
Examples of

                    System.out.println("ERROR : Collection not found!");
                    return false;

                // Create a collection manager instance for the parent of the collection
                CollectionManager colman = (CollectionManager) col.getService("CollectionManager", XMLDBAPIVERSION);

                // Drop the collection
                colman.dropCollection((String) table.get(XMLTools.NAME_OF));

                System.out.println("Deleted: " + table.get(XMLTools.COLLECTION) + "/" + (String) table.get(XMLTools.NAME_OF));
            } else
                System.out.println("Error : Collection Context and Name required");
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//      collection = getCollection("xmldb:xindice:///db/");
      collection = getCollection("xmldb:xindice://localhost:8888/db/");
//      collection = getCollection("xmldb:xindice-embed:///db/");

      CollectionManager service = (CollectionManager) collection.getService("CollectionManager", "1.0");

        System.out.println("Dropped existing collection with name: " + COLLECTION_NAME);
      catch (Exception e) {
                ; // nothing, this may be the first pass.

      // Build up the Collection XML configuration.
      String collectionConfig =
        "<collection compressed=\"true\" name=\""
          + "\">"
          + "   <filer class=\"org.apache.xindice.core.filer.BTreeFiler\" gzip=\"true\"/>"
          + "</collection>";

      service.createCollection(COLLECTION_NAME, DOMParser.toDocument(collectionConfig));

      System.out.println("Collection " + COLLECTION_NAME + " created.");
    catch (XMLDBException e) {
      System.err.println("XML:DB Exception occured " + e.errorCode + " " + e.getMessage());
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    public Collection createCollection(String parent, String path, Document configuration) throws Exception {
        Collection col = DatabaseManager.getCollection(driver + "/" + parent);
        if (col == null) {
            throw new XindiceException("DatabaseManager.getCollection(" + driver + "/" + parent + ") returned null");
        CollectionManager service = (CollectionManager) col.getService("CollectionManager", "1.0");
        return service.createCollection(path, configuration);
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    public void dropCollection(String path, String name) throws Exception {
        Collection col = DatabaseManager.getCollection(driver + "/" + path);

        if (col != null) {
            CollectionManager service = (CollectionManager) col.getService("CollectionManager", "1.0");
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    public void createIndexer(String path, String name, String indexdef) throws Exception {
        Collection col = DatabaseManager.getCollection(driver + "/" + path);
        if (col == null) {
            throw new XindiceException("DatabaseManager.getCollection(" + driver + "/" + path + ") returned null");
        CollectionManager service = (CollectionManager) col.getService("CollectionManager", "1.0");

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    public String[] listIndexes(String path) throws Exception {
        Collection col = DatabaseManager.getCollection(driver + "/" + path);
        if (col == null) {
            throw new XindiceException("DatabaseManager.getCollection(" + driver + "/" + path + ") returned null");
        CollectionManager service = (CollectionManager) col.getService("CollectionManager", "1.0");

        return service.listIndexers();
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    public void dropIndexer(String path, String name) throws Exception {
        Collection col = DatabaseManager.getCollection(driver + "/" + path);
        if (col == null) {
            throw new XindiceException("DatabaseManager.getCollection(" + driver + "/" + path + ") returned null");
        CollectionManager service = (CollectionManager) col.getService("CollectionManager", "1.0");

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                String newcol = (String) table.get(XMLTools.NAME_OF);

                // Create an instance of the collection manager and create the collection

                CollectionManager colman = (CollectionManager) col.getService("CollectionManager", XMLDBAPIVERSION);

                String colName = "";
                String parName = newcol;

                int idx = parName.lastIndexOf("/");

                if (idx != -1) {
                    colName = parName.substring(idx + 1);
                    parName = parName.substring(0, idx);
                } else if (idx == -1) {
                    colName = parName;

                if (colName.equals("")) {
                    System.out.println("Cannot create a NULL collection");
                    return false;

                Document doc = new DocumentImpl();

                Element colEle = doc.createElement("collection");
                colEle.setAttribute("compressed", "true");
                colEle.setAttribute("name", colName);


                Element filEle = doc.createElement("filer");
                filEle.setAttribute("class", "org.apache.xindice.core.filer.BTreeFiler");
                //filEle.setAttribute("gzip", "true");
                if (table.containsKey(XMLTools.PAGE_SIZE)) {
                    filEle.setAttribute("pagesize", (String) table.get(XMLTools.PAGE_SIZE));

                if (table.containsKey(XMLTools.MAX_KEY_SIZE)) {
                    filEle.setAttribute("maxkeysize", (String) table.get(XMLTools.MAX_KEY_SIZE));


                tempcol = colman.createCollection(newcol, doc);

                System.out.println("Created : " + table.get(XMLTools.COLLECTION) + "/" + newcol);
            } else {
                System.out.println("ERROR : Collection Context and New Collection name required");
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                System.out.println("ERROR : Collection not found!");
                return false;

            // Create a collection manager instance for the parent of the collection
            CollectionManager colman = (CollectionManager) col.getService("CollectionManager", XMLDBAPIVERSION);

            String[] idx = colman.listIndexers();


            for (int i = 0; i < idx.length; i++) {
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                    System.out.println("ERROR : Collection not found!");
                    return false;

                // Create a collection manager instance for the collection
                CollectionManager colman = (CollectionManager) col.getService("CollectionManager", XMLDBAPIVERSION);

                if (table.get(XMLTools.NAME_OF) != null) {
                    colman.dropIndexer((String) table.get(XMLTools.NAME_OF));
                    System.out.println("DELETED: " + (String) table.get(XMLTools.NAME_OF));
                } else {
                    System.out.println("ERROR : Name switch and Indexer name required");
            } else
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