Package org.apache.wicket.markup

Examples of org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupResourceStream

        // set a ContainerInfo to be able to use HtmlHeaderContainer so header contribution
        // still work. WICKET-3700
        ContainerInfo containerInfo = new ContainerInfo(page);
        MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream = new MarkupResourceStream(
          new StringResourceStream(markup), containerInfo, page.getClass());

        MarkupParser markupParser = getApplication().getMarkupSettings()
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    final Session session = Session.get();
    final String style = session.getStyle();
    final Locale locale = session.getLocale();

    MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream = null;
    Class containerClass = getClass();

    while (!(containerClass.equals(MarkupComponentBorder.class)))
      String path = containerClass.getName().replace('.', '/');
      IResourceStream resourceStream = locator.locate(containerClass, path, style, locale,

      // Did we find it already?
      if (resourceStream != null)
        ContainerInfo ci = new ContainerInfo(containerClass, locale, style, null,
        markupResourceStream = new MarkupResourceStream(resourceStream, ci, containerClass);

      // Walk up the class hierarchy one level, if markup has not
      // yet been found
      containerClass = containerClass.getSuperclass();

    if (markupResourceStream == null)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException("Could not find markup for component border `" +
        getClass().getName() + "`");

      Markup markup = Application.get()
      return new MarkupStream(markup);
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException(
        "Could not parse markup from markup resource stream: " +
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        // set a ContainerInfo to be able to use HtmlHeaderContainer so header contribution
        // still work. WICKET-3700
        ContainerInfo containerInfo = new ContainerInfo(page);
        MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream = new MarkupResourceStream(
          new StringResourceStream(markup), containerInfo, page.getClass());

        MarkupParser markupParser = getApplication().getMarkupSettings()
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    final String style = owner.getStyle();
    final String variation = owner.getVariation();
    final Locale locale = owner.getLocale();

    MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream = null;
    Class<?> containerClass = getClass();

    while (!(containerClass.equals(BorderBehavior.class)))
      String path = containerClass.getName().replace('.', '/');
      IResourceStream resourceStream = locator.locate(containerClass, path, style, variation,
        locale, markupType.getExtension(), false);

      // Did we find it already?
      if (resourceStream != null)
        ContainerInfo ci = new ContainerInfo(containerClass, locale, style, variation,
        markupResourceStream = new MarkupResourceStream(resourceStream, ci, containerClass);

      // Walk up the class hierarchy one level, if markup has not
      // yet been found
      containerClass = containerClass.getSuperclass();

    if (markupResourceStream == null)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException("Could not find markup for component border `" +
        getClass().getName() + "`");

      IMarkupFragment markup = MarkupFactory.get()

      return new MarkupStream(markup);
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException(
        "Could not parse markup from markup resource stream: " +
      catch (IOException e)
        throw new WicketRuntimeException("Cannot close markup resource stream: " +
          markupResourceStream, e);
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    WicketTester tester = new WicketTester();

    Page page = new SubPageWithoutMarkup();
    Markup markup = page.getAssociatedMarkup();
    MarkupResourceStream stream = markup.getMarkupResourceStream();
    assertEquals("utf-8", stream.getEncoding());
    assertEquals(MarkupParser.WICKET, stream.getWicketNamespace());
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    final Session session = Session.get();
    final String style = session.getStyle();
    final Locale locale = session.getLocale();

    MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream = null;
    Class< ? > containerClass = getClass();

    while (!(containerClass.equals(MarkupComponentBorder.class)))
      String path = containerClass.getName().replace('.', '/');
      IResourceStream resourceStream = locator.locate(containerClass, path, style, locale,

      // Did we find it already?
      if (resourceStream != null)
        ContainerInfo ci = new ContainerInfo(containerClass, locale, style, null,
        markupResourceStream = new MarkupResourceStream(resourceStream, ci, containerClass);

      // Walk up the class hierarchy one level, if markup has not
      // yet been found
      containerClass = containerClass.getSuperclass();

    if (markupResourceStream == null)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException("Could not find markup for component border `" +
        getClass().getName() + "`");

      Markup markup = Application.get()
      return new MarkupStream(markup);
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException(
        "Could not parse markup from markup resource stream: " +
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        // set a ContainerInfo to be able to use HtmlHeaderContainer so header contribution
        // still work. WICKET-3700
        ContainerInfo containerInfo = new ContainerInfo(page);
        MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream = new MarkupResourceStream(
          new StringResourceStream(markup), containerInfo, page.getClass());

        MarkupParser markupParser = getApplication().getMarkupSettings()
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        // set a ContainerInfo to be able to use HtmlHeaderContainer so header contribution
        // still work. WICKET-3700
        ContainerInfo containerInfo = new ContainerInfo(page);
        MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream = new MarkupResourceStream(
          new StringResourceStream(markup), containerInfo, page.getClass());

        MarkupParser markupParser = getApplication().getMarkupSettings()
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    final Session session = Session.get();
    final String style = session.getStyle();
    final Locale locale = session.getLocale();

    MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream = null;
    Class containerClass = getClass();

    while (!(containerClass.equals(MarkupComponentBorder.class)))
      String path = containerClass.getName().replace('.', '/');
      IResourceStream resourceStream = locator.locate(containerClass, path, style, locale,

      // Did we find it already?
      if (resourceStream != null)
        ContainerInfo ci = new ContainerInfo(containerClass, locale, style, null,
        markupResourceStream = new MarkupResourceStream(resourceStream, ci, containerClass);

      // Walk up the class hierarchy one level, if markup has not
      // yet been found
      containerClass = containerClass.getSuperclass();

    if (markupResourceStream == null)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException("Could not find markup for component border `"
          + getClass().getName() + "`");

      Markup markup = Application.get().getMarkupSettings().getMarkupParserFactory()
      return new MarkupStream(markup);
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException("Could not parse markup from markup resource stream: "
          + markupResourceStream.toString());
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    final Session session = Session.get();
    final String style = session.getStyle();
    final Locale locale = session.getLocale();

    MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream = null;
    Class< ? > containerClass = getClass();

    while (!(containerClass.equals(MarkupComponentBorder.class)))
      String path = containerClass.getName().replace('.', '/');
      IResourceStream resourceStream = locator.locate(containerClass, path, style, locale,

      // Did we find it already?
      if (resourceStream != null)
        ContainerInfo ci = new ContainerInfo(containerClass, locale, style, null,
        markupResourceStream = new MarkupResourceStream(resourceStream, ci, containerClass);

      // Walk up the class hierarchy one level, if markup has not
      // yet been found
      containerClass = containerClass.getSuperclass();

    if (markupResourceStream == null)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException("Could not find markup for component border `" +
        getClass().getName() + "`");

      Markup markup = Application.get()
      return new MarkupStream(markup);
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new WicketRuntimeException(
        "Could not parse markup from markup resource stream: " +
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Related Classes of org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupResourceStream

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