return Identity.instance().isLoggedIn() && hotelSearch.getHotels().size() == 0;
hotelDataView = new DataView("hotel", new SimpleDataProvider() // A DataProvider adapts between your data and Wicket's internal representation
public Iterator iterator(int from, int count)
return hotelSearch.getHotels().subList(from, from + count).iterator();
public int size()
return hotelSearch.getHotels().size();
* You specify the tr in the html, and populate each one here
protected void populateItem(Item item)
final Hotel hotel = (Hotel) item.getModelObject();
item.add(new Label("hotelName", hotel.getName()));
item.add(new Label("hotelAddress", hotel.getAddress()));
item.add(new Label("hotelCityStateCountry", hotel.getCity() + ", " + hotel.getState() + ", " + hotel.getCountry()));
item.add(new Label("hotelZip", hotel.getZip()));
//item.add(new BookmarkablePageLink("viewHotel", org.jboss.seam.example.wicket.Hotel.class).setParameter("hotelId", hotel.getId()));
item.add(new Link("viewHotel")
public void onClick()
setResponsePage(new org.jboss.seam.example.wicket.Hotel(new PageParameters()));
// Set the maximum items per page
hotels = new WebMarkupContainer("hotels");
// Add a pager
hotels.add(new AjaxPagingNavigator("hotelPager", hotelDataView)
public boolean isVisible()
return hotelDataView.isVisible();
* Existing hotel booking
bookedHotelDataView = new DataView("bookedHotel", new SimpleDataProvider()
public Iterator iterator(int from, int count)
return bookings.subList(from, from + count).iterator();