// reset for each render in case the strategy is re-used
noMoreWicketHeadTagsAllowed = false;
// Gracefully getAssociateMarkupStream. Throws no exception in case
// markup is not found
final MarkupStream markupStream = container.getAssociatedMarkupStream(false);
if (markupStream == null)
// Position pointer at current (first) header
noMoreWicketHeadTagsAllowed = false;
while (nextHeaderMarkup(markupStream) != -1)
// found <wicket:head>
String headerId = getHeaderId(container, markupStream);
// Create a HeaderPartContainer and associate the markup
HeaderPartContainer headerPart = getHeaderPart(container, headerId,
if (headerPart != null)
// A component's header section must only be added once,
// no matter how often the same Component has been added
// to the page or any other container in the hierarchy.
if (htmlContainer.okToRenderComponent(headerPart.getScope(), headerPart.getId()))
// make sure the Page is accessible
// Position the stream after <wicket:head>