TARGET_NAMESPACE, includes[i]);
                                // chameleon include
                                addScanNeeded(new SchemaToProcess(included, sourceNamespace, null));
                        // handle redefines
                        Redefine[] redefines = stp.getSchema().getRedefineArray();
                        String sourceNamespace = stp.getChameleonNamespace();
                        if (sourceNamespace == null)
                            sourceNamespace = emptyStringIfNull(stp.getSchema().getTargetNamespace());
                        for (int i = 0; i < redefines.length; i++)
                            Schema redefined = downloadSchema(redefines[i], null, redefines[i].getSchemaLocation());
                            // if download fails, an error has already been reported.
                            if (redefined == null)
                            if (emptyStringIfNull(redefined.getTargetNamespace()).equals(sourceNamespace))
                                // non-chameleon case
                                addScanNeeded(new SchemaToProcess(redefined, null, redefines[i], result.size()-1));
                            else if (redefined.getTargetNamespace() != null)
                                // illegal include: included schema in wrong namespace.
                                StscState.get().error("Redefined schema has a target namespace \"" + redefined.getTargetNamespace() + "\" that does not match the source namespace \"" + sourceNamespace + "\"", XmlErrorCodes.MISMATCHED_TARGET_NAMESPACE, redefines[i]);
                                // chameleon redefine
                                addScanNeeded(new SchemaToProcess(redefined, sourceNamespace, redefines[i], result.size()-1));
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    public static void resolveComplexType(SchemaTypeImpl sImpl)
        ComplexType parseCt = (ComplexType)sImpl.getParseObject();
        StscState state = StscState.get();
        Schema schema = getSchema(parseCt);

        // Set abstract & final flags
        boolean abs = parseCt.isSetAbstract() ? parseCt.getAbstract() : false;
        boolean finalExt = false;
        boolean finalRest = false;
        boolean finalList = false;
        boolean finalUnion = false;

        Object ds = null;
        if (parseCt.isSetFinal())
            ds = parseCt.getFinal();
        // Inspect the final default attribute on the schema
        else if (schema != null && schema.isSetFinalDefault())
            ds = schema.getFinalDefault();

        if (ds != null)
            if (ds instanceof String && ds.equals("#all"))
                // #ALL value
                finalExt = finalRest = finalList = finalUnion = true;
            else if (ds instanceof List)
                if (((List)ds).contains("extension"))
                    finalExt = true;
                if (((List)ds).contains("restriction"))
                    finalRest = true;

// Since complex types don't participate in list and unions, these can remain
// false.  Perhaps we should throw an error.

//                if (((List)ds).contains("list"))
//                    finalList = true;
//                if (((List)ds).contains("union"))
//                    finalUnion = true;

        sImpl.setAbstractFinal(abs, finalExt, finalRest, finalList, finalUnion);

        // Set block flags
        boolean blockExt = false;
        boolean blockRest = false;
        Object block = null;

        if (parseCt.isSetBlock())
            block = parseCt.getBlock();
        else if (schema != null && schema.isSetBlockDefault())
            block = schema.getBlockDefault();

        if (block != null)
            if (block instanceof String && block.equals("#all"))
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            redefinitions[i] = new RedefinitionHolder(schemasAndChameleons[i].getRedefine());

        StscState state = StscState.get();
        for (int j = 0; j < schemasAndChameleons.length; j++)
            Schema schema = schemasAndChameleons[j].getSchema();
            String givenTargetNamespace = schemasAndChameleons[j].getChameleonNamespace();

        // quick check for a few unsupported features

        if (schema.sizeOfNotationArray() > 0)
            state.warning("Schema <notation> is not yet supported for this release.", XmlErrorCodes.UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, schema.getNotationArray(0));

        // figure namespace (taking into account chameleons)
        String targetNamespace = schema.getTargetNamespace();
        boolean chameleon = false;
        if (givenTargetNamespace != null && targetNamespace == null)
            targetNamespace = givenTargetNamespace;
            chameleon = true;
        if (targetNamespace == null)
            targetNamespace = "";

        //SchemaContainer container = null;
        if (targetNamespace.length() > 0 || !isEmptySchema(schema))
            state.registerContribution(targetNamespace, schema.documentProperties().getSourceName());
            //container = state.getContainer(targetNamespace);

        List redefChain = new ArrayList();
        TopLevelComplexType[] complexTypes = schema.getComplexTypeArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < complexTypes.length; i++)
            TopLevelComplexType type = complexTypes[i];
            TopLevelComplexType redef;
            int p = j;
            // 1. Traverse the list of redefining Schemas putting all redefinitions
            // of this type in a List
                redef = redefinitions[p].redefineComplexType(type.getName());
                if (redef != null)
                    type = redef;
                p = schemasAndChameleons[p].getRedefinedBy();
            while (p >= 0);

            SchemaTypeImpl t = translateGlobalComplexType(type, targetNamespace, chameleon, redefChain.size() > 0);
            state.addGlobalType(t, null);
            SchemaTypeImpl r;
            // 2. Traverse the List built in step 1 in reverse and add all the
            // types in it to the list of redefined types
            for (int k = redefChain.size() - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                redef = (TopLevelComplexType) redefChain.remove(k);
                r = translateGlobalComplexType(redef, targetNamespace, chameleon, k > 0);
                state.addGlobalType(r, t);
                t = r;

