public IMarkupFragment getMarkup(final MarkupContainer container, final Component child)
// Get the markup to search for the fragment markup
IMarkupFragment markup = chooseMarkup(container);
if (markup == null)
throw new MarkupException("The fragments markup provider has no associated markup. " +
"No markup to search for fragment markup with id: " + markupId);
// Search for the fragment markup
IMarkupFragment childMarkup = markup.find(markupId);
if (childMarkup == null)
// There is one more option if the markup provider has associated markup
MarkupContainer markupProvider = getMarkupProvider(container);
Markup associatedMarkup = markupProvider.getAssociatedMarkup();
if (associatedMarkup != null)
markup = associatedMarkup;
if (markup != null)
childMarkup = markup.find(markupId);
if (childMarkup == null)
throw new MarkupNotFoundException("No Markup found for Fragment '" + markupId
+ "' in providing markup container " + getMarkupProvider(container));
MarkupElement fragmentTag = childMarkup.get(0);
if ((fragmentTag instanceof WicketTag && ((WicketTag)fragmentTag).isFragementTag()) == false)
throw new MarkupNotFoundException("Markup found for Fragment '" + markupId
+ "' in providing markup container " + getMarkupProvider(container)
+ " is not a fragment tag");
if (child == null)
return childMarkup;
// search for the child inside the fragment markup
return childMarkup.find(child.getId());