Package org.apache.xerces.utils

Examples of org.apache.xerces.utils.QName

                        typeInfo.scopeDefined = -2;
                        typeInfo.contentSpecHandle = -1;
                        typeInfo.contentType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
                        typeInfo.datatypeValidator = null;
                        typeInfo.templateElementIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addElementDecl(
                            new QName(-1, templateElementNameIndex,typeNameIndex,fTargetNSURI),
                            (fTargetNSURI==StringPool.EMPTY_STRING) ? StringPool.EMPTY_STRING : -2, typeInfo.scopeDefined,
                            typeInfo.contentSpecHandle, -1, typeInfo.datatypeValidator);

                        Vector anyAttDecls = new Vector();
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                        dTypeInfo.scopeDefined = -2;
                        dTypeInfo.contentSpecHandle = -1;
                        dTypeInfo.contentType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
                        dTypeInfo.datatypeValidator = null;
                        dTypeInfo.templateElementIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addElementDecl(
                            new QName(-1, templateElementNameIndex,dTypeNameIndex,fTargetNSURI),
                            (fTargetNSURI==StringPool.EMPTY_STRING) ? StringPool.EMPTY_STRING : -2, dTypeInfo.scopeDefined,
                            dTypeInfo.contentSpecHandle, -1, dTypeInfo.datatypeValidator);

