return null;
try {
// Create a retrieval method over the given element
RetrievalMethod rm = new RetrievalMethod(element, BaseURI);
String type = rm.getType();
XMLSignatureInput resource = resolveInput(rm, BaseURI, secureValidation);
if (RetrievalMethod.TYPE_RAWX509.equals(type)) {
// a raw certificate, direct parsing is done!
X509Certificate cert = getRawCertificate(resource);
if (cert != null) {
return cert.getPublicKey();
return null;
Element e = obtainReferenceElement(resource);
// Check to make sure that the reference is not to another RetrievalMethod
// which points to this element
if (XMLUtils.elementIsInSignatureSpace(e, Constants._TAG_RETRIEVALMETHOD)) {
if (secureValidation) {
String error = "Error: It is forbidden to have one RetrievalMethod "
+ "point to another with secure validation";
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
return null;
RetrievalMethod rm2 = new RetrievalMethod(e, BaseURI);
XMLSignatureInput resource2 = resolveInput(rm2, BaseURI, secureValidation);
Element e2 = obtainReferenceElement(resource2);
if (e2 == element) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Error: Can't have RetrievalMethods pointing to each other");