public Object getFieldValue(Field field, Object fieldOwner) {
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(SpringBean.class)) {
SpringBean annot = field.getAnnotation(SpringBean.class);
SpringBeanLocator locator = new SpringBeanLocator(annot.name(),
field.getType(), contextLocator);
// only check the cache if the bean is a singleton
if (locator.isSingletonBean() && cache.containsKey(locator)) {
return cache.get(locator);
if (failFast) {
testLocator(locator, fieldOwner, field);
Object proxy = LazyInitProxyFactory.createProxy(field.getType(),
// only put the proxy into the cache if the bean is a singleton
if (locator.isSingletonBean()) {
cache.put(locator, proxy);
return proxy;
} else {
return null;