                        Vector dAnyAttDecls = new Vector();
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                if ( colonptr > 0) {
                    prefix = ref.substring(0,colonptr);
                    localpart = ref.substring(colonptr+1);
                String uriStr = resolvePrefixToURI(prefix);
          if(originalName.equals(new QName(-1, fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart), fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart), fStringPool.addSymbol(uriStr)))) {
                        if(prefix.length() == 0)
                child.setAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_REF, newName);
                child.setAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_REF, prefix + ":" + newName);
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    // correctly will depend on whether renameRedefineDecls
    // or fixRedefineSchema is the caller.
    // this method also prepends a prefix onto newName if necessary; newName will never contain one.
    private boolean validateRedefineNameChange(String eltLocalname, String oldName, String newName, Element child) throws Exception {
        if (eltLocalname.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE)) {
      QName processedTypeName = new QName(-1, fStringPool.addSymbol(oldName), fStringPool.addSymbol(oldName), fTargetNSURI);
      Element grandKid = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(child);
      if (grandKid == null) {
                fRedefineSucceeded = false;
              // REVISIT: Localize
              reportGenericSchemaError("a simpleType child of a <redefine> must have a restriction element as a child");
            } else {
                String grandKidName = grandKid.getLocalName();
        if(grandKidName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
            grandKid = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(grandKid);
                     grandKidName = grandKid.getLocalName();
          if (grandKid == null) {
                    fRedefineSucceeded = false;
                  // REVISIT: Localize
                  reportGenericSchemaError("a simpleType child of a <redefine> must have a restriction element as a child");
                } else if(!grandKidName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_RESTRICTION)) {
                    fRedefineSucceeded = false;
                // REVISIT: Localize
                reportGenericSchemaError("a simpleType child of a <redefine> must have a restriction element as a child");
                } else {
                String derivedBase = grandKid.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_BASE );
          QName processedDerivedBase = parseBase(derivedBase);
          if(!processedTypeName.equals(processedDerivedBase)) {
                        fRedefineSucceeded = false;
                  // REVISIT: Localize
                  reportGenericSchemaError("the base attribute of the restriction child of a simpleType child of a redefine must have the same value as the simpleType's type attribute");
                    } else {
            // now we have to do the renaming...
                        String prefix = "";
                        int colonptr = derivedBase.indexOf(":");
                        if ( colonptr > 0)
                            prefix = derivedBase.substring(0,colonptr) + ":";
                  grandKid.setAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_BASE, prefix + newName );
                        return true;
    } else if (eltLocalname.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_COMPLEXTYPE)) {
      QName processedTypeName = new QName(-1, fStringPool.addSymbol(oldName), fStringPool.addSymbol(oldName), fTargetNSURI);
      Element grandKid = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(child);
      if (grandKid == null) {
                fRedefineSucceeded = false;
               // REVISIT: Localize
               reportGenericSchemaError("a complexType child of a <redefine> must have a restriction or extension element as a grandchild");
            } else {
                if(grandKid.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
                grandKid = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(grandKid);
            if (grandKid == null) {
                    fRedefineSucceeded = false;
                  // REVISIT: Localize
                  reportGenericSchemaError("a complexType child of a <redefine> must have a restriction or extension element as a grandchild");
                } else {
            // have to go one more level down; let another pass worry whether complexType is valid.
            Element greatGrandKid = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(grandKid);
            if (greatGrandKid == null) {
                        fRedefineSucceeded = false;
                    // REVISIT: Localize
                    reportGenericSchemaError("a complexType child of a <redefine> must have a restriction or extension element as a grandchild");
                    } else {
                    String greatGrandKidName = greatGrandKid.getLocalName();
                if(greatGrandKidName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
                      greatGrandKid = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(greatGrandKid);
                            greatGrandKidName = greatGrandKid.getLocalName();
                  if (greatGrandKid == null) {
                            fRedefineSucceeded = false;
                            // REVISIT: Localize
                          reportGenericSchemaError("a complexType child of a <redefine> must have a restriction or extension element as a grandchild");
              } else if(!greatGrandKidName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_RESTRICTION) &&
                  !greatGrandKidName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_EXTENSION)) {
                            fRedefineSucceeded = false;
                      // REVISIT: Localize
                      reportGenericSchemaError("a complexType child of a <redefine> must have a restriction or extension element as a grandchild");
              } else {
                      String derivedBase = greatGrandKid.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_BASE );
                QName processedDerivedBase = parseBase(derivedBase);
                if(!processedTypeName.equals(processedDerivedBase)) {
                                fRedefineSucceeded = false;
                        // REVISIT: Localize
                        reportGenericSchemaError("the base attribute of the restriction or extension grandchild of a complexType child of a redefine must have the same value as the complexType's type attribute");
                } else {
                  // now we have to do the renaming...
                                String prefix = "";
                                int colonptr = derivedBase.indexOf(":");
                                if ( colonptr > 0)
                                    prefix = derivedBase.substring(0,colonptr) + ":";
                        greatGrandKid.setAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_BASE, prefix + newName );
                                return true;
        } else if (eltLocalname.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP)) {
      QName processedBaseName = new QName(-1, fStringPool.addSymbol(oldName), fStringPool.addSymbol(oldName), fTargetNSURI);
      int attGroupRefsCount = changeRedefineGroup(processedBaseName, eltLocalname, newName, child);
      if(attGroupRefsCount > 1) {
                fRedefineSucceeded = false;
        // REVISIT:  localize
        reportGenericSchemaError("if an attributeGroup child of a <redefine> element contains an attributeGroup ref'ing itself, it must have exactly 1; this one has " + attGroupRefsCount);
      } else if (attGroupRefsCount == 1) {
                return true;
                fRedefineAttributeGroupMap.put(oldName, newName);
        } else if (eltLocalname.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP)) {
      QName processedBaseName = new QName(-1, fStringPool.addSymbol(oldName), fStringPool.addSymbol(oldName), fTargetNSURI);
      int groupRefsCount = changeRedefineGroup(processedBaseName, eltLocalname, newName, child);
            String restrictedName = newName.substring(0, newName.length()-redefIdentifier.length());
            if(!fRedefineSucceeded) {
                fRestrictedRedefinedGroupRegistry.put(fTargetNSURIString+","+restrictedName, new Boolean(false));
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          throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError(
                  "The BASE attribute must be specified for the " +
                  "RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element");

