// If it's a tag like <wicket..> or <span wicket:id="..." >
if ((element instanceof ComponentTag) && !markupStream.atCloseTag())
// Get element as tag
final ComponentTag tag = (ComponentTag)element;
// Get component id
final String id = tag.getId();
// Get the component for the id from the given container
Component component = get(id);
if (component == null)
component = ComponentResolvers.resolve(this, markupStream, tag, null);
if ((component != null) && (component.getParent() == null))
autoAdd(component, markupStream);
else if (component != null)
// Failed to find it?
if (component != null)
else if (tag.getFlag(ComponentTag.RENDER_RAW))
// No component found, but "render as raw markup" flag found
return true;
if (tag instanceof WicketTag)
if (((WicketTag)tag).isChildTag())
markupStream.throwMarkupException("Found " + tag.toString() +
" but no <wicket:extend>");
markupStream.throwMarkupException("Failed to handle: " +
tag.toString() +
". It might be that no resolver has been registered to handle this special tag. " +
" But it also be that you declared wicket:id=" + id +
" in your markup, but that you either did not add the " +
"component to your page at all, or that the hierarchy does not match.");