
Examples of

        UsernameToken userToken = new UsernameToken(WSSConfig.getDefaultWSConfig().isPrecisionInMilliSeconds(),doc);

        RequestSecurityTokenResponse tokenResponse = new RequestSecurityTokenResponse(doc, new SecurityTokenOrReference(userToken));
        tokenResponse.setContext(new URI("http://context.context"));
        Data data = new Data();
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                this.usernameToken = new UsernameToken(wssConfig, element);
            if (el.equals(BinarySecurity.TOKEN))
                this.binarySecurityToken = new BinarySecurity(wssConfig, element);
            doc = element.getOwnerDocument();
        } catch (WSSecurityException e) {
            throw new ElementParsingException("WSSecurityException while trying to create a SecurityTokenOrReference object from an XML Element: "
                    + e.getMessage());
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                        if (el.equals(UsernameToken.TOKEN))
                            return new UsernameToken(wssConfig, tokenElement);
                        if (el.equals(BinarySecurity.TOKEN))
                            return new BinarySecurity(wssConfig, tokenElement);
                    } catch (WSSecurityException e) {
                        throw new ElementParsingException("WSSecurityException while trying to create a SecurityToken object from a SecurityTokenReference: "
                                + e.getMessage());
            } catch (WSSecurityException e) {
                throw new InvalidSecurityTokenReference("WSSecurityException while trying to dereference a <SecurityTokenReference>: " + e.getMessage());
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                this.usernameToken = new UsernameToken(element);
            if (el.equals(BinarySecurity.TOKEN_BST))
                this.binarySecurityToken = new BinarySecurity(element);
            doc = element.getOwnerDocument();
        } catch (WSSecurityException e) {
            throw new ElementParsingException("WSSecurityException while trying to create a SecurityTokenOrReference object from an XML Element: "
                    + e.getMessage());
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                        if (el.equals(UsernameToken.TOKEN))
                            return new UsernameToken(tokenElement);
                        if (el.equals(BinarySecurity.TOKEN_BST))
                            return new BinarySecurity(tokenElement);
                    } catch (WSSecurityException e) {
                        throw new ElementParsingException("WSSecurityException while trying to create a SecurityToken object from a SecurityTokenReference: "
                                + e.getMessage());
            } catch (WSSecurityException e) {
                throw new InvalidSecurityTokenReference("WSSecurityException while trying to dereference a <SecurityTokenReference>: " + e.getMessage());
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                            addCustomElement((Element) currentNode);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new ElementParsingException("URISyntaxException while creating SecurityTokenMessage from XML element: " + e.getMessage());
        } catch (WSSecurityException e) {
            throw new ElementParsingException("WSSecurityException while creating SecurityTokenMessage from XML element: " + e.getMessage());
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                String textContent = getTextContent(currentNode);
                if (textContent != null && !textContent.equals("")) {
                    try {
                        setRequestType(new URI(textContent));
                    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                        throw new ElementParsingException("URISyntaxException while creating RequestSecurityToken (RequestType) from XML Element: "
                                + e.getMessage());
            } else if (currentNode.getLocalName().equals(TrustConstants.BASE)) {
                Element elem = getFirstNonBlankChildAsElement(currentNode);
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    protected Element createTokenOrReferenceElement(String enclosingTagName, SecurityTokenOrReference token) throws TrustException {
        Element element = doc.createElementNS(TrustConstants.WST_NS, enclosingTagName);
        Element tokenElement = token.getElement();
        if (tokenElement == null)
            throw new EmptyTokenOrReference("SecurityTokenOrReference specified does not contain " +
                    "a security token element or reference element.");
        return element;
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                        throw new ElementParsingException("WSSecurityException while trying to create a SecurityToken object from a SecurityTokenReference: "
                                + e.getMessage());
            } catch (WSSecurityException e) {
                throw new InvalidSecurityTokenReference("WSSecurityException while trying to dereference a <SecurityTokenReference>: " + e.getMessage());
        return null;
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                        throw new ElementParsingException("WSSecurityException while trying to create a SecurityToken object from a SecurityTokenReference: "
                                + e.getMessage());
            } catch (WSSecurityException e) {
                throw new InvalidSecurityTokenReference("WSSecurityException while trying to dereference a <SecurityTokenReference>: " + e.getMessage());
        return null;
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