* @param errorMessage error message
* @return new annotation
private static WebBeansAnnotation createInjectionPointAnnotation(List<Attribute> attrs, Class<? extends Annotation> annotClazz, String valueText, String errorMessage)
WebBeansAnnotation annotation = JavassistProxyFactory.createNewAnnotationProxy(annotClazz);
boolean isValueAttrDefined = false;
for (Attribute attr : attrs)
String attrName = attr.getName();
String attrValue = attr.getValue();
if (!isValueAttrDefined)
if (attrName.equals("value"))
isValueAttrDefined = true;
Class returnType = null;
returnType = annotClazz.getDeclaredMethod(attrName, new Class[] {}).getReturnType();
Object value = null;
if (returnType.isPrimitive())
value = ClassUtil.isValueOkForPrimitiveOrWrapper(returnType, attrValue);
else if (returnType.equals(String.class))
value = attrValue;
else if (returnType.equals(Class.class))
value = ClassUtil.getClassFromName(attrValue);
else if (returnType.isEnum())
value = ClassUtil.isValueOkForEnum(returnType, attrValue);
throw new WebBeansConfigurationException(errorMessage + "Annotation with type : " + annotClazz.getName() + " with member : " + attrName + " does not have sutiable member return type");
if (value == null)
throw new WebBeansConfigurationException(errorMessage + "Annotation with type : " + annotClazz.getName() + " with member : " + attrName + " value does not defined correctly");
annotation.setMemberValue(attrName, value);
catch (SecurityException e)
throw new WebBeansException(e);
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
throw new WebBeansConfigurationException(errorMessage + "Annotation with type : " + annotClazz.getName() + " does not have member with name : " + attrName);
if (!isValueAttrDefined)
if (valueText != null && !valueText.equals(""))
annotation.setMemberValue("value", valueText);
return annotation;