Package org.apache.wicket.util.string

Examples of org.apache.wicket.util.string.PrependingStringBuffer

    if (url != null)
      // Add the actual URL. This will be relative to the Wicket
      // Servlet/Filter, with no leading '/'.
      PrependingStringBuffer prepender = new PrependingStringBuffer(url.toString());

      // Prepend prefix to the URL to make it relative to the current
      // request.

      String result = prepender.toString();
      // We need to special-case links to the home page if we're at the
      // same level.
      if (result.length() == 0)
        result = "./";
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        // Add the actual URL. This will be relative to the Wicket
        // Servlet/Filter, with no leading '/'.
        PrependingStringBuffer prepender = new PrependingStringBuffer(url.toString());

        // Prepend prefix to the URL to make it relative to the current
        // request.

        result = prepender.toString();
        // We need to special-case links to the home page if we're at the
        // same level.
        if (result.length() == 0)
          result = "./";
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   * @return Colon separated path to this component in the component hierarchy
  public final String getPath()
    final PrependingStringBuffer buffer = new PrependingStringBuffer(32);
    for (Component c = this; c != null; c = c.getParent())
      if (buffer.length() > 0)
    return buffer.toString();
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   * @return The string to use as the form element's name attribute
  public String getInputName()
    String id = getId();
    final PrependingStringBuffer inputName = new PrependingStringBuffer(id.length());
    Component c = this;
    while (true)
      c = c.getParent();
      if (c == null || (c instanceof Form && ((Form)c).isRootForm()) || c instanceof Page)
      id = c.getId();

    // having input name "submit" causes problems with javascript, so we
    // create a unique string to replace it by prepending a path separator
    if (inputName.equals("submit"))
    return inputName.toString();
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      return relativePathPrefixToContextRoot;

    // Prepend to get back to the wicket handler.
    String tmp = getRelativePathPrefixToWicketHandler();
    PrependingStringBuffer prepender = new PrependingStringBuffer(tmp);

    String path;
      path = URLDecoder.decode(Strings.replaceAll(getPath(), "%3A", ":").toString(), "UTF-8");
    catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException(e);
    if (path == null || path.length() == 0)
      path = "";

    // Now prepend to get back from the wicket handler to the root context.

    // Find the absolute path for the wicket filter/servlet
    String wicketPath = "";

    // We're running as a filter.
    String servletPath = Strings.replaceAll(getServletPath(), "%3A", ":").toString();

    // We need to substibute the %3A (or the other way around) to be able to
    // get a good match, as parts of the path may have been escaped while
    // others arent
    if (servletPath.endsWith(path))
      int len = servletPath.length() - path.length() - 1;
      if (len < 0)
        len = 0;
      wicketPath = servletPath.substring(0, len);
    // We're running as a servlet
      wicketPath = servletPath;

    for (int i = 0; i < wicketPath.length(); i++)
      if (wicketPath.charAt(i) == '/')
    return relativePathPrefixToContextRoot = prepender.toString();
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    if (relativePathPrefixToWicketHandler != null)
      return relativePathPrefixToWicketHandler;

    PrependingStringBuffer prepender = new PrependingStringBuffer();

    // For AJAX requests, we need to make the URLs relative to the
    // original page.
    if (isAjax())
      for (int i = 0; i < getRequestParameters().getUrlDepth(); i++)
      return relativePathPrefixToWicketHandler = prepender.toString();

    String relativeUrl = getPath();

     * We might be serving an error page.
     * In this case, the request will appear to be for something like
     * "/ErrorPage", whereas the URL in the user's browser will actually be
     * something like "/foo/page/where/the/error/actually/happened".
     * We need to generate links and resource URLs relative to the URL in
     * the browser window, not the internal request for the error page.
     * This original URL is available from request attributes, so we look in
     * there and use that for the relative path if it's available.

