public XsbReader(String handle, int filetype)
String resourcename = _basePackage + handle + ".xsb";
InputStream rawinput = getLoaderStream(resourcename);
if (rawinput == null)
throw new SchemaTypeLoaderException("XML-BEANS compiled schema: Could not locate compiled schema resource " + resourcename, _name, handle, SchemaTypeLoaderException.NO_RESOURCE);
_input = new DataInputStream(rawinput);
_handle = handle;
int magic = readInt();
if (magic != DATA_BABE)
throw new SchemaTypeLoaderException("XML-BEANS compiled schema: Wrong magic cookie", _name, handle, SchemaTypeLoaderException.WRONG_MAGIC_COOKIE);
_majorver = readShort();
_minorver = readShort();
if (_majorver != MAJOR_VERSION)
throw new SchemaTypeLoaderException("XML-BEANS compiled schema: Wrong major version - expecting " + MAJOR_VERSION + ", got " + _majorver, _name, handle, SchemaTypeLoaderException.WRONG_MAJOR_VERSION);
if (_minorver > MINOR_VERSION)
throw new SchemaTypeLoaderException("XML-BEANS compiled schema: Incompatible minor version - expecting up to " + MINOR_VERSION + ", got " + _minorver, _name, handle, SchemaTypeLoaderException.WRONG_MINOR_VERSION);
// Clip to 14 because we're not backward compatible with earlier
// minor versions. Remove this when upgrading to a new major
// version
if (_minorver < 14)
throw new SchemaTypeLoaderException("XML-BEANS compiled schema: Incompatible minor version - expecting at least 14, got " + _minorver, _name, handle, SchemaTypeLoaderException.WRONG_MINOR_VERSION);
if (atLeast(2, 18, 0))
_releaseno = readShort();
int actualfiletype = readShort();
if (actualfiletype != filetype && filetype != 0xFFFF)
throw new SchemaTypeLoaderException("XML-BEANS compiled schema: File has the wrong type - expecting type " + filetype + ", got type " + actualfiletype, _name, handle, SchemaTypeLoaderException.WRONG_FILE_TYPE);
_stringPool = new StringPool(_handle, _name);
_actualfiletype = actualfiletype;