if( maxlen == -1 ) maxlen = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if( includedPage != null )
WikiPage page = null;
String pageName = engine.getFinalPageName( includedPage );
if( pageName != null )
page = engine.getPage( pageName );
page = engine.getPage( includedPage );
catch( ProviderException e )
res.append( "<span class=\"error\">Page could not be found by the page provider.</span>" );
return res.toString();
if( page != null )
// Check for recursivity
List<String> previousIncludes = (List)context.getVariable( ATTR_RECURSE );
if( previousIncludes != null )
if( previousIncludes.contains( page.getName() ) )
return "<span class=\"error\">Error: Circular reference - you can't include a page in itself!</span>";
previousIncludes = new ArrayList<String>();
previousIncludes.add( page.getName() );
context.setVariable( ATTR_RECURSE, previousIncludes );
// Check for permissions
AuthorizationManager mgr = engine.getAuthorizationManager();
if( !mgr.checkPermission( context.getWikiSession(),
PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( page, "view") ) )
res.append("<span class=\"error\">You do not have permission to view this included page.</span>");
return res.toString();
* We want inclusion to occur within the context of
* its own page, because we need the links to be correct.
WikiContext includedContext = (WikiContext) context.clone();
includedContext.setPage( page );
String pageData = engine.getPureText( page );
String moreLink = "";
if( section != -1 )
pageData = TextUtil.getSection( pageData, section );
catch( IllegalArgumentException e )
throw new PluginException( e.getMessage() );
if( pageData.length() > maxlen )
pageData = pageData.substring( 0, maxlen )+" ...";
moreLink = "<p><a href=\""+context.getURL(WikiContext.VIEW,includedPage)+"\">More...</a></p>";
res.append("<div style=\""+style+"\""+(clazz != null ? " class=\""+clazz+"\"" : "")+">");
res.append( engine.textToHTML( includedContext, pageData ) );
res.append( moreLink );
// Remove the name from the stack; we're now done with this.
previousIncludes.remove( page.getName() );
context.setVariable( ATTR_RECURSE, previousIncludes );
if( defaultstr != null )