Package org.apache.wicket.markup.html.internal

Examples of org.apache.wicket.markup.html.internal.HtmlHeaderContainer

  private void validateHeaders()
    // search for HtmlHeaderContainer in the first level of children or deeper
    // if there are transparent resolvers used
    HtmlHeaderContainer header = visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component, HtmlHeaderContainer>()
      public void component(final Component component, final IVisit<HtmlHeaderContainer> visit)
        if (component instanceof HtmlHeaderContainer)
        else if (component instanceof TransparentWebMarkupContainer == false)

    if (header == null)
      // the markup must at least contain a <body> tag for wicket to automatically
      // create a HtmlHeaderContainer. Log an error if no header container
      // was created but any of the components or behaviors want to contribute
      // something to the header.
      header = new HtmlHeaderContainer(HtmlHeaderSectionHandler.HEADER_ID);

      Response orgResponse = getRequestCycle().getResponse();
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   * @param id
   * @return HtmlHeaderContainer
  protected HtmlHeaderContainer newHtmlHeaderContainer(String id)
    return new HtmlHeaderContainer(id);
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   * Validate that each component which wanted to contribute to the header section actually was
   * able to do so.
  private void validateHeaders()
    HtmlHeaderContainer header = (HtmlHeaderContainer)visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component>()
      public Object component(Component component)
        if (component instanceof HtmlHeaderContainer)
          return component;
        return IVisitor.CONTINUE_TRAVERSAL;

    if (header == null)
      // the markup must at least contain a <body> tag for wicket to automatically
      // create a HtmlHeaderContainer. Log an error if no header container
      // was created but any of the components or behaviors want to contribute
      // something to the header.
      header = new HtmlHeaderContainer(HtmlHeaderSectionHandler.HEADER_ID);

      Response orgResponse = getRequestCycle().getResponse();
        final StringResponse response = new StringResponse();

        // Render all header sections of all components on the page

        // Make sure all Components interested in contributing to the header
        // and there attached behaviors are asked.
        final HtmlHeaderContainer finalHeader = header;
        visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component>()
           * @see org.apache.wicket.Component.IVisitor#component(org.apache.wicket.Component)
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  protected void onAfterRender()
    if (getApplication().getConfigurationType() == Application.DEVELOPMENT)
      HtmlHeaderContainer header = (HtmlHeaderContainer)visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component< ? >>()
        public Object component(Component< ? > component)
          if (component instanceof HtmlHeaderContainer)
            return component;
      if (header == null)
        // the markup must at least contain a <body> tag for wicket to automatically
        // create a HtmlHeaderContainer. Log an error if no header container
        // was created but any of the components or behavior want to contribute
        // something to the header.
        header = new HtmlHeaderContainer(HtmlHeaderSectionHandler.HEADER_ID);

        Response orgResponse = getRequestCycle().getResponse();
          final StringResponse response = new StringResponse();

          // Render all header sections of all components on the page

          // Make sure all Components interested in contributing to the header
          // and there attached behaviors are asked.
          final HtmlHeaderContainer finalHeader = header;
          visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component< ? >>()
             * @see org.apache.wicket.Component.IVisitor#component(org.apache.wicket.Component)
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    // Only <head> component tags have the id == "_header"
    if (tag.getId().equals(HtmlHeaderSectionHandler.HEADER_ID))
      // Create a special header component which will gather additional
      // input the <head> from 'contributors'.
      final WebMarkupContainer< ? > header = new HtmlHeaderContainer(
        HtmlHeaderSectionHandler.HEADER_ID + container.getPage().getAutoIndex());
      container.autoAdd(header, markupStream);

      // Yes, we handled the tag
      return true;
    else if ((tag instanceof WicketTag) && ((WicketTag)tag).isHeadTag())
      // If we found <wicket:head> without surrounding <head> on a Page,
      // than we have to add wicket:head into a automatically generated
      // head first.
      if (container instanceof WebPage)
        // Create a special header component which will gather
        // additional input the <head> from 'contributors'.
        final MarkupContainer< ? > header = new HtmlHeaderContainer(
          HtmlHeaderSectionHandler.HEADER_ID + container.getPage().getAutoIndex());

