
Examples of

        assertFalse( "Bob 2", m_group.isMember( u3 ) );

    public void testEquals1()
        Principal u1 = new WikiPrincipal( "Alice" );
        Principal u2 = new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" );

        m_group.add( u1 );
        m_group.add( u2 );

        Group group2 = new Group( "TestGroup", m_wiki );
        Principal u3 = new WikiPrincipal( "Alice" );
        Principal u4 = new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" );

        group2.add( u3 );
        group2.add( u4 );

        assertTrue( m_group.equals( group2 ) );
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        assertTrue( m_group.equals( group2 ) );

    public void testEquals2()
        Principal u1 = new WikiPrincipal( "Alice" );
        Principal u2 = new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" );

        m_group.add( u1 );
        m_group.add( u2 );

        Group group2 = new Group( "Group2", m_wiki );
        Principal u3 = new WikiPrincipal( "Alice" );
        Principal u4 = new WikiPrincipal( "Charlie" );

        group2.add( u3 );
        group2.add( u4 );

        assertFalse( m_group.equals( group2 ) );
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    public void testEquals3()
        Group group1 = new Group( "Blib", m_wiki );
        Principal u1 = new WikiPrincipal( "Alice" );
        Principal u2 = new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" );
        group1.add( u1 );
        group1.add( u2 );

        Group group2 = new Group( "Blib", m_wiki );
        Principal u3 = new WikiPrincipal( "Alice" );
        Principal u4 = new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" );
        group2.add( u3 );
        group2.add( u4 );

        assertTrue( group1.equals( group2 ) );
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    public void testEquals4()
        Group group1 = new Group( "BlibBlab", m_wiki );
        Principal u1 = new WikiPrincipal( "Alice" );
        Principal u2 = new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" );
        group1.add( u1 );
        group1.add( u2 );

        Group group2 = new Group( "Blib", m_wiki );
        Principal u3 = new WikiPrincipal( "Alice" );
        Principal u4 = new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" );
        group2.add( u3 );
        group2.add( u4 );

        assertFalse( m_group.equals( group2 ) );
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        int oldUserCount = m_db.groups().length;

        // Create a new group with random name
        String name = "TestGroup" + String.valueOf( System.currentTimeMillis() );
        Group group = new Group( name, m_wiki );
        Principal al = new WikiPrincipal( "Al" );
        Principal bob = new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" );
        group.add( al );
        group.add( bob );, new WikiPrincipal( "Tester") );

        // Make sure the profile saved successfully
        group = backendGroup( name );
        assertEquals( name, group.getName() );
        assertEquals( oldUserCount+1, m_db.groups().length );
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    public void testSave() throws Exception
        // Create a new group with random name
        String name = "TestGroup" + String.valueOf( System.currentTimeMillis() );
        Group group = new Group( name, m_wiki );
        Principal al = new WikiPrincipal( "Al" );
        Principal bob = new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" );
        Principal cookie = new WikiPrincipal( "Cookie" );
        group.add( al );
        group.add( bob );
        group.add( cookie );, new WikiPrincipal( "Tester" ) );

        // Make sure the profile saved successfully
        group = backendGroup( name );
        assertEquals( name, group.getName() );
        assertEquals( 3, group.members().length );
        assertTrue( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( "Al" ) ) );
        assertTrue( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" ) ) );
        assertTrue( group.isMember( new WikiPrincipal( "Cookie" ) ) );

        // The back-end should have timestamped the create/modify fields
        assertNotNull( group.getCreator() );
        assertEquals( "Tester", group.getCreator() );
        assertNotNull( group.getCreated() );
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    public void testResave() throws Exception
        // Create a new group with random name & 3 members
        String name = "TestGroup" + String.valueOf( System.currentTimeMillis() );
        Group group = new Group( name, m_wiki );
        Principal al = new WikiPrincipal( "Al" );
        Principal bob = new WikiPrincipal( "Bob" );
        Principal cookie = new WikiPrincipal( "Cookie" );
        group.add( al );
        group.add( bob );
        group.add( cookie );, new WikiPrincipal( "Tester" ) );

        // Make sure the profile saved successfully
        group = backendGroup( name );
        assertEquals( name, group.getName() );

        // Modify the members by adding the group; re-add Al while we're at it
        Principal dave = new WikiPrincipal( "Dave" );
        group.add( al );
        group.add( dave );, new WikiPrincipal( "SecondTester" ) );

        // We should see 4 members and new timestamp info
        Principal[] members = group.members();
        assertEquals( 4, members.length );
        assertNotNull( group.getCreator() );
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  public void testGetWikiNames() throws WikiSecurityException
      // There are 8 test users in the database
      Principal[] p = m_db.getWikiNames();
      assertEquals( 8, p.length );
      assertTrue( ArrayUtils.contains( p, new WikiPrincipal( "JanneJalkanen", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
      assertTrue( ArrayUtils.contains( p, new WikiPrincipal( "", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
      assertTrue( ArrayUtils.contains( p, new WikiPrincipal( "Administrator", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
      assertTrue( ArrayUtils.contains( p, new WikiPrincipal( Users.ALICE, WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
      assertTrue( ArrayUtils.contains( p, new WikiPrincipal( Users.BOB, WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
      assertTrue( ArrayUtils.contains( p, new WikiPrincipal( Users.CHARLIE, WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
      assertTrue( ArrayUtils.contains( p, new WikiPrincipal( "FredFlintstone", WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
      assertTrue( ArrayUtils.contains( p, new WikiPrincipal( Users.BIFF, WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) ) );
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        { hcb };
            m_handler.handle( callbacks );
            HttpServletRequest request = hcb.getRequest();
            WikiPrincipal ipAddr = new WikiPrincipal( HttpUtil.getRemoteAddress(request) );
            if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
                HttpSession session = request.getSession( false );
                String sid = (session == null) ? NULL : session.getId();
                log.debug("Logged in session ID=" + sid + "; IP=" + ipAddr);
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            UserProfile profile = findByLoginName( identifier );
            ArrayList<Principal> principals = new ArrayList<Principal>();
            if ( profile.getLoginName() != null && profile.getLoginName().length() > 0 )
                principals.add( new WikiPrincipal( profile.getLoginName(), WikiPrincipal.LOGIN_NAME ) );
            if ( profile.getFullname() != null && profile.getFullname().length() > 0 )
                principals.add( new WikiPrincipal( profile.getFullname(), WikiPrincipal.FULL_NAME ) );
            if ( profile.getWikiName() != null && profile.getWikiName().length() > 0 )
                principals.add( new WikiPrincipal( profile.getWikiName(), WikiPrincipal.WIKI_NAME ) );
            return principals.toArray( new Principal[principals.size()] );
        catch( NoSuchPrincipalException e )
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