content = DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(content);
// get base type from "base" attribute
XSSimpleType baseValidator = null;
if ((restriction || list) && baseTypeName != null) {
baseValidator = findDTValidator(child, name, baseTypeName, refType, schemaDoc);
// if its the built-in type, return null from here
if (baseValidator == null && fIsBuiltIn) {
fIsBuiltIn = false;
return null;
// get types from "memberTypes" attribute
Vector dTValidators = null;
XSSimpleType dv = null;
XSObjectList dvs;
if (union && memberTypes != null && memberTypes.size() > 0) {
int size = memberTypes.size();
dTValidators = new Vector(size, 2);
// for each qname in the list
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// get the type decl
dv = findDTValidator(child, name, (QName)memberTypes.elementAt(i),
XSConstants.DERIVATION_UNION, schemaDoc);
if (dv != null) {
// if it's a union, expand it
if (dv.getVariety() == XSSimpleType.VARIETY_UNION) {
dvs = dv.getMemberTypes();
for (int j = 0; j < dvs.getLength(); j++)
} else {
// when there is an error finding the base type of a restriciton
// we use anySimpleType as the base, then we should skip the facets,
// because anySimpleType doesn't recognize any facet.
boolean skipFacets = false;
// check if there is a child "simpleType"
if (content != null && DOMUtil.getLocalName(content).equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE)) {
if (restriction || list) {
// it's an error for both "base" and "simpleType" to appear
if (baseTypeName != null) {
reportSchemaError(list ? "src-simple-type.3" : "src-simple-type.2", null, content);
else {
// traver this child to get the base type
baseValidator = traverseLocal(content, schemaDoc, grammar);
// get the next element
content = DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(content);
else if (union) {
if (dTValidators == null) {
dTValidators = new Vector(2, 2);
do {
// traver this child to get the member type
dv = traverseLocal(content, schemaDoc, grammar);
if (dv != null) {
// if it's a union, expand it
if (dv.getVariety() == XSSimpleType.VARIETY_UNION) {
dvs = dv.getMemberTypes();
for (int j = 0; j < dvs.getLength(); j++)
} else {
// get the next element
content = DOMUtil.getNextSiblingElement(content);
} while (content != null && DOMUtil.getLocalName(content).equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE));
else if ((restriction || list) && baseTypeName == null) {
// it's an error if neither "base" nor "simpleType" appears
reportSchemaError("src-simple-type.2", null, child);
// base can't be found, skip the facets.
skipFacets = true;
baseValidator = SchemaGrammar.fAnySimpleType;
else if (union && (memberTypes == null || memberTypes.size() == 0)) {
// it's an error if "memberTypes" is empty and no "simpleType" appears
reportSchemaError("src-union-memberTypes-or-simpleTypes", null, child);
dTValidators = new Vector(1);
// error finding "base" or error traversing "simpleType".
// don't need to report an error, since some error has been reported.
if ((restriction || list) && baseValidator == null) {
baseValidator = SchemaGrammar.fAnySimpleType;
// error finding "memberTypes" or error traversing "simpleType".
// don't need to report an error, since some error has been reported.
if (union && (dTValidators == null || dTValidators.size() == 0)) {
dTValidators = new Vector(1);
// item type of list types can't have list content
if (list && isListDatatype(baseValidator)) {
reportSchemaError("cos-list-of-atomic", new Object[]{name}, child);
// create the simple type based on the "base" type
XSSimpleType newDecl = null;
if (restriction) {
newDecl = schemaFactory.createTypeRestriction(name, schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace, (short)finalProperty, baseValidator);
else if (list) {
newDecl = schemaFactory.createTypeList(name, schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace, (short)finalProperty, baseValidator);
else if (union) {
XSSimpleType[] memberDecls = new XSSimpleType[dTValidators.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < dTValidators.size(); i++)
memberDecls[i] = (XSSimpleType)dTValidators.elementAt(i);
newDecl = schemaFactory.createTypeUnion(name, schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace, (short)finalProperty, memberDecls);
// now traverse facets, if it's derived by restriction
if (restriction && content != null) {
FacetInfo fi = traverseFacets(content, baseValidator, schemaDoc);
content = fi.nodeAfterFacets;
if (!skipFacets) {
try {
newDecl.applyFacets(fi.facetdata, fi.fPresentFacets, fi.fFixedFacets, fValidationState);
} catch (InvalidDatatypeFacetException ex) {
reportSchemaError(ex.getKey(), ex.getArgs(), child);