private void checkPropertyQNamesAreValid( SOAPElement[] propElems )
throws InvalidResourcePropertyQNameFaultException
if ( propElems[0] == null )
throw new InvalidResourcePropertyQNameFaultException( "You cannot pass a null property." );
Name firstElemName = propElems[0].getElementName( );
checkPropertyQNameIsValid( NameUtils.toQName( firstElemName ) );
for ( int i = 1; i < propElems.length; i++ )
if ( propElems[i] == null )
throw new SetResourcePropertyRequestFailedFaultException( "You cannot pass a null property." );
if ( !firstElemName.equals( propElems[i].getElementName( ) ) )
throw new InvalidResourcePropertyQNameFaultException( "All property elements in the request must have identical QNames." );