this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, qcFlagsAtt );
// Add some general metadata in global attributes.
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "title",
new StringBuffer("NGDC archived ")
.append( datasetIdAtt.getStringValue())
.append( " data with start time ")
.append( startDateAtt.getStringValue())
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "Convention", _Coordinate.Convention));
// Add some THREDDS specific metadata in global attributes.
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_creator", "DOD/USAF/SMC > Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Defense"));
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_contributor", "DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC > National Geophysical Data Center, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce"));
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_contributor_role", "archive"));
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_publisher", "DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC > National Geophysical Data Center, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce"));
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_publisher_url", ""));
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_publisher_email", ""));
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_summary",
new StringBuffer("This dataset contains data from the DMSP ").append( spacecraftIdAtt.getStringValue())
.append( " satellite OLS instrument and includes both visible smooth and thermal smooth imagery with 2.7km resolution.")
.append( " The start time for this data is ").append( startDateAtt.getStringValue())
.append( " and the northerly equatorial crossing longitude is ").append( startLongitudeAtt.getNumericValue())
.append( ". The DMSP satellite is a polar-orbiting satellite crossing the equator, depending on the satellite, at either dawn/dusk or noon/midnight.")
.append( " This data is in the NOAA/NGDC DMSP archive format.")
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_history", ""));
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_timeCoverage_start", startDateAtt.getStringValue()));
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_timeCoverage_end", endDateAtt.getStringValue()));
this.ncFile.addAttribute( null, new Attribute( "thredds_geospatialCoverage",
new StringBuffer("Polar orbit with northerly equatorial crossing at longitude ")
.append( ascendingNodeAtt.getNumericValue()).append( ".")