Package org.apache.webbeans.inject

Examples of org.apache.webbeans.inject.AlternativesManager

        } else {
            comparator = new DefaultClassLoaderComparator(classLoader);

        WebBeansContext webBeansContext = startupObject.getAppContext().getWebBeansContext();
        final AlternativesManager alternativesManager = webBeansContext.getAlternativesManager();
        final DecoratorsManager decoratorsManager = webBeansContext.getDecoratorsManager();
        final InterceptorsManager interceptorsManager = webBeansContext.getInterceptorsManager();

        final HashSet<String> ejbClasses = new HashSet<String>();

        for (EjbJarInfo ejbJar : appInfo.ejbJars) {
            for (EnterpriseBeanInfo bean : ejbJar.enterpriseBeans) {

        final AnnotationManager annotationManager = webBeansContext.getAnnotationManager();

        for (EjbJarInfo ejbJar : appInfo.ejbJars) {
            final BeansInfo beans = ejbJar.beans;

            if (beans == null) continue;

            // fail fast
            final StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder("You can't define multiple times the same class in beans.xml: ");
            if (addErrors(errors, "alternative classes", beans.duplicatedAlternativeClasses)
                    || addErrors(errors, "alternative stereotypes", beans.duplicatedAlternativeStereotypes)
                    || addErrors(errors, "decorators", beans.duplicatedDecorators)
                    || addErrors(errors, "interceptors", beans.duplicatedInterceptors)) {
                throw new WebBeansConfigurationException(errors.toString());
            // no more need of errors so clear them

            for (String className : beans.interceptors) {
                Class<?> clazz = load(className, classLoader);

                if (clazz != null) {
// TODO: Move check to validation phase
                    if (AnnotationUtil.hasAnnotation(clazz.getDeclaredAnnotations(), Interceptor.class) && !annotationManager.hasInterceptorBindingMetaAnnotation(
                        clazz.getDeclaredAnnotations())) {
                        throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Interceptor class : " + clazz.getName() + " must have at least one @InterceptorBindingType");

                    if (!interceptorsManager.isInterceptorEnabled(clazz)) {
                    } /* else { don't do it, check is done when we know the beans.xml path --> org.apache.openejb.config.DeploymentLoader.addBeansXmls
                        throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Interceptor class : " + clazz.getName() + " is already defined");
                } else {
                    throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Could not load interceptor class: " + className);

            for (String className : beans.decorators) {
                Class<?> clazz = load(className, classLoader);

                if (clazz != null) {
                    if (!decoratorsManager.isDecoratorEnabled(clazz)) {
                    } // same than interceptors regarding throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Decorator class : " + clazz.getName() + " is already defined");
                } else {
                    throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Could not load decorator class: " + className);

            for (String className : beans.alternativeStereotypes) {
                Class<?> clazz = load(className, classLoader);
                if (clazz != null) {
                    alternativesManager.addStereoTypeAlternative(clazz, null, null);
                } else {
                    throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Could not load alternativeStereotype class: " + className);

            for (String className : beans.alternativeClasses) {
                Class<?> clazz = load(className, classLoader);
                if (clazz != null) {
                    alternativesManager.addClazzAlternative(clazz, null, null);
                } else {
                    throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Could not load alternative class: " + className);
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        Bean<?> superBean = null;
        Bean<?> specialized = null;
        Set<Bean<?>> resolvers = isConfiguredWebBeans(specializedClass, true);
        AlternativesManager altManager = webBeansContext.getAlternativesManager();

        if (resolvers != null && !resolvers.isEmpty())
            specialized = resolvers.iterator().next();

            if(resolvers.size() > 1)
                if (!isDirectlySpecializedBeanSet(resolvers))
                    throw new InconsistentSpecializationException("More than one specialized bean for class : "
                            + specializedClass + " is enabled in the deployment.");
                // find the widest bean which satisfies the specializedClass
                for( Bean<?> sp : resolvers)
                    if (sp == specialized)

                    if (((AbstractOwbBean<?>)sp).getReturnType().
                        specialized = sp;

            Class<?> superClass = specializedClass.getSuperclass();

            resolvers = isConfiguredWebBeans(superClass,false);

            for(Bean<?> candidates : resolvers)
                AbstractOwbBean<?> candidate = (AbstractOwbBean<?>)candidates;

                if(!(candidate instanceof NewBean))
                        superBean = candidates;

            if (superBean != null)
                // Recursively configure super class first if super class is also a special bean.
                // So the name and bean meta data could be populated to this beanclass.
                if (beanClasses.contains(superClass) && ((AbstractOwbBean<?>)superBean).isEnabled())
                    configureSpecializations(superClass, beanClasses);

                if (!AnnotationUtil.hasClassAnnotation(specializedClass, Alternative.class))
                    //disable superbean if the current bean is not an alternative
                else if(altManager.isClassAlternative(specializedClass))
                    //disable superbean if the current bean is an enabled alternative
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        if (sortedProducerBeans.isEmpty())

