Package org.apache.xerces.xs

Examples of org.apache.xerces.xs.XSParticle


            // If the content model of this complex type is element or mixed then we must convert the
            // contained XSParticle into a set of node and/or property defs
        } else if (ctdef.getContentType() == XSComplexTypeDefinition.CONTENTTYPE_ELEMENT || ctdef.getContentType() == XSComplexTypeDefinition.CONTENTTYPE_MIXED) {
            XSParticle p = ctdef.getParticle();

            // particleToDefs takes the two lists and adds to them as necessary. It also returns
            // an orderable indicator based on the top level compositor used within the complex typedef
            // (if there is one).
            orderable = particleToDefs(p, propDefList, nodeDefList);
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            // We ignore any further nested compositors
            // by ignoring the return value of nested particleToDefs calls.
            XSObjectList list = mg.getParticles();
            for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
                XSParticle pp = (XSParticle) list.item(i);
                particleToDefs(pp, propDefList, nodeDefList);
        return orderable;
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      if (hasAttributes)
         throw new WSException("[JAX-RPC] Can not unwrap, complex type contains attributes.");

      boolean unwrappedElement = false;

      XSParticle particle = wrapper.getParticle();
      if (particle == null)
         unwrappedElement = true;
         XSTerm term = particle.getTerm();
         if (term instanceof XSModelGroup)
            unwrappedElement = unwrapGroup(tempBuf, containingElement, (XSModelGroup)term);
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         return false;

      XSObjectList particles = group.getParticles();
      for (int i = 0; i < particles.getLength(); i++)
         XSParticle particle = (XSParticle)particles.item(i);
         XSTerm term = particle.getTerm();
         if (term instanceof XSModelGroup)
            if (unwrapGroup(buf, containingElement, (XSModelGroup)term) == false)
               return false;
         else if (term instanceof XSElementDeclaration)
            if (buf.length() > 0)
               buf.append(", ");

            XSElementDeclaration element = (XSElementDeclaration)term;
            XSTypeDefinition type = element.getTypeDefinition();
            String tempContainingElement = containingElement + ToolsUtils.firstLetterUpperCase(element.getName());

            QName xmlType = null;
            if (type.getAnonymous() == false)
               xmlType = new QName(type.getNamespace(), type.getName());

            JBossXSModel xsmodel = WSDLUtils.getSchemaModel(wsdl.getWsdlTypes());
            boolean array = particle.getMaxOccursUnbounded() || particle.getMaxOccurs() > 1;
            boolean primitive = !(element.getNillable() || (particle.getMinOccurs() == 0 && particle.getMaxOccurs() == 1));
            generateParameter(buf, tempContainingElement, xmlType, xsmodel, type, array, primitive, false);

            String paramName;
            if (type.getAnonymous())
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         XSModelGroup xm = null;
         XSComplexTypeDefinition xc = (XSComplexTypeDefinition)xt;
         if (xc.getContentType() != XSComplexTypeDefinition.CONTENTTYPE_EMPTY)
            XSParticle xp = xc.getParticle();
            if (xp != null)
               XSTerm xterm = xp.getTerm();
               if (xterm instanceof XSModelGroup)
                  xm = (XSModelGroup)xterm;
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      if (wrapper.getAttributeUses().getLength() > 0)
         return false;

      boolean unwrappedElement = false;

      XSParticle particle = wrapper.getParticle();
      if (particle == null)
         return true;
         XSTerm term = particle.getTerm();
         if (term instanceof XSModelGroup)
            unwrappedElement = unwrapGroup(partsMappings, methodMapping, messageName, containingElement, (XSModelGroup)term);
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         return false;

      XSObjectList particles = group.getParticles();
      for (int i = 0; i < particles.getLength(); i++)
         XSParticle particle = (XSParticle)particles.item(i);
         XSTerm term = particle.getTerm();
         if (term instanceof XSModelGroup)
            if (unwrapGroup(partsMappings, methodMapping, messageName, containingElement, (XSModelGroup)term) == false)
               return false;
         else if (term instanceof XSElementDeclaration)
            XSElementDeclaration element = (XSElementDeclaration)term;
            XSTypeDefinition type = element.getTypeDefinition();

            QName xmlName = new QName(element.getNamespace(), element.getName());
            QName xmlType;
            if (type.getAnonymous())
               String tempName = ToolsUtils.firstLetterUpperCase(containingElement) + ToolsUtils.firstLetterUpperCase(element.getName());
               xmlType = new QName(type.getNamespace(), tempName);
               xmlType = new QName(type.getNamespace(), type.getName());

            boolean array = particle.getMaxOccursUnbounded() || particle.getMaxOccurs() > 1;
            boolean primitive = !(element.getNillable() || (particle.getMinOccurs() == 0 && particle.getMaxOccurs() == 1));

            MethodParamPartsMapping part = getMethodParamPartsMapping(methodMapping, xmlName, xmlType, partsMappings.size(), messageName, "IN", xmlName.getLocalPart(),
                  array, primitive);
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    private void expandRelatedComplexTypeComponents(XSComplexTypeDecl type, Vector componentList, String namespace, Hashtable dependencies) {
        addRelatedType(type.getBaseType(), componentList, namespace, dependencies);
        expandRelatedAttributeUsesComponents(type.getAttributeUses(), componentList, namespace, dependencies);
        final XSParticle particle = type.getParticle();
        if (particle != null) {
            expandRelatedParticleComponents(particle, componentList, namespace, dependencies);
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            fElementTraverser.traverseLocal (fParticle[i], currElem, currSchema, currGrammar, fAllContext[i], fParent[i], fLocalElemNamespaceContext[i]);
            // If it's an empty particle, remove it from the containing component.
            if (fParticle[i].fType == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_EMPTY) {
                XSModelGroupImpl group = null;
                if (fParent[i] instanceof XSComplexTypeDecl) {
                    XSParticle p = ((XSComplexTypeDecl)fParent[i]).getParticle();
                    if (p != null)
                        group = (XSModelGroupImpl)p.getTerm();
                else {
                    group = ((XSGroupDecl)fParent[i]).fModelGroup;
                if (group != null)
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            fElementTraverser.traverseLocal (fParticle[i], currElem, currSchema, currGrammar, fAllContext[i], fParent[i], fLocalElemNamespaceContext[i]);
            // If it's an empty particle, remove it from the containing component.
            if (fParticle[i].fType == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_EMPTY) {
                XSModelGroupImpl group = null;
                if (fParent[i] instanceof XSComplexTypeDecl) {
                    XSParticle p = ((XSComplexTypeDecl)fParent[i]).getParticle();
                    if (p != null)
                        group = (XSModelGroupImpl)p.getTerm();
                else {
                    group = ((XSGroupDecl)fParent[i]).fModelGroup;
                if (group != null)
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Related Classes of org.apache.xerces.xs.XSParticle

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