"No certs found in keystore for issuer " + issuerString
+ " of certificate for " + subjectString
throw new WSSecurityException(
WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILURE, "certpath", "No trusted certs found"
// Form a certificate chain from the transmitted certificate
// and the certificate(s) of the issuer from the keystore/truststore
x509certs = new X509Certificate[foundCerts.length + 1];
x509certs[0] = certs[0];
System.arraycopy(foundCerts, 0, x509certs, 1, foundCerts.length);
// THIRD step
// Check the certificate trust path for the issuer cert chain
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
"Preparing to validate certificate path for issuer " + issuerString
try {
// Generate cert path
List<X509Certificate> certList = Arrays.asList(x509certs);
CertPath path = getCertificateFactory().generateCertPath(certList);
Set<TrustAnchor> set = new HashSet<TrustAnchor>();
if (truststore != null) {
Enumeration<String> truststoreAliases = truststore.aliases();
while (truststoreAliases.hasMoreElements()) {
String alias = truststoreAliases.nextElement();
X509Certificate cert =
(X509Certificate) truststore.getCertificate(alias);
if (cert != null) {
TrustAnchor anchor =
new TrustAnchor(cert, cert.getExtensionValue(NAME_CONSTRAINTS_OID));
// Add certificates from the keystore - only if there is no TrustStore, apart from
// the case that the truststore is the JDK CA certs. This behaviour is preserved
// for backwards compatibility reasons
if (keystore != null && (truststore == null || loadCACerts)) {
Enumeration<String> aliases = keystore.aliases();
while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) {
String alias = aliases.nextElement();
X509Certificate cert =
(X509Certificate) keystore.getCertificate(alias);
if (cert != null) {
TrustAnchor anchor =
new TrustAnchor(cert, cert.getExtensionValue(NAME_CONSTRAINTS_OID));
PKIXParameters param = new PKIXParameters(set);
if (enableRevocation && crlCertStore != null) {
// Verify the trust path using the above settings
String provider = getCryptoProvider();
CertPathValidator validator = null;
if (provider == null || provider.length() == 0) {
validator = CertPathValidator.getInstance("PKIX");
} else {
validator = CertPathValidator.getInstance("PKIX", provider);
validator.validate(path, param);
} catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
throw new WSSecurityException(
WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILURE, "certpath", e
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new WSSecurityException(
"certpath", e, e.getMessage()
} catch (CertificateException e) {
throw new WSSecurityException(
WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILURE, "certpath", e
} catch (java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) {
throw new WSSecurityException(
WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILURE, "certpath", e
} catch (java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException e) {
throw new WSSecurityException(
WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILED_AUTHENTICATION, "certpath", e
} catch (KeyStoreException e) {
throw new WSSecurityException(
WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILURE, "certpath", e
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// NPE thrown by JDK 1.7 for one of the test cases
throw new WSSecurityException(
WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILURE, "certpath", e
// Finally check Cert Constraints
if (!matches(certs[0], subjectCertConstraints)) {
throw new WSSecurityException(WSSecurityException.ErrorCode.FAILED_AUTHENTICATION);