        QName baseQName = parseBase(base);
        // check if we're extending a simpleType which has a "final" setting which precludes this
        Integer finalValue =
                ((Integer)fSimpleTypeFinalRegistry.get(fStringPool.toString(baseQName.uri) + "," +fStringPool.toString(baseQName.localpart)));
        if(finalValue != null &&
                (finalValue.intValue() == typeInfo.derivedBy))
            throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError(
                  "The simpleType " + base + " that " + typeName + " uses has a value of \"final\" which does not permit extension");

        String baseTypeURI = fStringPool.toString(baseQName.uri);
        String baseLocalName = fStringPool.toString(baseQName.localpart);
        if (baseTypeURI.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA) &&
            baseLocalName.equals("anyType")) {
             throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError(
             "The type '"+ base +"' specified as the " +
             "base in the simpleContent element must be a complex type with simple content");


        // check that the base isn't a complex type with simple content
        if (typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo != null)  {
             if (typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo.contentType != XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE) {
                 throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError(
                 "The type '"+ base +"' specified as the " +
                 "base in the simpleContent element must not have complexContent");

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Process the content of the derivation
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        Element attrNode = null;
        // RESTRICTION
        if (typeInfo.derivedBy==SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION) {
            //Schema Spec : Complex Type Definition Properties Correct : 2
            if (typeInfo.baseDataTypeValidator != null) {
                throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError(
                 "ct-props-correct.2: The type '" + base +"' is a simple type.  It cannot be used in a "+
                 "derivation by RESTRICTION for a complexType");
            else {
                typeInfo.baseDataTypeValidator = typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo.datatypeValidator;

            // Check that the base's final set does not include RESTRICTION
            if((typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo.finalSet & SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION) != 0) {
               throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError("Derivation by restriction is forbidden by either the base type " + base + " or the schema");

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            // There may be a simple type definition in the restriction element
            // The data type validator will be based on it, if specified
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (content.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE )) {
                int simpleTypeNameIndex = traverseSimpleTypeDecl(content);
                if (simpleTypeNameIndex!=-1) {
                    DatatypeValidator dv=fDatatypeRegistry.getDatatypeValidator(

                  //check that this datatype validator is validly derived from the base
                  //according to derivation-ok-restriction 5.1.1
                  if (!checkSimpleTypeDerivationOK(dv,typeInfo.baseDataTypeValidator)) {
                    throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError("derivation-ok-restriction.5.1.1:  The content type is not a valid restriction of the content type of the base");
                  typeInfo.baseDataTypeValidator = dv;
                  content = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(content);
                else {
                  throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError();

            // Build up facet information
            int numEnumerationLiterals = 0;
            int numFacets = 0;
            Hashtable facetData        = new Hashtable();
            Vector enumData            = new Vector();
            Element child;

             // General Attribute Checking
            scope = GeneralAttrCheck.ELE_CONTEXT_LOCAL;
            Hashtable contentAttrs;

            //REVISIT: there is a better way to do this,
            for (child = content;
                 child != null && (child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MINEXCLUSIVE) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MININCLUSIVE) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MAXEXCLUSIVE) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MAXINCLUSIVE) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_TOTALDIGITS) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_FRACTIONDIGITS) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_LENGTH) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MINLENGTH) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MAXLENGTH) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_PERIOD) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_DURATION) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION) ||
                           child.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_PATTERN) ||
                 child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child))
                if ( child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
                    Element facetElt = (Element) child;
                    // General Attribute Checking
                    contentAttrs = generalCheck(facetElt, scope);
                    if (facetElt.getLocalName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION)) {
                        //Enumerations can have annotations ? ( 0 | 1 )
                        Element enumContent =  XUtil.getFirstChildElement( facetElt );
                        if( enumContent != null &&
                                  ( SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION )){
                            traverseAnnotationDecl( child );
                        // TO DO: if Jeff check in new changes to TraverseSimpleType, copy them over
                    else {
                              facetElt.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_VALUE ));
            } // end of for loop thru facets

            if (numEnumerationLiterals > 0) {
                facetData.put(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION, enumData);

