* the QNameTokenUnion is of type qname and if it is of type token, that there is no
* element declaration returned.
public void testGetXmlSchemaElement() throws Exception
WSDLFactory factory = null;
try {
factory = WSDLFactory.newInstance();
} catch (WSDLException e) {
fail("Can't instantiate the WSDLFactory object.");
// Create the DescriptionElement->InterfaceElement->InterfaceOperationElement->InterfaceMessageReferenceElement hierarchy
DescriptionElement descriptionElement = factory.newDescription();
InterfaceElement interfaceElement = descriptionElement.addInterfaceElement();
InterfaceFaultElement faultElement = interfaceElement.addInterfaceFaultElement();
// Default case:
XmlSchemaElement retrievedElement = faultElement.getXmlSchemaElement();