        AlternativesManager altManager = webBeansContext.getAlternativesManager();
        Method superMethod = sortedProducerBeans.get(0).getCreatorMethod();

        for(int i=1; i<sortedProducerBeans.size(); i++)
            ProducerMethodBean bean = sortedProducerBeans.get(i);
            ProducerMethodBean superBean = sortedProducerBeans.get(i - 1);

            // inherit superbean qualifiers
            Set<Annotation> qualifiers = superBean.getQualifiers();
            for(Annotation an : qualifiers)
            // inherit name is super class has name
            boolean isSuperHasName = configuredProducerSpecializedName(bean, bean.getCreatorMethod(), superMethod);

            // disable super bean if needed
            if (bean.getCreatorMethod().getAnnotation(Alternative.class) == null)
                //disable superbean if the current bean is not an alternative
            else if(altManager.isClassAlternative(bean.getBeanClass()))
                //disable superbean if the current bean is an enabled alternative
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        } else {
            comparator = new DefaultClassLoaderComparator(classLoader);

        final WebBeansContext webBeansContext = startupObject.getWebBeansContext();
        final AlternativesManager alternativesManager = webBeansContext.getAlternativesManager();
        final DecoratorsManager decoratorsManager = webBeansContext.getDecoratorsManager();
        final InterceptorsManager interceptorsManager = webBeansContext.getInterceptorsManager();

        final HashSet<String> ejbClasses = new HashSet<String>();

        for (EjbJarInfo ejbJar : appInfo.ejbJars) {
            for (EnterpriseBeanInfo bean : ejbJar.enterpriseBeans) {

        final AnnotationManager annotationManager = webBeansContext.getAnnotationManager();

        for (EjbJarInfo ejbJar : appInfo.ejbJars) {
            final BeansInfo beans = ejbJar.beans;

            if (beans == null) continue;

            // fail fast
            final StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder("You can't define multiple times the same class in beans.xml: ");
            if (addErrors(errors, "alternative classes", beans.duplicatedAlternativeClasses)
                    || addErrors(errors, "alternative stereotypes", beans.duplicatedAlternativeStereotypes)
                    || addErrors(errors, "decorators", beans.duplicatedDecorators)
                    || addErrors(errors, "interceptors", beans.duplicatedInterceptors)) {
                throw new WebBeansConfigurationException(errors.toString());
            // no more need of errors so clear them

            for (String className : beans.interceptors) {
                Class<?> clazz = load(className, classLoader);

                if (clazz != null) {
// TODO: Move check to validation phase
                    if (AnnotationUtil.hasAnnotation(clazz.getDeclaredAnnotations(), Interceptor.class) && !annotationManager.hasInterceptorBindingMetaAnnotation(
                        clazz.getDeclaredAnnotations())) {
                        throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Interceptor class : " + clazz.getName() + " must have at least one @InterceptorBindingType");

                    if (!interceptorsManager.isInterceptorEnabled(clazz)) {
                    } /* else { don't do it, check is done when we know the beans.xml path --> org.apache.openejb.config.DeploymentLoader.addBeansXmls
                        throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Interceptor class : " + clazz.getName() + " is already defined");
                } else if (shouldThrowCouldNotLoadException(startupObject)) {
                    throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Could not load interceptor class: " + className);

            for (String className : beans.decorators) {
                Class<?> clazz = load(className, classLoader);

                if (clazz != null) {
                    if (!decoratorsManager.isDecoratorEnabled(clazz)) {
                    } // same than interceptors regarding throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Decorator class : " + clazz.getName() + " is already defined");
                } else if (shouldThrowCouldNotLoadException(startupObject)) {
                    throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Could not load decorator class: " + className);

            for (String className : beans.alternativeStereotypes) {
                Class<?> clazz = load(className, classLoader);
                if (clazz != null) {
                    alternativesManager.addStereoTypeAlternative(clazz, null, null);
                } else if (shouldThrowCouldNotLoadException(startupObject)) {
                    throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Could not load alternativeStereotype class: " + className);

            for (String className : beans.alternativeClasses) {
                Class<?> clazz = load(className, classLoader);
                if (clazz != null) {
                    alternativesManager.addClazzAlternative(clazz, null, null);
                } else if (shouldThrowCouldNotLoadException(startupObject)) {
                    throw new WebBeansConfigurationException("Could not load alternative class: " + className);
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Related Classes of org.apache.webbeans.inject.AlternativesManager

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