Model that makes working with detachable models a breeze. LoadableDetachableModel holds a temporary, transient model object, that is set when {@link #getObject(Component)} is called bycalling abstract method 'load', and that will be reset/ set to null on {@link #detach()}. A usage example:
LoadableDetachableModel venueListModel = new LoadableDetachableModel() { protected Object load() { return getVenueDao().findVenues(); } };
Though you can override methods {@link #onAttach()} and {@link #onDetach()} for additionalattach/ detach behavior, the point of this class is to hide as much of the attaching/ detaching as possible. So you should rarely need to override those methods, if ever.
@author Eelco Hillenius
@author Igor Vaynberg
@param < T> The Model Object type