* default set. This is necessary because we add SignatureConfirmation
* and therefore the default (Body) must be set here. The default setting
* in WSSignEnvelope doesn't work because the vector is not empty anymore.
if (reqData.getSignatureParts().isEmpty()) {
WSEncryptionPart encP = new WSEncryptionPart(reqData.getSoapConstants()
.getBodyQName().getLocalPart(), reqData.getSoapConstants()
.getEnvelopeURI(), "Content");
* If SignatureConfirmation is enabled and this is a response then
* insert SignatureConfirmation elements, note their wsu:id in the signature
* parts. They will be signed automatically during a (probably) defined
* SIGN action.
if (wssConfig.isEnableSignatureConfirmation() && !isRequest) {
String done =
(String)getProperty(reqData.getMsgContext(), WSHandlerConstants.SIG_CONF_DONE);
if (done == null) {
wssConfig.getAction(WSConstants.SC).execute(this, WSConstants.SC, doc, reqData);
// See if the Signature and Timestamp actions (in that order) are defined, and if
// the Timestamp is to be signed. In this case we need to swap the actions, as the
// Timestamp must appear in the security header first for signature creation to work.
List<Integer> actionsToPerform = actions;
if (actions.contains(WSConstants.SIGN) && actions.contains(WSConstants.TS)
&& (actions.indexOf(WSConstants.SIGN) < actions.indexOf(WSConstants.TS))) {
boolean signTimestamp = false;
for (WSEncryptionPart encP : reqData.getSignatureParts()) {
if (WSConstants.WSU_NS.equals(encP.getNamespace())
&& "Timestamp".equals(encP.getName())) {
signTimestamp = true;
if (signTimestamp) {
actionsToPerform = new ArrayList<Integer>(actions);