// save the prefiltered list of jars before excluding system apps
// so that we can choose not to filter modules with descriptors on the full list
final UrlSet prefiltered = urlSet;
Filter includeFilter = Filters.patterns(include);
// we should exclude system apps before and apply user properties after
if (!".*".equals(include) || !"".equals(exclude)) { // if we are using default this will not do anything
// the next line should probably replaced by:
// final Filter filter = new ExcludeIncludeFilter(includeFilter, Filters.patterns(exclude));
final Filter filter;
if (EXCLUDE_INCLUDE_ORDER.startsWith("include")) { // this test should be simply enough
filter = new IncludeExcludeFilter(includeFilter, Filters.patterns(exclude));
} else {
filter = new ExcludeIncludeFilter(includeFilter, Filters.patterns(exclude));