            // If there were facets, create a new data type validator, otherwise
            // the data type validator is from the base
            if (numFacets > 0) {
                typeInfo.datatypeValidator = fDatatypeRegistry.createDatatypeValidator(
                                      typeInfo.baseDataTypeValidator, facetData, false);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError(e.getMessage());

                typeInfo.datatypeValidator =

            if (child != null) {
               // Check that we have attributes
               if (!isAttrOrAttrGroup(child)) {
                  throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError(
                     "Invalid child in the RESTRICTION element of simpleContent");
                  attrNode = child;

        } // end RESTRICTION

        // EXTENSION
        else {
            if (typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo != null) {
               typeInfo.baseDataTypeValidator = typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo.datatypeValidator;
              // Check that the base's final set does not include EXTENSION
              if((typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo.finalSet &
                   SchemaSymbols.EXTENSION) != 0) {
                 throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError("Derivation by extension is forbidden by either the base type " + base + " or the schema");

            typeInfo.datatypeValidator = typeInfo.baseDataTypeValidator;

            // Look for attributes
            if (content != null)  {
               // Check that we have attributes
               if (!isAttrOrAttrGroup(content)) {
                   throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError(
                             "Only annotations and attributes are allowed in the " +
                             "content of an EXTENSION element for a complexType with simpleContent");
               else {
                   attrNode = content;


        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        // add a template element to the grammar element decl pool for the type
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        int templateElementNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol("$"+typeName);

        typeInfo.templateElementIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addElementDecl(
             new QName(-1, templateElementNameIndex,typeNameIndex,fTargetNSURI),
             (fTargetNSURI==StringPool.EMPTY_STRING) ? StringPool.EMPTY_STRING : fCurrentScope, typeInfo.scopeDefined,
             typeInfo.contentSpecHandle, -1, typeInfo.datatypeValidator);
        typeInfo.attlistHead = fSchemaGrammar.getFirstAttributeDeclIndex(
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           throw new ComplexTypeRecoverableError(
                  "The BASE attribute must be specified for the " +
                  "RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element");

        QName baseQName = parseBase(base);

        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        // check if the base is "anyType"
        // -------------------------------------------------------------
        String baseTypeURI = fStringPool.toString(baseQName.uri);
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        typeInfo.datatypeValidator = null;
        typeInfo.attlistHead = -1;

        int templateElementNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol("$"+typeName);
        typeInfo.templateElementIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addElementDecl(
            new QName(-1, templateElementNameIndex,typeNameIndex,fTargetNSURI),
            (fTargetNSURI==StringPool.EMPTY_STRING) ? StringPool.EMPTY_STRING : fCurrentScope, typeInfo.scopeDefined,
            typeInfo.contentSpecHandle, -1, typeInfo.datatypeValidator);
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        int nameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(base);
        int prefixIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(prefix);
        int localpartIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart);
        int URIindex = fStringPool.addSymbol(resolvePrefixToURI(prefix));
        return new QName(prefixIndex,localpartIndex,nameIndex,URIindex);
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       // add a template element to the grammar element decl pool.
       // -------------------------------------------------------------
       int templateElementNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol("$"+typeName);

       typeInfo.templateElementIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addElementDecl(
            new QName(-1, templateElementNameIndex,typeNameIndex,fTargetNSURI),
            (fTargetNSURI==StringPool.EMPTY_STRING) ? StringPool.EMPTY_STRING : fCurrentScope, typeInfo.scopeDefined,
            typeInfo.contentSpecHandle, -1, typeInfo.datatypeValidator);
       typeInfo.attlistHead = fSchemaGrammar.getFirstAttributeDeclIndex(
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    private boolean checkSubstitutionGroups(int local1, int uri1, int local2, int uri2)
throws Exception {

       // check if either name is in the other's substitution group
       QName name1 = new QName(-1,local1,local1,uri1);
       QName name2 = new QName(-1,local2,local2,uri2);

       if (fSComp.isEquivalentTo(name1,name2) ||
         return true;
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Related Classes of org.apache.xerces.utils.QName

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