Package org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.psvi

Examples of org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.psvi.XSObjectList

        // (3) add default attrs (FIXED and NOT_FIXED)
        if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("==>addDefaultAttributes: " + element);
        XSObjectList attrUses = attrGrp.getAttributeUses();
        int useCount = attrUses.getLength();
        XSAttributeUseImpl currUse;
        XSAttributeDecl currDecl;
        short constType;
        ValidatedInfo defaultValue;
        boolean isSpecified;
        QName attName;
        // for each attribute use
        for (int i = 0; i < useCount; i++) {

            currUse = (XSAttributeUseImpl)attrUses.getItem(i);
            currDecl = currUse.fAttrDecl;
            // get value constraint
            constType = currUse.fConstraintType;
            defaultValue = currUse.fDefault;
            if (constType == XSConstants.VC_NONE) {
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        XSObjectList attrUses = attrGrp.getAttributeUses();
        int useCount = attrUses.getLength();
        XSWildcardDecl attrWildcard = attrGrp.fAttributeWC;

        // whether we have seen a Wildcard ID.
        String wildcardIDName = null;

        // for each present attribute
        int attCount = attributes.getLength();

        // Element Locally Valid (Complex Type)
        // 3 For each attribute information item in the element information item's [attributes] excepting those whose [namespace name] is identical to and whose [local name] is one of type, nil, schemaLocation or noNamespaceSchemaLocation, the appropriate case among the following must be true:
        // get the corresponding attribute decl
        for (int index = 0; index < attCount; index++) {
            attributes.getName(index, fTempQName);
            if (DEBUG) {           
                System.out.println("==>process attribute: "+fTempQName);
            // get attribute PSVI
            attrPSVI = (AttributePSVImpl)attributes.getAugmentations(index).getItem(Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PSVI);
            // for the 4 xsi attributes, get appropriate decl, and validate
            if (fTempQName.uri == SchemaSymbols.URI_XSI) {
                XSAttributeDecl attrDecl = null;
                if (fTempQName.localpart == SchemaSymbols.XSI_SCHEMALOCATION)
                    attrDecl = SchemaGrammar.SG_XSI.getGlobalAttributeDecl(SchemaSymbols.XSI_SCHEMALOCATION);
                else if (fTempQName.localpart == SchemaSymbols.XSI_NONAMESPACESCHEMALOCATION)
                    attrDecl = SchemaGrammar.SG_XSI.getGlobalAttributeDecl(SchemaSymbols.XSI_NONAMESPACESCHEMALOCATION);
                else if (fTempQName.localpart == SchemaSymbols.XSI_NIL)
                    attrDecl = SchemaGrammar.SG_XSI.getGlobalAttributeDecl(SchemaSymbols.XSI_NIL);
                else if (fTempQName.localpart == SchemaSymbols.XSI_TYPE)
                    attrDecl = SchemaGrammar.SG_XSI.getGlobalAttributeDecl(SchemaSymbols.XSI_TYPE);
                if (attrDecl != null) {
                    processOneAttribute(element, attributes.getValue(index),
                                        attrDecl, null, attrPSVI);
            // for namespace attributes, no_validation/unknow_validity
            if (fTempQName.rawname == XMLSymbols.PREFIX_XMLNS || fTempQName.rawname.startsWith("xmlns:")) {
            // it's not xmlns, and not xsi, then we need to find a decl for it
            XSAttributeUseImpl currUse = null, oneUse;
            for (int i = 0; i < useCount; i++) {
                oneUse = (XSAttributeUseImpl)attrUses.getItem(i);
                if (oneUse.fAttrDecl.fName == fTempQName.localpart &&
                    oneUse.fAttrDecl.fTargetNamespace == fTempQName.uri) {
                    currUse = oneUse;
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        // (3) add default attrs (FIXED and NOT_FIXED)
        if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("==>addDefaultAttributes: " + element);
        XSObjectList attrUses = attrGrp.getAttributeUses();
        int useCount = attrUses.getLength();
        XSAttributeUseImpl currUse;
        XSAttributeDecl currDecl;
        short constType;
        ValidatedInfo defaultValue;
        boolean isSpecified;
        QName attName;
        // for each attribute use
        for (int i = 0; i < useCount; i++) {

            currUse = (XSAttributeUseImpl)attrUses.getItem(i);
            currDecl = currUse.fAttrDecl;
            // get value constraint
            constType = currUse.fConstraintType;
            defaultValue = currUse.fDefault;
            if (constType == XSConstants.VC_NONE) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.psvi.XSObjectList

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