private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target)
LoopItem item = (LoopItem)getParent();
// adjust the rating, and provide the target to the subclass
// of our rating component, so other components can also get
// updated in case of an AJAX event.
onRated(item.getIndex() + 1, target);
// if we process an AJAX event, update this panel
if (target != null)
public boolean isEnabled()
return !hasVoted.getObject();
int iteration = item.getIndex();
// add the star image, which is either active (highlighted) or
// inactive (no star)
link.add(new WebMarkupContainer("star").add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("src",
(onIsStarActive(iteration) ? getActiveStarUrl(iteration)
: getInactiveStarUrl(iteration)))));