
Examples of

            String msg = Release.APPNAME+": Unable to load and setup properties from "+e.getMessage();
            if ( context != null )
                context.log( msg );
            throw new WikiException( msg, e );
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            //  A bunch of sanity checks
            if( !f.exists() ) throw new WikiException("Work directory does not exist: "+m_workDir);
            if( !f.canRead() ) throw new WikiException("No permission to read work directory: "+m_workDir);
            if( !f.canWrite() ) throw new WikiException("No permission to write to work directory: "+m_workDir);
            if( !f.isDirectory() ) throw new WikiException("jspwiki.workDir does not point to a directory: "+m_workDir);
        catch( SecurityException e )
            log.fatal("Unable to find or create the working directory: "+m_workDir,e);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find or create the working dir: "+m_workDir);
        }"JSPWiki working directory is '"+m_workDir+"'");

        m_saveUserInfo   = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props,
                                                        m_saveUserInfo );

        m_useUTF8        = "UTF-8".equals( TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, PROP_ENCODING, "ISO-8859-1" ) );
        m_baseURL = TextUtil.getStringProperty(props, PROP_BASEURL, "");
        if (!m_baseURL.endsWith("/"))
            m_baseURL = m_baseURL + "/";

        m_beautifyTitle  = TextUtil.getBooleanProperty( props,
                                                        m_beautifyTitle );

        m_templateDir    = TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, PROP_TEMPLATEDIR, "default" );
        m_frontPage      = TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, PROP_FRONTPAGE,   "Main" );
        // Initialize the page name comparator now as it may be used while
        // initializing other modules
        initPageSorter( props );

        //  Initialize the important modules.  Any exception thrown by the
        //  managers means that we will not start up.

        // FIXME: This part of the code is getting unwieldy.  We must think
        //        of a better way to do the startup-sequence.
            Class urlclass = ClassUtil.findClass( "",
                    TextUtil.getStringProperty( props, PROP_URLCONSTRUCTOR, "DefaultURLConstructor" ) );
            m_urlConstructor = (URLConstructor) urlclass.newInstance();
            m_urlConstructor.initialize( this, props );
            m_pageManager       = (PageManager)ClassUtil.getMappedObject(PageManager.class.getName(), this, props );
            m_pluginManager     = (PluginManager)ClassUtil.getMappedObject(PluginManager.class.getName(), this, props );
            m_differenceManager = (DifferenceManager)ClassUtil.getMappedObject(DifferenceManager.class.getName(), this, props );
            m_attachmentManager = (AttachmentManager)ClassUtil.getMappedObject(AttachmentManager.class.getName(), this, props );
            m_variableManager   = (VariableManager)ClassUtil.getMappedObject(VariableManager.class.getName(), props );
            // m_filterManager     = (FilterManager)ClassUtil.getMappedObject(FilterManager.class.getName(), this, props );
            m_renderingManager  = (RenderingManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(RenderingManager.class.getName());

            m_searchManager     = (SearchManager)ClassUtil.getMappedObject(SearchManager.class.getName(), this, props );

            m_authenticationManager = (AuthenticationManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(AuthenticationManager.class.getName());
            m_authorizationManager  = (AuthorizationManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject( AuthorizationManager.class.getName());
            m_userManager           = (UserManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(UserManager.class.getName());
            m_groupManager          = (GroupManager) ClassUtil.getMappedObject(GroupManager.class.getName());

            m_editorManager     = (EditorManager)ClassUtil.getMappedObject(EditorManager.class.getName(), this );
            m_editorManager.initialize( props );

            m_progressManager   = new ProgressManager();

            // Initialize the authentication, authorization, user and acl managers

            m_authenticationManager.initialize( this, props );
            m_authorizationManager.initialize( this, props );
            m_userManager.initialize( this, props );
            m_groupManager.initialize( this, props );
            m_aclManager = getAclManager();

            // Start the Workflow manager
            m_workflowMgr = (WorkflowManager)ClassUtil.getMappedObject(WorkflowManager.class.getName());
            m_workflowMgr.initialize(this, props);

            m_internationalizationManager = (InternationalizationManager)

            m_templateManager   = (TemplateManager)
                ClassUtil.getMappedObject(TemplateManager.class.getName(), this, props );

            m_adminBeanManager = (AdminBeanManager)

            // Since we want to use a page filters initilize() method
            // as a engine startup listener where we can initialize global event listeners,
            // it must be called lastly, so that all object references in the engine
            // are availabe to the initialize() method
            m_filterManager     = (FilterManager)
                ClassUtil.getMappedObject(FilterManager.class.getName(), this, props );

            // RenderingManager depends on FilterManager events.

            m_renderingManager.initialize( this, props );

            //  ReferenceManager has the side effect of loading all
            //  pages.  Therefore after this point, all page attributes
            //  are available.
            //  initReferenceManager is indirectly using m_filterManager, therefore
            //  it has to be called after it was initialized.

