Package org.apache.wicket.protocol.http

Examples of org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.BufferedWebResponse$SendErrorAction

    final PageRenderer pageRenderer = getApplication().getPageRendererProvider().get(handler);

    RequestCycle requestCycle = getRequestCycle();

    final Response oldResponse = requestCycle.getResponse();
    BufferedWebResponse tempResponse = new BufferedWebResponse(null);


    return tempResponse.getText();
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  private CharSequence renderPanel(final Panel panel)
    RequestCycle requestCycle = getRequestCycle();

    final Response oldResponse = requestCycle.getResponse();
    BufferedWebResponse tempResponse = new BufferedWebResponse(null);


      DummyPage page = new DummyPage();


    return tempResponse.getText();
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    // keep the original response
    final WebResponse originalResponse = (WebResponse)requestCycle.getResponse();

    // buffered web response for page
    BufferedWebResponse response = new BufferedWebResponse(originalResponse);

    // keep the original base URL
    Url originalBaseUrl = requestCycle.getUrlRenderer().setBaseUrl(targetUrl);


      if (scheduled == null && requestCycle.getRequestHandlerScheduledAfterCurrent() != null)
        // This is a special case.
        // During page render another request handler got scheduled and will want to
        // overwrite the response, so we need to let it.
        // Just preserve the meta data headers. Clear the initial actions because they are
        // already copied into the new response's actions
        return null;
        return response;
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    // the code below is little hairy but we have to handle 3 redirect policies,
    // 3 rendering strategies and two kind of requests (ajax and normal)

    // try to get an already rendered buffered response for current URL
    BufferedWebResponse bufferedResponse = getAndRemoveBufferedResponse(currentUrl);

    boolean isAjax = isAjax(requestCycle);

    boolean shouldPreserveClientUrl = ((WebRequest)requestCycle.getRequest()).shouldPreserveClientUrl();

    if (bufferedResponse != null)
      logger.warn("The Buffered response should be handled by BufferedResponseRequestHandler");
      // if there is saved response for this URL render it
    else if ((isAjax == false)
          && (compatibleProtocols(currentUrl.getProtocol(), targetUrl.getProtocol())) && (//
              getRedirectPolicy() == RedirectPolicy.NEVER_REDIRECT //
            || (isOnePassRender() && getRedirectPolicy() != RedirectPolicy.ALWAYS_REDIRECT) //
            || ((targetUrl.equals(currentUrl) && !getPageProvider().isNewPageInstance() && !getPage()
                .isPageStateless()) //
            || (targetUrl.equals(currentUrl) && isRedirectToRender()) //
            ) //
        || (shouldPreserveClientUrl && getRedirectPolicy() != RedirectPolicy.ALWAYS_REDIRECT)) //
    ) //
      // if the policy is never to redirect
      // or one pass render mode is on
      // or the targetUrl matches current url and the page is not stateless
      // or the targetUrl matches current url, page is stateless but it's redirect-to-render
      // or the request determines that the current url should be preserved
      // just render the page
      BufferedWebResponse response = renderPage(currentUrl, requestCycle);
      if (response != null)
    else if (getRedirectPolicy() == RedirectPolicy.ALWAYS_REDIRECT //
      isRedirectToRender() //
      || (isAjax && targetUrl.equals(currentUrl)))
      // if target URL is different
      // and render policy is always-redirect or it's redirect-to-render
      redirectTo(targetUrl, requestCycle);
    else if (!targetUrl.equals(currentUrl) //
      (getPageProvider().isNewPageInstance() || (isSessionTemporary() && getPage().isPageStateless())))
      // if target URL is different and session is temporary and page is stateless
      // this is special case when page is stateless but there is no session so we can't
      // render it to buffer

      // alternatively if URLs are different and we have a page class and not an instance we
      // can redirect to the url which will instantiate the instance of us

