Package org.apache.woden.wsdl20.extensions.http

Examples of org.apache.woden.wsdl20.extensions.http.HTTPLocation

                    .setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_METHOD, httpMethod);
            HTTPLocation httpLocation = httpBindingOperationExtensions.getHttpLocation();

            // If httpLocation is not null we should extract a constant part from it and add its value and the
            // corresponding AxisOperation to a map in order to dispatch rest messages. If httpLocation is null we add
            // the operation name into this map.
            String httpLocationString = "";
            if (httpLocation != null) {
                String httpLocationTemplete = httpLocation.getOriginalLocation();
                        .setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_LOCATION, httpLocationTemplete);
                httpLocationString = WSDLUtil.getConstantFromHTTPLocation(httpLocationTemplete, httpMethod);

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            URI soapMep = soapBindingOperationExtensions.getSoapMep();
            if (soapMep != null) {
            HTTPLocation httpLocation = soapBindingOperationExtensions.getHttpLocation();
            // If httpLocation is not null we should extract a constant part from it and add its value and the
            // corresponding AxisOperation to a map in order to dispatch rest messages. If httpLocation is null we add
            // the operation name into this map.
            String httpLocationString = null;
            if (httpLocation != null) {
                String httpLocationTemplete = httpLocation.getOriginalLocation();
                        .setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_LOCATION, httpLocationTemplete);
                httpLocationString = WSDLUtil.getConstantFromHTTPLocation(httpLocationTemplete, HTTPConstants.HEADER_POST);

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                    .setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_METHOD, httpMethod);
            HTTPLocation httpLocation = httpBindingOperationExtensions.getHttpLocation();

            // If httpLocation is not null we should extract a constant part from it and add its value and the
            // corresponding AxisOperation to a map in order to dispatch rest messages. If httpLocation is null we add
            // the operation name into this map.
            String httpLocationString = "";
            if (httpLocation != null) {
                String httpLocationTemplete = httpLocation.getOriginalLocation();
                        .setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_LOCATION, httpLocationTemplete);
                httpLocationString = WSDLUtil.getConstantFromHTTPLocation(httpLocationTemplete, httpMethod);

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            URI soapMep = soapBindingOperationExtensions.getSoapMep();
            if (soapMep != null) {
            HTTPLocation httpLocation = soapBindingOperationExtensions.getHttpLocation();
            // If httpLocation is not null we should extract a constant part from it and add its value and the
            // corresponding AxisOperation to a map in order to dispatch rest messages. If httpLocation is null we add
            // the operation name into this map.
            String httpLocationString = "";
            if (httpLocation != null) {
                String httpLocationTemplete = httpLocation.getOriginalLocation();
                        .setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_LOCATION, httpLocationTemplete);
                httpLocationString = RESTUtil.getConstantFromHTTPLocation(httpLocationTemplete, HTTPConstants.HEADER_POST);

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                    .setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_METHOD, httpMethod);
            HTTPLocation httpLocation = httpBindingOperationExtensions.getHttpLocation();

            // If httpLocation is not null we should extract a constant part from it and add its value and the
            // corresponding AxisOperation to a map in order to dispatch rest messages. If httpLocation is null we add
            // the operation name into this map.
            String httpLocationString = "";
            if (httpLocation != null) {
                String httpLocationTemplete = httpLocation.getOriginalLocation();
                        .setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_LOCATION, httpLocationTemplete);
                httpLocationString = RESTUtil.getConstantFromHTTPLocation(httpLocationTemplete, httpMethod);

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        String queryParameterSeparator = (String) messageContext.getProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_QUERY_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR);
        if (queryParameterSeparator == null) {
            queryParameterSeparator = WSDL20DefaultValueHolder.ATTR_WHTTP_QUERY_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR_DEFAULT;
        HTTPLocation httpLocation = new HTTPLocation(rawURLString);
        HTTPLocationTemplate[] templates = httpLocation.getTemplates();

        for (int i = 0; i < templates.length; i++) {
            HTTPLocationTemplate template = templates[i];
            String localName = template.getName();
            String elementValue = getOMElementValue(localName, firstElement);
            if (template.isEncoded()) {
                try {

                    if (template.isQuery()) {
                                WSDL2Constants.LEGAL_CHARACTERS_IN_QUERY.replaceAll(queryParameterSeparator, "")));
                    } else {
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                    throw new AxisFault("Unable to encode Query String");

            } else {

        return httpLocation.getFormattedLocation();
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            URI soapMep = soapBindingOperationExtensions.getSoapMep();
            if (soapMep != null) {
            HTTPLocation httpLocation = soapBindingOperationExtensions.getHttpLocation();
            // If httpLocation is not null we should extract a constant part from it and add its value and the
            // corresponding AxisOperation to a map in order to dispatch rest messages. If httpLocation is null we add
            // the operation name into this map.
            String httpLocationString = "";
            if (httpLocation != null) {
                String httpLocationTemplete = httpLocation.getOriginalLocation();
                        .setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_LOCATION, httpLocationTemplete);
                httpLocationString = RESTUtil.getConstantFromHTTPLocation(httpLocationTemplete);

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            HTTPLocation httpLocation = httpBindingOperationExtensions.getHttpLocation();

            // If httpLocation is not null we should extract a constant part from it and add its value and the
            // corresponding AxisOperation to a map in order to dispatch rest messages. If httpLocation is null we add
            // the operation name into this map.
            String httpLocationString = "";
            if (httpLocation != null) {
                String httpLocationTemplete = httpLocation.getOriginalLocation();
                        .setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WHTTP_LOCATION, httpLocationTemplete);
                httpLocationString = RESTUtil.getConstantFromHTTPLocation(httpLocationTemplete);

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        if (rpcInterfaceOperationExtensions != null) {
            String rpcsig = "";
            Argument[] signatures = rpcInterfaceOperationExtensions.getRPCSignature();
            for (int i = 0; i < signatures.length; i++) {
                Argument sigArgument = signatures[i];
                rpcsig = rpcsig + sigArgument.getName().getLocalPart() + " " + sigArgument.getDirection() + " ";
            Parameter parameter = new Parameter(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WRPC_SIGNATURE, rpcsig);
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            Parameter parameter = new Parameter(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WSDLX_SAFE, Boolean.valueOf(

        RPCInterfaceOperationExtensions rpcInterfaceOperationExtensions;
        try {
            rpcInterfaceOperationExtensions = (RPCInterfaceOperationExtensions) operation
                            new URI(WSDL2Constants.URI_WSDL2_RPC));
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new AxisFault("WSDL2 extensions not defined for this operation");

        if (rpcInterfaceOperationExtensions != null) {
            String rpcsig = "";
            Argument[] signatures = rpcInterfaceOperationExtensions.getRPCSignature();
            for (int i = 0; i < signatures.length; i++) {
                Argument sigArgument = signatures[i];
                rpcsig = rpcsig + sigArgument.getName().getLocalPart() + " " + sigArgument.getDirection() + " ";
            Parameter parameter = new Parameter(WSDL2Constants.ATTR_WRPC_SIGNATURE, rpcsig);
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Related Classes of org.apache.woden.wsdl20.extensions.http.HTTPLocation

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