Package org.apache.xml.dtm

Examples of org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMIterator

      // NOTE: If $x is bound to a node-set, then $x="foo"
      // does not mean the same as not($x!="foo"): the former
      // is true if and only if some node in $x has the string-value
      // foo; the latter is true if and only if all nodes in $x have
      // the string-value foo.
      DTMIterator list1 = iterRaw();
      DTMIterator list2 = ((XNodeSet) obj2).iterRaw();
      int node1;
      java.util.Vector node2Strings = null;

      while (DTM.NULL != (node1 = list1.nextNode()))
        XMLString s1 = getStringFromNode(node1);

        if (null == node2Strings)
          int node2;

          while (DTM.NULL != (node2 = list2.nextNode()))
            XMLString s2 = getStringFromNode(node2);

            if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, s2))
              result = true;


            if (null == node2Strings)
              node2Strings = new java.util.Vector();

          int n = node2Strings.size();

          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, (XMLString)node2Strings.elementAt(i)))
              result = true;

    else if (XObject.CLASS_BOOLEAN == type)

      // From
      // If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a boolean,
      // then the comparison will be true if and only if the result of
      // performing the comparison on the boolean and on the result of
      // converting the node-set to a boolean using the boolean function
      // is true.
      double num1 = bool() ? 1.0 : 0.0;
      double num2 = obj2.num();

      result = comparator.compareNumbers(num1, num2);
    else if (XObject.CLASS_NUMBER == type)

      // From
      // If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a number,
      // then the comparison will be true if and only if there is a
      // node in the node-set such that the result of performing the
      // comparison on the number to be compared and on the result of
      // converting the string-value of that node to a number using
      // the number function is true.
      DTMIterator list1 = iterRaw();
      double num2 = obj2.num();
      int node;

      while (DTM.NULL != (node = list1.nextNode()))
        double num1 = getNumberFromNode(node);

        if (comparator.compareNumbers(num1, num2))
          result = true;

    else if (XObject.CLASS_RTREEFRAG == type)
      XMLString s2 = obj2.xstr();
      DTMIterator list1 = iterRaw();
      int node;

      while (DTM.NULL != (node = list1.nextNode()))
        XMLString s1 = getStringFromNode(node);

        if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, s2))
          result = true;

    else if (XObject.CLASS_STRING == type)

      // From
      // If one object to be compared is a node-set and the other is a
      // string, then the comparison will be true if and only if there
      // is a node in the node-set such that the result of performing
      // the comparison on the string-value of the node and the other
      // string is true.
      XMLString s2 = obj2.xstr();
      DTMIterator list1 = iterRaw();
      int node;

      while (DTM.NULL != (node = list1.nextNode()))
        XMLString s1 = getStringFromNode(node);
        if (comparator.compareStrings(s1, s2))
          result = true;

      result = comparator.compareNumbers(this.num(), obj2.num());
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   * @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
  public XObject execute(XPathContext xctxt) throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException

    DTMIterator nodes = m_arg0.asIterator(xctxt, xctxt.getCurrentNode());
    double sum = 0.0;
    int pos;

    while (DTM.NULL != (pos = nodes.nextNode()))
      DTM dtm = nodes.getDTM(pos);
      XMLString s = dtm.getStringValue(pos);

      if (null != s)
        sum += s.toDouble();

    return new XNumber(sum);
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        int dtmRoot = dtm.getDocument();
        DTMAxisIterator iter = dtm.getAxisIterator(Axis.SELF);
        DTMIterator iterator = new OneStepIterator(iter, Axis.SELF);
        iterator.setRoot(dtmRoot, xctxt);
        result = new XNodeSet(iterator);
      catch(Exception ex)
        throw new org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(ex);
    else if (val instanceof DTMAxisIterator)
      DTMAxisIterator iter = (DTMAxisIterator)val;
        DTMIterator iterator = new OneStepIterator(iter, Axis.SELF);
        iterator.setRoot(iter.getStartNode(), xctxt);
        result = new XNodeSet(iterator);
      catch(Exception ex)
        throw new org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(ex);
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    XNodeSet nodes = new XNodeSet(xctxt.getDTMManager());
    NodeSetDTM nodeSet = nodes.mutableNodeset();

    if (XObject.CLASS_NODESET == argType)
      DTMIterator ni = arg.iter();
      StringVector usedrefs = null;
      int pos = ni.nextNode();

      while (DTM.NULL != pos)
        DTM ndtm = ni.getDTM(pos);
        String refval = ndtm.getStringValue(pos).toString();

