is an abstract representation for WebDAV resource.
A functional comparison of WebdavResource and JDK(It's different a lot). ----------------------------------+------------------------------------- File class (JDK 1.3.x) | WebdavResource class ----------------------------------+------------------------------------- File(String) | WebdavResource(HttpURL) File(String, String) | X (need to escape) File(File, String) | WebdavResource(HttpURL, String) getName() | getName() getParent() | *see getHttpURL() and HttpURL getParentFile() | X (not yet) getPath() | getPath() isAbsolute() | X getAbsolutePath() | getAbsoluteFile() | X getCanonicalPath() | getCanonicalFile() | X toURL() | *see HttpURL canRead() | !canWrite() | !isLocked() exists() | exists() isDirectory() | isCollection() isFile() | !isCollection() isHidden() | getIsHidden() lastModified() | getGetLastModified() length() | getGetContentLength() createNewFile() | putMethod(String) delete() | deleteMethod() deleteOnExit() | X list() | list() list(FilenameFilter) | X listFiles() | listWebdavResources() listFiles(FilenameFilter) | X listFiles(FileFilter) | X mkdir() | mkcolMethod() mkdirs() | mkcolMethod() renameTo(File) | moveMethod(String) setLastModified() | X setReadOnly() | setOverwrite(boolean) listRoots() | *see WebdavSession generateFile() | createTempFile(...) | setGetTempDir(String) compareTo(Object) | compareTo(Object) equals(Object) | equals(Object) hashCode() | X ----------------------------------+------------------------------------- URL class (JDK 1.3.x) | Webdavresource and HttpURL classes ----------------------------------+------------------------------------- getQuery() | getQuery() getPath() | getPath() getUserInfo() | getUserInfo() getAuthority() | getAuthority() getPort() | getPort() getProtocol() | getScheme() getHost() | getHost() getFile() | getPath() getRef() | getFragmenet() hashCode() | X sameFile() | toExternalForm() | toExternalForm() openConnection() | openStream() | getContent() | getMethodDataAsString() ----------------------------------+------------------------------------- URLConnection class (JDK 1.3.x) | HttpClient Library and more ----------------------------------+------------------------------------- getFileNameMap() | X setFileNameMap() | X connect() | getURL() | HttpURL#getURL() getContenetLength()() | getContentType() | getContentEncoding() | getExpiration() | getDate() | getLastModified() | getHeaderField() | getHeaderFieldInt() | X getHeaderFielDate() | X getHeaderFieldKey() | X getHeaderFiled(int) | X getContenet() | getInputStream() | WebdavResource#getMethodData() getOutputStream() | WebdavResource#putMethod(...) setDoInput() | X getDoInput() | X setAllowUserInteraction() | *see WebdavException and WebdavStatus getAllowUserInteraction() | *see WebdavException and WebdavStatus setUseCaches() | getUseCaches() | getIfModifiedSince() | X setIfModifiedSince(boolean) | X setRequestProperty(...) | X getRequestProperty(...) | X guessContentTypeFromStream(...) | X ----------------------------------+-------------------------------------@author Park, Sung-Gu @author Dirk Verbeeck @author Remy Maucherat