    HttpServletRequest httpRequest = getHttpServletRequest();

    // This is in the Servlet 2.3 spec giving us the URI of the resource
    // that caused the error. Unfortunately, this includes the context path.
    String errorUrl = (String)httpRequest.getAttribute("javax.servlet.error.request_uri");

    // This gives us a context-relative path for RequestDispatcher.forward
    // stuff, with a leading slash.
    String forwardUrl = (String)httpRequest.getAttribute("javax.servlet.forward.servlet_path");

    if (forwardUrl != null)
      // If this is an error page, this will be /mount or /?wicket:foo
      relativeUrl = forwardUrl.substring(1);
    else if (errorUrl != null)
      // Strip off context path from front of URI.
      errorUrl = errorUrl.substring(httpRequest.getContextPath().length());

      String servletPath = httpRequest.getServletPath();
      if (!errorUrl.startsWith(servletPath))
        prepender.prepend(servletPath.substring(1) + "/");
      for (int i = servletPath.length() + 1; i < errorUrl.length(); i++)
        if (errorUrl.charAt(i) == '?')
        if (errorUrl.charAt(i) == '/')
      return relativePathPrefixToWicketHandler = prepender.toString();
    else if (wicketRedirectUrl != null)
      relativeUrl = wicketRedirectUrl;

    if (depthRelativeToWicketHandler == -1)
      int depth = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < relativeUrl.length(); i++)
        if (relativeUrl.charAt(i) == '?')
        if (relativeUrl.charAt(i) == '/')
      depthRelativeToWicketHandler = depth;

    for (int i = 0; i < depthRelativeToWicketHandler; i++)

    return relativePathPrefixToWicketHandler = prepender.toString();
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   * @return Colon separated path to this component in the component hierarchy
  public final String getPath()
    final PrependingStringBuffer buffer = new PrependingStringBuffer(32);
    for (Component c = this; c != null; c = c.getParent())
      if (buffer.length() > 0)
    return buffer.toString();
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   * @return Colon separated path to this component in the component hierarchy
  public final String getPath()
    final PrependingStringBuffer buffer = new PrependingStringBuffer(32);
    for (Component c = this; c != null; c = c.getParent())
      if (buffer.length() > 0)
    return buffer.toString();
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  public String getInputName()
    // TODO: keep this in sync with AbstractSubmitLink#getInputName
    String id = getId();
    final PrependingStringBuffer inputName = new PrependingStringBuffer(id.length());
    Component c = this;
    while (true)
      c = c.getParent();
      if (c == null || (c instanceof Form && ((Form<?>)c).isRootForm()) || c instanceof Page)
      id = c.getId();

    // having input name "submit" causes problems with javascript, so we
    // create a unique string to replace it by prepending a path separator
    if (inputName.equals("submit"))
    Form<?> form = findParent(Form.class);

    if (form != null)
      return form.getInputNamePrefix() + inputName.toString();
      return inputName.toString();
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      return relativePathPrefixToContextRoot = getHttpServletRequest().getContextPath() + "/";

    // Prepend to get back to the wicket handler.
    String tmp = getRelativePathPrefixToWicketHandler();
    PrependingStringBuffer prepender = new PrependingStringBuffer(tmp);

    String path = WicketURLDecoder.PATH_INSTANCE.decode(getPath());

    if (path == null || path.length() == 0)
      path = "";

    // Now prepend to get back from the wicket handler to the root context.

    // Find the absolute path for the wicket filter/servlet
    String wicketPath = "";

    // We're running as a filter.
    // Note: do not call RequestUtils.decode() on getServletPath ... it is
    // already url-decoded (JIRA WICKET-1624)
    String servletPath = getServletPath();

    // We need to substitute the %3A (or the other way around) to be able to
    // get a good match, as parts of the path may have been escaped while
    // others arent
    if (servletPath.endsWith(path))
      int len = servletPath.length() - path.length() - 1;
      if (len < 0)
        len = 0;
      wicketPath = servletPath.substring(0, len);
    // We're running as a servlet
      wicketPath = servletPath;

    for (int i = 0; i < wicketPath.length(); i++)
      if (wicketPath.charAt(i) == '/')
    return relativePathPrefixToContextRoot = prepender.toString();
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Related Classes of org.apache.wicket.util.string.PrependingStringBuffer

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