            //  Hook the different manager routines into the system.
            m_filterManager.addPageFilter(m_referenceManager, -1001 );
            m_filterManager.addPageFilter(m_searchManager, -1002 );

        catch( RuntimeException e )
            // RuntimeExceptions may occur here, even if they shouldn't.
            log.fatal( "Failed to start managers.", e );
            throw new WikiException( "Failed to start managers: "+e.getMessage(), e );
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            log.fatal( "JSPWiki could not start, URLConstructor was not found: ",e );
            throw new WikiException(e.getMessage(), e );
        catch (InstantiationException e)
            log.fatal( "JSPWiki could not start, URLConstructor could not be instantiated: ",e );
            throw new WikiException(e.getMessage(), e );
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
            log.fatal( "JSPWiki could not start, URLConstructor cannot be accessed: ",e );
            throw new WikiException(e.getMessage(), e );
        catch( Exception e )
            // Final catch-all for everything
            log.fatal( "JSPWiki could not start, due to an unknown exception when starting.",e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to start; please check log files for better information.", e );
        //  Initialize the good-to-have-but-not-fatal modules.
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        //  Sanity checks first
        if( renameFrom == null || renameFrom.length() == 0 )
            throw new WikiException( "From name may not be null or empty" );
        if( renameTo == null || renameTo.length() == 0 )
            throw new WikiException( "To name may not be null or empty" );
        //  Clean up the "to" -name so that it does not contain anything illegal
        String renameToClean = MarkupParser.cleanLink( renameTo.trim() );
        if( renameToClean.equals(renameFrom) )
            throw new WikiException( "You cannot rename the page to itself" );
        //  Preconditions: "from" page must exist, and "to" page must not yet exist.
        WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
        WikiPage fromPage = engine.getPage( renameFrom );
        if( fromPage == null )
            throw new WikiException("No such page "+renameFrom);
        WikiPage toPage = engine.getPage( renameToClean );
        if( toPage != null )
            throw new WikiException( "Page already exists " + renameToClean );
        //  Options
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        if( filename == null || filename.trim().length() == 0 )
            log.error("Empty file name given.");
            // the caller should catch the exception and use the exception text as an i18n key
            throw new WikiException"attach.empty.file" );
        //  Should help with IE 5.22 on OSX
        filename = filename.trim();

        // If file name ends with .jsp or .jspf, the user is being naughty!
        if( filename.toLowerCase().endsWith( ".jsp" ) || filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jspf") )
   "Attempt to upload a file with a .jsp/.jspf extension.  In certain cases this " +
                      "can trigger unwanted security side effects, so we're preventing it." );
            // the caller should catch the exception and use the exception text as an i18n key
            throw new WikiException"attach.unwanted.file"  );
        //  Some browser send the full path info with the filename, so we need
        //  to remove it here by simply splitting along slashes and then taking the path.
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            m_loginModuleClass = (Class<? extends LoginModule>) Class.forName( loginModuleClassName );
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            throw new WikiException( "Could not instantiate LoginModule class.", e );
        // Initialize the LoginModule options
        initLoginModuleOptions( props );
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            m_loginModuleClass = (Class<? extends LoginModule>) Class.forName( loginModuleClassName );
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            throw new WikiException( "Could not instantiate LoginModule class.", e );
        // Initialize the LoginModule options
        initLoginModuleOptions( props );
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        if( filename == null || filename.trim().length() == 0 )
            log.error("Empty file name given.");
            // the caller should catch the exception and use the exception text as an i18n key
            throw new WikiException"attach.empty.file" );
        //  Should help with IE 5.22 on OSX
        filename = filename.trim();

        // If file name ends with .jsp or .jspf, the user is being naughty!
        if( filename.toLowerCase().endsWith( ".jsp" ) || filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jspf") )
   "Attempt to upload a file with a .jsp/.jspf extension.  In certain cases this " +
                      "can trigger unwanted security side effects, so we're preventing it." );
            // the caller should catch the exception and use the exception text as an i18n key
            throw new WikiException"attach.unwanted.file"  );
        //  Some browser send the full path info with the filename, so we need
        //  to remove it here by simply splitting along slashes and then taking the path.
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        catch( InstantiationException e )
   "Cannot instantiate requested class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
   "Cannot access requested class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
   "Illegal arguments when constructing new object", e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (InvocationTargetException e)
   "You tried to instantiate an abstract class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
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        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
   "Cannot find requested class", e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
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            log.error( "Unable to locate the WikiRenderer(WikiContext,WikiDocument) constructor for "  + renderImplName );
        if( m_rendererConstructor == null )
            throw new WikiException( "Failed to get WikiRenderer '" + renderImplName + "'." );
        } "Rendering content with " + renderImplName + "." );

        WikiEventUtils.addWikiEventListener(m_engine, WikiPageEvent.POST_SAVE_BEGIN, this);
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