        TopLevelSimpleType[] simpleTypes = schema.getSimpleTypeArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < simpleTypes.length; i++)
            TopLevelSimpleType type = simpleTypes[i];
            TopLevelSimpleType redef;
            int p = j;
                redef = redefinitions[p].redefineSimpleType(type.getName());
                if (redef != null)
                    type = redef;
                p = schemasAndChameleons[p].getRedefinedBy();
            while (p >= 0);

            SchemaTypeImpl t = translateGlobalSimpleType(type, targetNamespace, chameleon,redefChain.size() > 0);
            state.addGlobalType(t, null);
            SchemaTypeImpl r;
            for (int k = redefChain.size()-1; k >= 0; k--)
                redef = (TopLevelSimpleType) redefChain.remove(k);
                r = translateGlobalSimpleType(redef, targetNamespace, chameleon, k > 0);
                state.addGlobalType(r, t);
                t = r;

        TopLevelElement[] elements = schema.getElementArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
            TopLevelElement element = elements[i];
            state.addDocumentType(translateDocumentType(element, targetNamespace, chameleon), QNameHelper.forLNS(element.getName(), targetNamespace));

        TopLevelAttribute[] attributes = schema.getAttributeArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length ; i++)
            TopLevelAttribute attribute = attributes[i];
            state.addAttributeType(translateAttributeType(attribute, targetNamespace, chameleon), QNameHelper.forLNS(attribute.getName(), targetNamespace));

        NamedGroup[] modelgroups = schema.getGroupArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < modelgroups.length; i++)
            NamedGroup group = modelgroups[i];
            NamedGroup redef;
            int p = j;
                redef = redefinitions[p].redefineModelGroup(group.getName());
                if (redef != null)
                    group = redef;
                p = schemasAndChameleons[p].getRedefinedBy();
            while (p >= 0);

            SchemaModelGroupImpl g = translateModelGroup(group, targetNamespace, chameleon, redefChain.size() > 0);
            state.addModelGroup(g, null);
            SchemaModelGroupImpl r;
            for (int k = redefChain.size()-1; k >= 0; k--)
                redef = (NamedGroup) redefChain.remove(k);
                r = translateModelGroup(redef, targetNamespace, chameleon, k > 0);
                state.addModelGroup(r, g);
                g = r;

        NamedAttributeGroup[] attrgroups = schema.getAttributeGroupArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < attrgroups.length; i++)
            NamedAttributeGroup group = attrgroups[i];
            NamedAttributeGroup redef;
            int p = j;
                redef = redefinitions[p].redefineAttributeGroup(group.getName());
                if (redef != null)
                    group = redef;
                p = schemasAndChameleons[p].getRedefinedBy();
            while (p >= 0);

            SchemaAttributeGroupImpl g = translateAttributeGroup(group, targetNamespace, chameleon, redefChain.size() > 0);
            state.addAttributeGroup(g, null);
            SchemaAttributeGroupImpl r;
            for (int k = redefChain.size()-1; k >= 0; k--)
                redef = (NamedAttributeGroup) redefChain.remove(k);
                r = translateAttributeGroup(redef, targetNamespace, chameleon, k > 0);
                state.addAttributeGroup(r, g);
                g = r;

        AnnotationDocument.Annotation[] annotations = schema.getAnnotationArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++)
            state.addAnnotation(SchemaAnnotationImpl.getAnnotation(state.getContainer(targetNamespace), schema, annotations[i]), targetNamespace);

        for (int i = 0; i < redefinitions.length; i++)
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        SimpleType parseSt = (SimpleType)sImpl.getParseObject();
        assert sImpl.isSimpleType();

        Schema schema = StscComplexTypeResolver.getSchema(parseSt);

        // Verify: have list, union, or restriction, but not more than one
        int count =
                (parseSt.isSetList() ? 1 : 0) +
                (parseSt.isSetUnion() ? 1 : 0) +
                (parseSt.isSetRestriction() ? 1 : 0);
        if (count > 1)
                    "A simple type must define either a list, a union, or a restriction: more than one found.",
            // recovery: treat it as the first of list, union, restr
        else if (count < 1)
            StscState.get().error("A simple type must define either a list, a union, or a restriction: none was found.",
            // recovery: treat it as restriction of anySimpleType

        // Set final flags
        boolean finalRest = false;
        boolean finalList = false;
        boolean finalUnion = false;

        String value = null;
        List sValue = null;
        if (parseSt.isSetFinal())
            value = parseSt.getFinal();
        // Inspect the final default attribute on the schema
        else if (schema != null && schema.isSetFinalDefault())
            Object fd = schema.getFinalDefault();
            if (fd != null)
                if (fd instanceof String)
                    value = (String) fd;
                else if (fd instanceof List)
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        List needRecompilation = dep.getFilesTouched(namespaces);
        StscState.get().setDependencies(new SchemaDependencies(dep, namespaces));
        for (int i = 0; i < needRecompilation.size(); i++)
            String url = (String) needRecompilation.get(i);
            Schema have = (Schema) haveFile.get(url);
            if (have == null)
                // We have to load the file from the entity resolver
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Related Classes of org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SchemaDocument.Schema

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