String pageMapName = pageInfo != null ? pageInfo.getPageMapName() : null;
Integer pageVersion = pageInfo != null ? pageInfo.getVersionNumber() : null;
Integer pageId = pageInfo != null ? pageInfo.getPageId() : null;
// decode parameters
PageParameters parameters = new PageParameters(decodeParameters(
extraction.getUrlAfterExtraction(), requestParameters.getParameters()));
if (requestParameters.getPageMapName() == null)
pageMapName = requestParameters.getPageMapName();
// do some extra work for checking whether this is a normal request to a
// bookmarkable page, or a request to a stateless page (in which case a
// wicket:interface parameter should be available
final String interfaceParameter = (String)parameters.remove(WebRequestCodingStrategy.INTERFACE_PARAMETER_NAME);
// we need to remember the amount of trailing slashes after the redirect
// (otherwise we'll break relative urls)
int originalUrlTrailingSlashesCount = getTrailingSlashesCount(extraction.getUrlAfterExtraction());