      // note: if we had session here we would render the page to buffer and then redirect to
      // URL generated *after* page has been rendered (the statelessness may change during
      // render). this would save one redirect because now we have to render to URL generated
      // *before* page is rendered, render the page, get URL after render and if the URL is
      // different (meaning page is not stateless), save the buffer and redirect again (which
      // is pretty much what the next step does)
      redirectTo(targetUrl, requestCycle);
      if (isRedirectToBuffer() == false && logger.isDebugEnabled())
        String details = String.format(
          "redirect strategy: '%s', isAjax: '%s', redirect policy: '%s', "
            + "current url: '%s', target url: '%s', is new: '%s', is stateless: '%s', is temporary: '%s'",
          Application.get().getRequestCycleSettings().getRenderStrategy(), isAjax,
          getRedirectPolicy(), currentUrl, targetUrl,
          getPageProvider().isNewPageInstance(), getPage().isPageStateless(),
        logger.debug("Falling back to Redirect_To_Buffer render strategy because none of the conditions " +
          "matched. Details: " + details);

      // force creation of possible stateful page to get the final target url

      Url beforeRenderUrl = requestCycle.mapUrlFor(getRenderPageRequestHandler());

      // redirect to buffer
      BufferedWebResponse response = renderPage(beforeRenderUrl, requestCycle);

      if (response == null)

      // the url might have changed after page has been rendered (e.g. the
      // stateless flag might have changed because stateful components
      // were added)
      final Url afterRenderUrl = requestCycle.mapUrlFor(getRenderPageRequestHandler());

      if (beforeRenderUrl.getSegments().equals(afterRenderUrl.getSegments()) == false)
        // the amount of segments is different - generated relative URLs
        // will not work, we need to rerender the page. This can happen
        // with IRequestHandlers that produce different URLs with
        // different amount of segments for stateless and stateful pages
        response = renderPage(afterRenderUrl, requestCycle);

      if (currentUrl.equals(afterRenderUrl))
        // no need to redirect when both urls are exactly the same
      // if page is still stateless after render
      else if (getPage().isPageStateless() && !enableRedirectForStatelessPage())
        // we don't want the redirect to happen for stateless page
        // example:
        // when a normal mounted stateful page is hit at /mount/point
        // wicket renders the page to buffer and redirects to /mount/point?12
        // but for stateless page the redirect is not necessary
        // also for listener interface on stateful page we want to redirect
        // after the listener is invoked, but on stateless page the user
        // must ask for redirect explicitly
        storeBufferedResponse(afterRenderUrl, response);

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   * @return Response object. Must not be null
  protected BufferedWebResponse newResponse(final WebResponse originalResponse)
    return new BufferedWebResponse(originalResponse);
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    // Temporarily replace the web response with a String response
    originalResponse = requestCycle.getResponse();

    WebResponse origResponse = (WebResponse)((originalResponse instanceof WebResponse)
      ? originalResponse : null);
    BufferedWebResponse tempResponse = newResponse(origResponse);

    // temporarily set StringResponse to collect the transformed output
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    final RequestCycle requestCycle = RequestCycle.get();

      BufferedWebResponse tempResponse = (BufferedWebResponse)requestCycle.getResponse();

      if (component instanceof Page && originalResponse instanceof WebResponse)
        tempResponse.writeMetaData((WebResponse) originalResponse);

      // Transform the data
      CharSequence output = transform(component, tempResponse.getText());
    catch (Exception ex)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException("Error while transforming the output of component: " +
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    Application application = Application.get();

    RequestCycle originalRequestCycle = RequestCycle.get();

    BufferedWebResponse tempResponse = new BufferedWebResponse(null);

    RequestCycle tempRequestCycle = application.createRequestCycle(originalRequestCycle.getRequest(), tempResponse);


    return tempResponse.getText();
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  public static CharSequence renderComponent(final Component component)
    RequestCycle requestCycle = RequestCycle.get();

    final Response originalResponse = requestCycle.getResponse();
    BufferedWebResponse tempResponse = new BufferedWebResponse(null);

    MarkupContainer oldParent = component.getParent();


      // add the component to a dummy page just for the rendering
      RenderPage page = new RenderPage(component);

      if (oldParent != null)
        oldParent.add(component); // re-add the child to its old parent


    return tempResponse.getText();
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   * checking the rendering strategies or redirect policies
  public void testGetAndRemoveBufferedResponse()
    final BufferedWebResponse bufferedResponse = mock(BufferedWebResponse.class);

    PageRenderer renderer = new TestPageRenderer(handler)
      protected BufferedWebResponse getAndRemoveBufferedResponse(Url url)
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Related Classes of org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.BufferedWebResponse$SendErrorAction

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