// iterate all attributes on the complex type. all attributes on a complex type (from all-of
// it's xs:attribute & xs:attributeGroup declarations) are expanded, into an XSObjectList list.
XSObjectList attributeUses = complexTypeDecl.getAttributeUses();
for (int attrUsesIdx = 0; attrUsesIdx < attributeUses.getLength(); attrUsesIdx++) {
XSAttributeUse attrUse = (XSAttributeUse) attributeUses.item(attrUsesIdx);
String constraintName = null;
String constraintVal = null;
if (attrUse.getConstraintType() != XSConstants.VC_NONE) {
constraintName = (attrUse.getConstraintType() == XSConstants.VC_DEFAULT) ? "default" : "fixed";
constraintVal = attrUse.getConstraintValue();
String requiredVal = (attrUse.getRequired() == true) ? "required" : "optional";
XSAttributeDecl attrDecl = (XSAttributeDecl)
XSComplexTypeDefinition enclosingCTDefn = attrDecl.
boolean complexTypesIdentical = (enclosingCTDefn == null) ? false : XSTypeHelper.isSchemaTypesIdentical(
complexTypeDecl, enclosingCTDefn);
// do not add attributes, from the base type. they will be serialized as part of the base type serialization.