boolean foundKey = false;
KeyIterator ki = (KeyIterator) m_lpi;
org.apache.xpath.XPathContext xctxt = ki.getXPathContext();
Vector keys = ki.getKeyDeclarations();
QName name = ki.getName();
// System.out.println("lookupKey: "+lookupKey);
int nDeclarations = keys.size();
// Walk through each of the declarations made with xsl:key
for (int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)
KeyDeclaration kd = (KeyDeclaration) keys.elementAt(i);
// Only continue if the name on this key declaration
// matches the name on the iterator for this walker.
if (!kd.getName().equals(name))
foundKey = true;
// xctxt.setNamespaceContext(ki.getPrefixResolver());
// See if our node matches the given key declaration according to
// the match attribute on xsl:key.
XPath matchExpr = kd.getMatch();
double score = matchExpr.getMatchScore(xctxt, testNode);
if (score == kd.getMatch().MATCH_SCORE_NONE)
return DTMIterator.FILTER_ACCEPT;
} // end for(int i = 0; i < nDeclarations; i++)
catch (TransformerException se)
// TODO: What to do?
if (!foundKey)
throw new RuntimeException(
new Object[] { name.getLocalName()}));
return DTMIterator.FILTER_REJECT;