        pos = ni.nextNode();
        usedrefs = getNodesByID(xctxt, docContext, refval, usedrefs, nodeSet,
                                DTM.NULL != pos);
      // ni.detach();
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          //       which may not match the javaClass, causing a RuntimeException.
          // if((NodeIterator.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass)) ||
          if ( (javaClass == NodeIterator.class) ||
               (javaClass == java.lang.Object.class) )
            DTMIterator dtmIter = ((XRTreeFrag) xobj).asNodeIterator();
            return new DTMNodeIterator(dtmIter);
          else if (javaClass == NodeList.class)
            return ((XRTreeFrag) xobj).convertToNodeset();
          // Same comment as above
          // else if(Node.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass))
          else if(javaClass == Node.class)
            DTMIterator iter = ((XRTreeFrag) xobj).asNodeIterator();
            int rootHandle = iter.nextNode();
            DTM dtm = iter.getDTM(rootHandle);
            return dtm.getNode(dtm.getFirstChild(rootHandle));
          else if(javaClass == java.lang.String.class)
            return xobj.str();
          else if(javaClass == Boolean.TYPE)
            return new Boolean(xobj.bool());
          else if(javaClass.isPrimitive())
            return convertDoubleToNumber(xobj.num(), javaClass);
            DTMIterator iter = ((XRTreeFrag) xobj).asNodeIterator();
            int rootHandle = iter.nextNode();
            DTM dtm = iter.getDTM(rootHandle);
            Node child = dtm.getNode(dtm.getFirstChild(rootHandle));

              return child;
              return null;
        // break; Unreachable
      case XObject.CLASS_NODESET:
          // GLP:  I don't see the reason for the isAssignableFrom call
          //       instead of an == test as is used everywhere else.
          //       Besides, if the javaClass is a subclass of NodeIterator
          //       the condition will be true and we'll create a NodeIterator
          //       which may not match the javaClass, causing a RuntimeException.
          // if((NodeIterator.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass)) ||
          if ( (javaClass == NodeIterator.class) ||
               (javaClass == java.lang.Object.class) )
            return xobj.nodeset();
          // Same comment as above
          // else if(NodeList.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass))
          else if(javaClass == NodeList.class)
            return xobj.nodelist();
          // Same comment as above
          // else if(Node.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass))
          else if(javaClass == Node.class)
            // Xalan ensures that iter() always returns an
            // iterator positioned at the beginning.
            DTMIterator ni = xobj.iter();
            int handle = ni.nextNode();
            if (handle != DTM.NULL)
              return ni.getDTM(handle).getNode(handle); // may be null.
              return null;
          else if(javaClass == java.lang.String.class)
            return xobj.str();
          else if(javaClass == Boolean.TYPE)
            return new Boolean(xobj.bool());
          else if(javaClass.isPrimitive())
            return convertDoubleToNumber(xobj.num(), javaClass);
            DTMIterator iter = xobj.iter();
            int childHandle = iter.nextNode();
            DTM dtm = iter.getDTM(childHandle);
            Node child = dtm.getNode(childHandle);
              return child;
              return null;
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      // System.out.println("FuncPosition- prox: "+prox);
      return prox;

    DTMIterator cnl = xctxt.getContextNodeList();

    if (null != cnl)
      int n = cnl.getCurrentNode();
      if(n == DTM.NULL)
        if(cnl.getCurrentPos() == 0)
          return 0;
        // Then I think we're in a sort.  See sort21.xsl. So the iterator has
        // already been spent, and is not on the node we're processing.
        // It's highly possible that this is an issue for other context-list
        // functions.  Shouldn't be a problem for last(), and it shouldn't be
        // a problem for current().
          cnl = cnl.cloneWithReset();
        catch(CloneNotSupportedException cnse)
          throw new org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(cnse);
        int currentNode = xctxt.getContextNode();
        // System.out.println("currentNode: "+currentNode);
        while(DTM.NULL != (n = cnl.nextNode()))
          if(n == currentNode)
      // System.out.println("n: "+n);
      // System.out.println("FuncPosition- cnl.getCurrentPos(): "+cnl.getCurrentPos());
      return cnl.getCurrentPos();

    // System.out.println("FuncPosition - out of guesses: -1");
    return -1;
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    // System.out.println("iter: "+iter);
    if (null != iter)
      return iter.getLastPos(xctxt);

    DTMIterator cnl = xctxt.getContextNodeList();
    int count;
    if(null != cnl)
      count = cnl.getLength();
      // System.out.println("count: "+count);
      count = 0;  
    return count;
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        value = new XRTreeFrag(handle, xctxt);
      else if (obj instanceof DTM)
        DTM dtm = (DTM)obj;
        DTMIterator iterator = new DescendantIterator();
        // %%ISSUE%% getDocument may not be valid for DTMs shared by multiple
        // document trees, eg RTFs. But in that case, we shouldn't be trying
        // to iterate over the whole DTM; we should be iterating over
        // dtm.getDocumentRoot(rootNodeHandle), and folks should have told us
        // this by passing a more appropriate type.
        iterator.setRoot(dtm.getDocument(), xctxt);
        value = new XNodeSet(iterator);
      else if (obj instanceof DTMAxisIterator)
        DTMAxisIterator iter = (DTMAxisIterator)obj;
        DTMIterator iterator = new OneStepIterator(iter, -1);
        value = new XNodeSet(iterator);
      else if (obj instanceof DTMIterator)
        value = new XNodeSet((DTMIterator) obj);
      else if (obj instanceof NodeIterator)
        value = new XNodeSet(new org.apache.xpath.NodeSetDTM(((NodeIterator)obj), xctxt));
      else if (obj instanceof org.w3c.dom.Node)
        value =
          new XNodeSet(xctxt.getDTMHandleFromNode((org.w3c.dom.Node) obj),
        value = new XString(obj.toString());

