// AjaxFallbackLinks is processed like an AjaxLink if isAjax is true
// If it's not handling of the linkComponent is passed through to the
// Link.
else if (linkComponent instanceof AjaxFallbackLink && isAjax)
AjaxFallbackLink link = (AjaxFallbackLink)linkComponent;
RequestCycle requestCycle = createRequestCycle();
AjaxRequestTarget target = new AjaxRequestTarget(link.getPage());
// process the request target
// if the link is an AjaxSubmitLink, we need to find the form
// from it using reflection so we know what to submit.
else if (linkComponent instanceof AjaxSubmitLink)
// If it's not ajax we fail
if (isAjax == false)
fail("Link " + path + "is an AjaxSubmitLink and " +
"will not be invoked when AJAX (javascript) is disabled.");
AjaxSubmitLink link = (AjaxSubmitLink)linkComponent;
// We cycle through the attached behaviors and select the
// LAST matching behavior as the one we handle.
List behaviors = link.getBehaviors();
AjaxFormSubmitBehavior ajaxFormSubmitBehavior = null;
for (Iterator iter = behaviors.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
Object behavior = iter.next();
if (behavior instanceof AjaxFormSubmitBehavior)