        // It is <wicket:head>. Because they do not provide any
        // additional functionality they are merely a means of surrounding relevant
        // markup. Thus we simply create a WebMarkupContainer to handle
        // the tag.
        final WebMarkupContainer< ? > header2 = new WebMarkupContainer<Object>(
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

          public boolean isTransparentResolver()
            return true;



        container.autoAdd(header, markupStream);
      else if (container instanceof HtmlHeaderContainer)
        // It is <wicket:head>. Because they do not provide any
        // additional functionality there are merely a means of surrounding
        // relevant markup. Thus we simply create a WebMarkupContainer to handle
        // the tag.
        final WebMarkupContainer< ? > header = new WebMarkupContainer<Object>(
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

          public boolean isTransparentResolver()
            return true;

          container.autoAdd(header, markupStream);
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   * Validate that each component which wanted to contribute to the header section actually was
   * able to do so.
  private void validateHeaders()
    HtmlHeaderContainer header = visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component, HtmlHeaderContainer>()
      public void component(final Component component, final IVisit<HtmlHeaderContainer> visit)
        if (component instanceof HtmlHeaderContainer)

    if (header == null)
      // the markup must at least contain a <body> tag for wicket to automatically
      // create a HtmlHeaderContainer. Log an error if no header container
      // was created but any of the components or behaviors want to contribute
      // something to the header.
      header = new HtmlHeaderContainer(HtmlHeaderSectionHandler.HEADER_ID);

      Response orgResponse = getRequestCycle().getResponse();
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  protected void onAfterRender()
    if (getApplication().getConfigurationType() == Application.DEVELOPMENT)
      HtmlHeaderContainer header = (HtmlHeaderContainer)visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component< ? >>()
        public Object component(Component< ? > component)
          if (component instanceof HtmlHeaderContainer)
            return component;
      if (header == null)
        // the markup must at least contain a <body> tag for wicket to automatically
        // create a HtmlHeaderContainer. Log an error if no header container
        // was created but any of the components or behavior want to contribute
        // something to the header.
        header = new HtmlHeaderContainer(HtmlHeaderSectionHandler.HEADER_ID);

        Response orgResponse = getRequestCycle().getResponse();
          final StringResponse response = new StringResponse();

          // Render all header sections of all components on the page

          // Make sure all Components interested in contributing to the header
          // and there attached behaviors are asked.
          final HtmlHeaderContainer finalHeader = header;
          visitChildren(new IVisitor<Component< ? >>()
             * @see org.apache.wicket.Component.IVisitor#component(org.apache.wicket.Component)
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    // Only <head> component tags have the id == "_header"
    if (tag.getId().equals(HtmlHeaderSectionHandler.HEADER_ID))
      // Create a special header component which will gather additional
      // input the <head> from 'contributors'.
      final WebMarkupContainer header = new HtmlHeaderContainer(
          HtmlHeaderSectionHandler.HEADER_ID + container.getPage().getAutoIndex());
      container.autoAdd(header, markupStream);

      // Yes, we handled the tag
      return true;
    else if ((tag instanceof WicketTag) && ((WicketTag)tag).isHeadTag())
      // If we found <wicket:head> without surrounding <head> on a Page,
      // than we have to add wicket:head into a automatically generated
      // head first.
      if (container instanceof WebPage)
        // Create a special header component which will gather
        // additional input the <head> from 'contributors'.
        final MarkupContainer header = new HtmlHeaderContainer(
            HtmlHeaderSectionHandler.HEADER_ID + container.getPage().getAutoIndex());

        // It is <wicket:head>. Because they do not provide any
        // additional functionality they are merely a means of surrounding relevant
        // markup. Thus we simply create a WebMarkupContainer to handle
        // the tag.
        final WebMarkupContainer header2 = new WebMarkupContainer(
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

          public boolean isTransparentResolver()
            return true;



        container.autoAdd(header, markupStream);
      else if (container instanceof HtmlHeaderContainer)
        // It is <wicket:head>. Because they do not provide any
        // additional functionality there are merely a means of surrounding
        // relevant markup. Thus we simply create a WebMarkupContainer to handle
        // the tag.
        final WebMarkupContainer header = new WebMarkupContainer(
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

          public boolean isTransparentResolver()
            return true;

          container.autoAdd(header, markupStream);
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Related Classes of org.apache.wicket.markup.html.internal.HtmlHeaderContainer

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