      int type = value.getType();
      String s;

      switch (type)
      case XObject.CLASS_BOOLEAN :
      case XObject.CLASS_NUMBER :
      case XObject.CLASS_STRING :
        s = value.str();

        rtreeHandler.characters(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length());

      case XObject.CLASS_NODESET :  // System.out.println(value);
        DTMIterator nl = value.iter();
        int pos;

        while (DTM.NULL != (pos = nl.nextNode()))
          DTM dtm = nl.getDTM(pos);
          int top = pos;

          while (DTM.NULL != pos)
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          throws TransformerException

    final XPathContext xctxt = transformer.getXPathContext();
    final int sourceNode = xctxt.getCurrentNode();
    DTMIterator sourceNodes = m_selectExpression.asIterator(xctxt,


      final Vector keys = (m_sortElems == null)
              ? null
              : transformer.processSortKeys(this, sourceNode);

      // Sort if we need to.
      if (null != keys)
        sourceNodes = sortNodes(xctxt, keys, sourceNodes);

    if (transformer.getDebug())

        // The original code, which is broken for bug#16889,
        // which fails to get the original select expression in the select event.
        /*  transformer.getTraceManager().fireSelectedEvent(
         *    sourceNode,
         *            this,
         *            "select",
         *            new XPath(m_selectExpression),
         *            new org.apache.xpath.objects.XNodeSet(sourceNodes));

        // The following code fixes bug#16889
        // Solution: Store away XPath in setSelect(Xath), and use it here.
        // Pass m_xath, which the current node is associated with, onto the TraceManager.
        Expression expr = m_xpath.getExpression();
        org.apache.xpath.objects.XObject xObject = expr.execute(xctxt);
        int current = xctxt.getCurrentNode();


      IntStack currentNodes = xctxt.getCurrentNodeStack();


      IntStack currentExpressionNodes = xctxt.getCurrentExpressionNodeStack();


      // pushParams(transformer, xctxt);
      // Should be able to get this from the iterator but there must be a bug.
      DTM dtm = xctxt.getDTM(sourceNode);
      int docID = sourceNode & DTMManager.IDENT_DTM_DEFAULT;
      int child;

      while (DTM.NULL != (child = sourceNodes.nextNode()))

        if ((child & DTMManager.IDENT_DTM_DEFAULT) != docID)
          dtm = xctxt.getDTM(child);
          docID = child & DTMManager.IDENT_DTM_DEFAULT;

        //final int exNodeType = dtm.getExpandedTypeID(child);
        final int nodeType = dtm.getNodeType(child);

        // Fire a trace event for the template.
        if (transformer.getDebug())

        // And execute the child templates.
        // Loop through the children of the template, calling execute on
        // each of them.
        for (ElemTemplateElement t = this.m_firstChild; t != null;
             t = t.m_nextSibling)
        if (transformer.getDebug())
         // We need to make sure an old current element is not
          // on the stack.  See TransformerImpl#getElementCallstack.

     // KLUGE: Implement <?xalan:doc_cache_off?>
     // ASSUMPTION: This will be set only when the XPath was indeed
     // a call to the Document() function. Calling it in other
     // situations is likely to fry Xalan.
     // %REVIEW% We need a MUCH cleaner solution -- one that will
     // handle cleaning up after document() and getDTM() in other
    // contexts. The whole SourceTreeManager mechanism should probably
     // be moved into DTMManager rather than being explicitly invoked in
     // FuncDocument and here.
         System.out.println("JJK***** CACHE RELEASE *****\n"+
      // NOTE: This will work because this is _NOT_ a shared DTM, and thus has
      // only a single Document node. If it could ever be an RTF or other
     // shared DTM, this would require substantial rework.
      if (transformer.getDebug())
        transformer.getTraceManager().fireSelectedEndEvent(sourceNode, this,
                "select", new XPath(m_selectExpression),
                new org.apache.xpath.objects.XNodeSet(sourceNodes));

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          handler.characters(s.toCharArray(), 0, s.length());
        case XObject.CLASS_NODESET :

          // System.out.println(value);
          DTMIterator nl = value.iter();

          // Copy the tree.
          DTMTreeWalker tw = new TreeWalker2Result(transformer, handler);
          int pos;

          while (DTM.NULL != (pos = nl.nextNode()))
            DTM dtm = xctxt.getDTMManager().getDTM(pos);
            short t = dtm.getNodeType(pos);

            // If we just copy the whole document, a startDoc and endDoc get
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Related Classes of org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMIterator

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