continue; // similiarly.
SchemaInfo schemaInfo = si.addNewSchema(entry.getKey());
XmlSchema schema = schemaInfo.getSchema();
NamespaceMap xmlsNamespaceMap = new NamespaceMap();
// user-requested prefix mappings.
if (namespaceMap != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : namespaceMap.entrySet()) {
xmlsNamespaceMap.add(e.getValue(), e.getKey());
// tns: is conventional, and besides we have unit tests that are hardcoded to it.
if (!xmlsNamespaceMap.containsKey(WSDLConstants.CONVENTIONAL_TNS_PREFIX)
// if some wants something other than TNS, they get it.
&& !xmlsNamespaceMap.containsValue(entry.getKey())) {
xmlsNamespaceMap.add(WSDLConstants.CONVENTIONAL_TNS_PREFIX, entry.getKey());
// ditto for xsd: instead of just namespace= for the schema schema.
if (!xmlsNamespaceMap.containsKey("xsd")
&& !xmlsNamespaceMap.containsValue(XmlSchemaConstants.XSD_NAMESPACE_URI)) {
xmlsNamespaceMap.add("xsd", XmlSchemaConstants.XSD_NAMESPACE_URI);