// For an attribute information item to be locally valid with respect to an attribute declaration all of the following must be true:
// 1 The declaration must not be absent (see Missing Sub-components (5.3) for how this can fail to be the case).
// 2 Its {type definition} must not be absent.
// 3 The item's normalized value must be locally valid with respect to that {type definition} as per String Valid (3.14.4).
// get simple type
XSSimpleType attDV = currDecl.fType;
Object actualValue = null;
try {
actualValue = attDV.validate(attrValue, fValidationState, fValidatedInfo);
// store the normalized value
if (fNormalizeData)
attributes.setValue(index, fValidatedInfo.normalizedValue);
if (attributes instanceof XMLAttributesImpl) {
XMLAttributesImpl attrs = (XMLAttributesImpl)attributes;
boolean schemaId = fValidatedInfo.memberType != null ?
fValidatedInfo.memberType.isIDType() :
attrs.setSchemaId(index, schemaId);
// PSVI: element notation
if (attDV.getVariety() == XSSimpleType.VARIETY_ATOMIC &&
attDV.getPrimitiveKind() == XSSimpleType.PRIMITIVE_NOTATION){
QName qName = (QName)actualValue;
SchemaGrammar grammar = fGrammarBucket.getGrammar(qName.uri);
//REVISIT: is it possible for the notation to be in different namespace than the attribute
//with which it is associated, CHECK !! <fof n1:att1 = "n2:notation1" ..>
// should we give chance to the application to be able to retrieve a grammar - nb
//REVISIT: what would be the triggering component here.. if it is attribute value that
// triggered the loading of grammar ?? -nb
if (grammar != null) {
fNotation = grammar.getGlobalNotationDecl(qName.localpart);
catch (InvalidDatatypeValueException idve) {
reportSchemaError(idve.getKey(), idve.getArgs());
reportSchemaError("cvc-attribute.3", new Object[]{element.rawname, fTempQName.rawname, attrValue});
// get the value constraint from use or decl
// 4 The item's actual value must match the value of the {value constraint}, if it is present and fixed. // now check the value against the simpleType
if (actualValue != null &&
currDecl.getConstraintType() == XSConstants.VC_FIXED) {
if (!attDV.isEqual(actualValue, currDecl.fDefault.actualValue)){
reportSchemaError("cvc-attribute.4", new Object[]{element.rawname, fTempQName.rawname, attrValue});
// 3.1 If there is among the {attribute uses} an attribute use with an {attribute declaration} whose {name} matches the attribute information item's [local name] and whose {target namespace} is identical to the attribute information item's [namespace name] (where an absent {target namespace} is taken to be identical to a [namespace name] with no value), then the attribute information must be valid with respect to that attribute use as per Attribute Locally Valid (Use) (3.5.4). In this case the {attribute declaration} of that attribute use is the context-determined declaration for the attribute information item with respect to Schema-Validity Assessment (Attribute) (3.2.4) and Assessment Outcome (Attribute) (3.2.5).
if (actualValue != null &&
currUse != null && currUse.fConstraintType == XSConstants.VC_FIXED) {
if (!attDV.isEqual(actualValue, currUse.fDefault.actualValue)){
reportSchemaError("cvc-complex-type.3.1", new Object[]{element.rawname, fTempQName.rawname, attrValue});
if (fAugPSVI) {